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RP [Fort Hajime] Phase II: Nakaharo Yoshiko

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Head in the Stars
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
🎖️ Game Master
Planet Kotori
Fort Hajime
5日 3月 YE 38
0600 Hours

Standing to the side of the courtyard in front of where the neat lines of the first class of students at Fort Hajime was Miyamae Eriko stood. She spoke out to all of them in a voice that carried in the cool morning chill that swept over the courtyard.

"We will practice hand to hand combat today. That much is pretty self-explanatory. I am going to have two teachers working with you today, Santô Juni Miyoshi Natsumi and Sensei Asami. Sensei Asami's role will be to correct your form and technique as well as demonstrate with Miyoshi-juni, who will be instructing you in the basics and then guiding you through the varying levels of combat."

"Not today," Miyamae said, "but in the coming weeks, I will personally assist you in familiarization with power armor, SLAM Missle Launchers, Type 30B Machine Guns, Flamethrowers, and other personnel weaponry, ground vehicles, firefighting and damage control, and shuttle usage. Then we will all practice working in Zero-G and reinforce what you learned in the last 30 days of phase I. This phase, like phase I will take 30 days for most of you, 35 for others. Santô Juni Miyoshi," she bowed her head and placed her body so that it was facing Natsumi and made no further statements.
Fort Hajime

Miyoshi Natsumi stood next to her superior officer, Miyame Eriko. However, nothing in her disposition indicated submissiveness or passivity. Her rigid posture, her neutral expression, and her unflinching forward gaze, were hallmarks of a perfect Yamataian soldier. In spite of her short stature, Natsumi emanated an aura of domination. This was not a woman to be questioned or scoffed at, but rather, a woman who others would rush to follow and defer to.

"Thank you Miyamae-Shôshô.", Natsumi started with a deep and rigid bow towards her commanding officer.

"Now! Recruits, your first orders are to pair up within your groups. For your safety, Nekovalkyrja will pair up with other Nekovalkyrja, and the non-Neko will pair up together. Select a compatible partner who is the closest to you. We have no time for cliques. Now, move."
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Yoshiko's face lit up as soon as she heard flamethrowers and SLAM Launchers. She began thinking to herself about how she would impress everyone with her knowledge of weapons, and how to use them. A smug smile formed on her face.

I will prove to them my superiority in weapons, and impress everyone. Then the teachers will also find me impressive, and I'll get a medal or something! Then I can show my family, and they will be proud.

She then looked to her sides at the people around her. She decided to just wait for someone to come to her, since she had no idea who to go to. She then felt excited again.

Yes, hand-to-hand combat! She thought, her smug smile becoming more noticable. This is gonna be great, I'll get to prove I can kinda do this too! Although I do think a lot of people will be much stronger. Oh well, I'll just outgun them later!

Theliel Kallas recognized Yoshiko within the group of trainees and approached her from the left before tapping her on the shoulder.

"Want to partner together?", asked the tall Elysian woman, looking down at Yoshiko with a nervous smile.

- - -

"No lollygagging or cliquing up! Find the nearest eligible partner and move into position. We have no time for shyness or uncertainty!", yelled Natsumi, as she gave hard glares at a few of the more passive individuals. With her warning, many of the trainees jumped towards the nearest eligible individuals and fell into silence.

Once all of the trainees were standing at attention by their selected partners, Natsumi and Asami scanned each duo over for potentially unsafe strength discrepancies before proceeding.

"We will begin our exercises with a warm up routine! Now take stances and begin!", Natsumi yelled.

With that, Sensei Asami positioned herself in front of the group, bowed, and shifted into a deep stance. What followed was a series of stretches which included toe touches, kicking drills, static stretches, and dynamic stretches.
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Yoshiko looked up at Theliel and happily smiled, nodding. She knew she'd probably have to be more quiet, so she hoped a simple nod would suffice. She then adjusted herself and stood at attention.

Sheesh, these guys are already pretty serious first day out here, She thought, still standing perfectly straight. If their all like this in the army, I'm probably gonna be getting in trouble a ton.

She then looked at Asami, and followed her in the stretches, fairly used to doing similar things at home. She was somewhat glad to be doing a warm up though, since it'd wake her up much better.

Once the stretching routine was complete, Natsumi paced the front of the courtyard, glancing over the standing figures of the trainees before taking a deep breath.

"You will now spar with your partner! Before your match you will look towards your partner and bow. All matchups should be...somewhat...fair...and if they're not, we have soul transfers for a reason.", she said with a wicked smile crossing her features.

In an instant, holographic circles appeared on the circular concrete edges around each sparring pair. The trainees felt a sudden shift in elevation as the outlined concrete lifted nearly ten feet out of the ground.

Miyamae Eriko strode out, weaving between the pillars where the students sparred until her feet lifted off of the ground and she was floating up to a set of fighters: Yoshiko and Theliel. She floated next to them with her arms crossed. Asami moved throughout the groups much like Miamae Eriko had done. Underneath her dragon headband, her eyes watched all while her Eihei body's attention was on the entire courtyard—skin vision was good for that sort of sensory experience.
As Yoshiko finished up, she let out a slight sigh, and looked up at the Natsumi, listening to her. Wondering if her and Theliel was a fair matchup. She then looked down at the concrete and highlighted ground with slight confusion, then looked at Theliel with a smile.

You know, I think Theliel might actually beat me. Yoshiko thought slightly worried. Ah, no worries, if I can just be a little careful I might just impress Sensei, and then everyone will think I'm awesome! Or...Something like that. Yoshiko continued to think, and then bowed at Theliel, still feeling pretty excited, despite minor concern.

Theliel returned Yoshiko's smile, responding with a deep bow before she moved into a combat-style stance. Giving plenty of time for Yoshiko to prepare her own stance, Theliel circled the Minkan woman like a vulture marking it's quarry.

With a flap of her great wings, combat began. The Elysian launched a wing-propelled kick aimed at Yoshiko's nose, utilizing her wings to deliver a blow that she intended to be powerful, provided that Yoshiko did not dodge or counter her attack...
Yoshiko slightly jumped back, grabing Theliel's leg and moving it off to the side with a bit of force, to prevent from being kicked in the face.
Dammit, how did I forget that? She thought to herself, a little annoyed the fact she didn't remember Theliel could use her wings. Yoshiko slowly circled around, trying to decide on what to do. She then just decided to go all out, slowly closing in towards Theliel and throwing her fist towards her, hoping to hit something.

Theliel barely ducked Yoshiko's strike, the blow glancing across the top of the Elysian's head. With another flap of her wings, Theliel created separation between herself and Yoshiko so that she could size up her opponent.

With their light frames and great wings, the bodies of Elysians were not geared towards close quarters combat.While the Minkan was a full foot shorter than Theliel, she carried a greater density of mass in her small frame than any Elysian could ever hope to match. The green-winged Elysian would have to utilize her long reach and her wings in order to win this fight. On the flip side, Yoshiko had to get Theliel on the ground so that she could overpower the Elysian with her greater mass and strength.

In a fluid and wing-assisted motion, Theliel charged Yoshiko to deliver a spinning roundhouse kick. Once the attack was resolved, Theliel was on the opposite side of Yoshiko, whether the Minkan had dodged the kick or not.
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Miyamae Eriko thought to speak out, but wanted to wait until Theliel's kick either met its target or not. She held her hand up to her face and her elbow rested on her other hand's palm while she floated besides the two fighting.
Yoshiko's decent reflexes and preparedness readied her for the kick, allowing her to dodge it, but despite her best efforts she did get slightly clipped on the side of the head. Owie. She started to hover up, preparing to tackle Theliel.

Alright, we got one shot...Let's make ourselves look decent!

As she hovered up, she charged right towards Theliel, and threw her whole body at her, attempting to tackle her to the ground with as much force as she could.

If I can get her pinned down, my superior strength should allow me to just do as I want. She'll be defenseless. Yoshiko thought for a moment., feeling slightly guilty. That would make me seem mean though, and probably get me in trouble! so I'll just keep her down so she can't hurt me, it's perfect! Then no one gets hurt, right?

Yoshiko caught onto Theliel's legs with the move while the Elysian was flying high into the air, with Yoshiko hanging onto her feet. Theliel finally managed to kick the Minkan off when she was nearly twenty feet in the air. Once Yoshiko was off of her legs, Theliel shifted her position and charged down at the airborne Minkan.

The fall could potentially be lethal if Yoshiko did not manage to catch herself...
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Yoshiko caught herself in the air and looked down, noticing she was about 12 feet from the ground, then readied herself, looking at Theliel as she charged downwards.

Uh...Well, this might actually be kinda painful, but....She almost made me hit the ground. Yoshiko thought, trying to think what to do.

Yoshiko then readied her leg to kick Theliel right in the back, with hopes the Elysian would continue her charge without question.

Yoshiko's kick connected, but it was only a glancing blow as the angle to Theliel's back was quite awkward for Yoshiko to reach. Despite the poor hit, the kick had interrupted Theliel's flight pattern. If Yoshiko seized the opportunity, she could perform an easy mid-air takedown on the Elysian...
Yoshiko readied herself and slightly blushed at the bad kick.

Aw dammit, now I just look dumb. She thought, feeling a little angry at herself, but also fairly embarrassed.

She charged towards Theliel to try and knock her out of the sky again, hoping that if she struck her hard enough, Theliel would drop down and Yoshiko would easily get an advantage.

Theliel's body was careening towards the ground in a nearly uncontrolled pattern as Yoshiko charged into her. However, with a great flap of her wings, The Elysian swooped upward, her body nearly skimming the ground as she went. Theliel turned towards the Minkan with a focused glint in her eyes, and shifted into a mid-air defensive stance as she flew away from the Minkan.

The fight was still airborne, which would put both fighters on a common ground until one or the other gained the advantage through distance or strength.

Yoshiko chased after Theliel, still attempting to strike the Elysian down and onto the ground. She moved fairly fast and very obviously uncaring at this point, simply wanting to prove she was just superior, and kind of starting to feel embarrassed. She eyed Theliel and began trying to figure out the best angle to strike from.

Theliel flew around her waiting opponent, eyeing Yoshiko up and down as she circled The Minkan like a hawk spying it's prey. However, Yoshiko was far from vulnerable.

Theliel made the first move. The Elysian reinitiated the fight with a swift and perilous airborne bicycle kick aimed at Yoshiko's head. This was not a move without risk though, should Yoshiko attempt to punish the Elysian one way or another.

Yoshiko, looked up towards the leg and reached her arms up towards it, hoping to get ahold of the ankle or shin, just enough to stop it and possibly even pull down or pull herself up.

With Yoshiko's mass on her legs, Theliel could no longer maintain flight. The Elysian crashed down to the ground, landing on her back, attempting to push Yoshiko off of her.

Yoshiko began to attempt to make her way up, in hopes of getting her bodyweight down on Theliel, so she couldn't get up. It seemed worth a try, since Yoshiko didn't have any have any better ideas.

With her body firmly pinned to the ground, The Elysian was beaten. The automated referee system seemed to agree as the circular concrete lowered down to the ground.

Behind the wrestling pair, stood Miyoshi Natsumi, giving Yoshiko an approving look.

Yoshiko got off of Theliel and stood up, offering her hand to the Elysian with a slight smile.

"That was kinda fun, right?" She asked, feeling pretty good about winning, but also feeling guilty about how aggresive she was. She noticed Miyoshi out of the corner of her eye and slightly blushed, feeling a little embarrassed still.

Natsumi's look turned to a frown. It seemed that she did not approve of mercy.
Miyamae Eriko clapped, quietly at first until it was louder than she had planned for it to be and she slowed then stopped. She lowered herself after the circular concrete lowered.

"Very well done," she applauded with her words, now. "Very very well indeed. Towel off and hit the showers. We'll prepare more tomorrow, you two." She stepped away then floated up to check on the rest of the fighters.
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