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Forum Structure Change

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Hi Star Army! I want you to know about some ongoing changes to the way the forums are set up. We're eliminating the "archives" sections and subforums and moving the posts into top-level forums, such as faction forums. I'll explain why below. Also I'll explain how, if you want to view only a certain plot's posts, you can use the forum's prefix filter to create a "virtual subforum" showing only posts from that plot.

Recently, we've been slowly working on a project to reduce the number of sub-forums on the site. In particular, subforums which no longer have any activity. Star Army has been around for a long time and our inactive forums actually outnumbered our active ones. I don't want the site to feel like it's primarily a mausoleum for old plots.

Another problem was that it didn't make a lot of sense to have two faction forums (e.g. Yamatai and Yamatai archives) for the same content, and when to move inactive threads from one to the other was unclear. The faction forums were not used much more than the archives anyway, and the archive forums for factions were mainly just used as containers for inactive plot subforums. In short, they were redundant.

Beyond this, user feedback from roleplayers suggests that the very existence of archive forums is a major turn-off for people looking for a roleplaying community to join. Put simply, I want more people to join and roleplay with you guys and archives appear to be getting in the way of that.

The solution is to get rid of the archive forums (but keep their posts, of course). And I'm on it!

I'm slowly liquidating SARP's archives by deleting the subforums that are inactive due to completion, etc. Their posts are all being moved to the main faction forums, except for the adult ones which have a special subforum for that. Yamatai is now completed. As part of that process I've been tagging threads with prefixes...

"But Wes," you say, "if we move the posts into a single forum, won't that be messy and hard to find what we want?" Aha! Here's where the tagging comes in! One of the great things about our new XenForo forum is the prefix system. Previously we just used it for "RP" and "OOC" but it's much more useful than that because it allows you to filter posts by type. So I've been adding prefixes for every plot so that you can also filter posts by plot. Let me show you how:

At the bottom of each forum there's a tab that says "Thread Display Options." Click it to open and you'll see an option to pick a prefix. Select the plot you want and hit "Set Options." Voila! You now have a virtual subforum for the old plot you chose (example: The YSE forum, filtered by prefix to only show YSS Asamoya posts).

This way, if you only want to see posts from Plot X, you can. You can also directly link to the filtered forum as shown (Example: Miharu).

OOC threads: Since they're all OOC and they're generally not used, I've been merging the extra OOC threads like JP Scheduling threads into the main OOC one for most forums. The reason for these merges is to avoid clutter in the OOC and Planning Forum, which is where the OOC threads are being migrated to.

In summary:
  • We're getting rid of archives in general because they're redundant, and they make SARP look like a graveyard.
  • Old RP posts will live in the main forums of their factions and can be viewed with all the other plots next to them, or filtered by prefix to create a "virtual subforum."
  • OOC threads will live in the OOC forum
You are one of the site's best features, @Sigma! <3
Just to double-check: The prefix list is in Thread Display Options? Is the list it draws up dependent on what forum you're in?
Yes. The prefixes will only appear in the appropriate forums. For example, you will not see YSS Sakura prefixes listed anywhere but Yamatai's adult section.
Would a wiki list help clarify the prefix tree? I don't know if web spiders would see that as copy pasta, but it feels like that'd be worthwhile. Or maybe just summarize completed/archived plots with links to their prefixed searches.
If you're offering to make one, that sounds useful, especially if it direct linked each prefix.

At some point I also want to order the prefixes so they show up alphabetically (or maybe chronologically?).
Chronologically would be pretty awesome, and not too difficult. I can make the list -- do I need to wait for you to order them, or can I make it this weekend?
Ugh, I remember this was mentioned some time ago, but didn't expect it to happen out of the blue.

Right now, I'm having issues putting the proper tag back into some threads of mine. I've no clue how. I fixed some grammar in one thread's title, and it reverted back to plain "RP'. Messing around with others trying to figure it out, I've now got a mix of "RP" and ones that are labeled "RP: Your Plot Name Here". Any pointers?

Also, the tag system is great for veterans who know what they're looking for, but what about new players that come in? I've no idea if SARP really did look "like a graveyard" before and I don't think it did either, but it now looks like a jumbled mess at first glance. And a 'first glance' is just what new players are going to get when they arrive too.
Wes could've simply un-archived the subforums in question and then date them.

YSS Ryoken (2007-2008)
YSS Bukkake (2011)
NSS Peekaboo (2013-ongoing)

Which, as simple as this might've been, is a non-possibility considering how he won't retract from the present stance thanks to the hours of work he's already invested in this.
Chronologically would be pretty awesome, and not too difficult. I can make the list -- do I need to wait for you to order them, or can I make it this weekend?
No, the prefixes each have an ID number assigned to them the way posts do, so regardless of how I order them, they'll keep their number and the links will work.

Wes could've simply un-archived the subforums in question and then date them.
No, because if we kept going the way we were, Star Army would end up having 30 active forums and 230 totally inactive ones. I've done some eye-opening research lately and I can't understate how bad inactive forums are for a board and this would be a growing problem as more plots start and end. We just can't keep adding subforums year after year until they make up the vast majority of the board.

The prefixes are restricted by user groups on who can use them. Most of them are set so only I can assign them because most of them are for old plots that people don't have any need to create threads for. If you need access to a prefix, need a new one, or need me to assign one to a thread, just PM (conversation) me and I'll get you taken care of.

It looks like most other RP forums on the internet where people can make threads about more than one plot in the same forum, and the active plots weren't even affected. Furthermore it allows new players to see what happened in the RP in chronological order, which is a huge plus for understanding the history of the site.
Though we talked about this before in the IRC, I still don't know if this will work out. To be honest, I'm worried that the change has done the exact opposite of what was intended. I'm under the impression that, to a new player that comes in and lurks to get a feel of the place, the forums would look very disorganized. Players that have been around know how to use the tag system, but it's meaningless to anyone who has just arrived since they don't know anything about the tags' topics. I imagine that the forums, after scrolling down past the subforums belonging to active plots, looks like an open graveyard with the living mixed in with the dead.

Previously, even though we had numerous subforums in the archives, it at least served the purpose of specifically telling players that they were old plots that were archived, as well as also giving a brief summary or overview of each major archived plot as well. With this new system, any new potential player will be left guessing as to what they're even looking at. And I believe relying on the wiki to convey to them information on each old plot is lazyness - people go to the wiki after they have decided they're interested. Not before.

Above all, I simply don't understand why having a subforum for each plot that's been archived is a bad thing. Though you've said the things discovered were eye opening, none of this information has been exactly shared. At the least, show us what has been found. Convince us even. Otherwise, it feels like the change is forced on us, and nobody likes that feeling.
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