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Forum Layout Updates

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Good morning, Star Army!

I've been making some changes to the layouts of the forums, trying to keep things steamlined.

First, I want to lay out a few key points:
  • Star Army only keeps forums that are active.
  • Star Army keeps all old roleplaying posts.
  • Star Army doesn't keep separate "archive" forums since a couple years ago.
    • Inactive threads aren't archived, they just stay in their faction's forum.
      • This resolved the problem of us having empty faction forums and duplicate forums for each faction.
    • If a plot's activity dries up, the plot loses its forum and the topics return to the parent faction and live there.
      • Their OOC threads usually migrate back to the OOC forum.
    • If a faction dries up, the faction loses its forum and the threads end up in Other Factions (and Independent Roleplaying).
      • Some OOC faction threads may end up in Setting Discussion if it makes sense.
    • Before being moved, all RP posts are all meticulously tagged with thread prefixes so they can be filtered and sorted.
Alright, so here's the changes:
  • The Other Factions & Independent Roleplaying forum is back!
    • The means Other Factions and Independent Roleplaying forums were merged.
    • The change was brought about by the lack of activity in Other Factions. Basically there was never any RP there because when anyone made a new played faction, they would usually get a new forum for it. So it was only a graveyard of dead factions.
    • Dead factions' forums have evaporated; their topics now live in Other Factions and Independent Roleplaying forum.
    • The Fringe plot forum was also disbanded for inactivity. @Floodwaters, we miss you terribly but we understand that care for the tiny human that came out of you gets priority over an online roleplay forum.
    • Any other RP whose GM did not complete a roleplay review (plot audit) or which has not gotten any posts in over a month will also lose their forum.
  • Creativity and Games and Gaming have been moved to the top level.
  • Intro forum is now called "Introductions & Players Seeking RP"
    • This is where you GM hopefuls should be finding dudes to RP with you!
    • You can also use it to say, "hey, anyone running an RP of this type I can join?"
  • Chat logs from the shoutbox have been moved to their own subforum.
    • This helps keep it from being taken over by robots!
  • LSDF Val'ta has graduated from Open RP into having its own subforum.
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