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OOC Freespacer OOC Discussion


Inactive Member
Author: Miss Strangelove


Oh wow, Freespacer bootay!

But *ahem*, I can see their use on the SAoN as hackers during the offensive. But would we need to radiate a room or something for them to live in? Do they have special needs that we need to attend to?


I'm sure we could work out all the details in a diplomatic JP?

Author:Miss Strangelove

Yeah, Uso, Koku and I were actually planning on a JP to work that bit out. And actually SUBLIMEinal wanted hackers for the IPG, too, so I imagine loaning them to Nepleslia will be a topic of discussion during negotiations.


And SMC Headquarters are in Freespace, after all.


Original: Fian
Freespacer bootay
Remember Wazu Law, Fian.


Who said I'm giving the Wazu anything? Muahahaha.


If anyone wants to play a pick-up scene off of my recent post, be my guest. It's been a little quiet around here, that's all.

Author:Miss Strangelove


So Tweak is on hold unless I can get a temporary transfer?
Oh, fun. I just found out that I misspelled "Vicious". I hope a "viscous" chicken is still good. Considering how fast the ship moves, it is still kind of appropriate.

*shrug* either one works.

"Viscous (definition linked to "Viscid"):
1 a: having an adhesive quality : sticky b: having a glutinous consistency : viscous
2: covered with a sticky layer."

1: having the nature or quality of vice or immorality : depraved
2: defective, faulty; also : invalid
3: impure, noxious
4 a: dangerously aggressive : savage <a vicious dog> b: marked by violence or ferocity : fierce <a vicious fight>
5: malicious, spiteful <vicious gossip>
6: worsened by internal causes that reciprocally augment each other <a vicious wage-price spiral>"
Sorry to interupt...

I am just wondering-- This section doesn't seem to be all that active ICly. There still RP here?
Last I heard from SL, she said that she was going to hold off RP until her technology and ships went through the approval process.

That's the post second from the bottom in MarQuid's repost of the previous board's posts (how many more times can I fit "post" into this sentence? ^_^). I'm coming back when it's all ready and she starts it up again.
The entire plotship idea sort of fell apart... Partly due to the big three month backlog in the submissions forums prior to your arrival (you can't have a plotship without a ship!) -- and the player-base loss of avidity that ensued. Three months is quite a long time for a person to wait in order to place an IC character, of course. The other part was my own GM inexperience; I had difficulty creating and maintaining an interesting plot on a vessel that was predominantly automated, isolated, pacifistic, and slower-than-light. The latter I concluded equates to "might as well be non-moving", unless multi-month timeskips are permissible. I had great doubts as to whether I could persistently keep players interested with such OOC setting resources.

Anyways, during aforementioned long waiting period, I used the Nepleslian-Freespacer IC alliance-pact thingy as an excuse to give what few players I had remaining at the time to run amok and actually play in a plot. So nearly all the remaining active ones are serving on Nepleslian plots, while the Free State itself has become predominantly NPC-ish. Another reason for lack of use this sub-forum's use is that the Free State (currently) has significant international ties to no one but Nepleslia at the moment, so almost all international IC events are just put in the Nepleslian sub-forum.
If you are still having problems we could set up a spacer/nep ship of sorts to allow your players to use your characters while a fully spacer plot is being set up. I know most are already doing something like this but something that Jess could GM with all of the spacer players would be a step up from sitting in on a Nepleslian plot for the spacer players.
one thing this forum would be good for: setting up a "Polysentience Broadcasts" thread.

Freespacers share a hive mind of sorts, and all of their learned knowledge, experiences and discoveries are going to be shared to the benefit of all. Plus, this would allow Freespacer PCs to keep in touch with each other without being on the same ship, and, I'm sure of it, come up with some interesting ideas (both IC and OOC)
I was under the impression that it wasn't so much a "hive mind" (like Star Trek's Borg) as a virtual interaction resource that one could use to post new discoveries and research ideas or concepts, as well as communicate with other 'Spacers...like the internet, only with a virtual landscape, more useful information (?) and implanted inside your head.

I think we might need a description of what the Polysentience is like, SL...otherwise people are going to go with their own ideas of it and we could end up with conflicting uses. And I agree with Della, a PsB might be a good idea too.
I'm writing a wiki page on polysentience. My impression was that it works just like a Borg-style hive mind, but it leaves space for individuality and personal initiative.
Actually, well, to make a comparison, kinda like an overbrain where each freespacer is a single neuron.
(i guess it gives off the "hive mind" vibe because people are ready to sacrifice themselves for the greater good. Paraphrasing a quote from Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri, "...Extend your awareness outward, beyond the self of body, to embrace the self of group and the self of humanity. The goals of the group and the greater race are transcendent, and to embrace them is to achieve enlightenment.")

I thought it was cooler this way, and more distinctive of Freespacers as a whole (communication networks are not exactly a novelty in SARP: a hive mind is more unique and far cooler IMHO.)

Once I'll finish the wiki page, Ill show it to Jessica and others for approval.
I keep hearing complaints about the lack of IC events to perpetuate Free State development, which I'm guessing means that many people don't realize that most diplomatic JPs end up posted under the sub-forums of other factions. To avoid redundant posting while still allowing others to still see the Free State's activities easily I shall post all IC events here. Well, just the IC events of the ones of the diplomatic sort since Freespacer characters serve on other faction's plotships. Anyways, yes, I'll post a few things here.

List is incomplete and subject to change, should I ever get off my lazy bum and dig through (as well as edit) remaining YIM logs.

Good day to all of you.
I've just registered to star army and, upon reading about different factions, have liked freespacers most of all.
Since I do not really have YIM or IRC, I cannot follow the advice in the Freespacers FAQ, but I would like to make my first character a freespacer. Whom can I turn to for advice and guidance?
Why are you unable to follow the advice on the Freespacer FAQ?

As for contact issues, this message board has a "Private Message" (PM) function that allows you to send messages to Miss Strangelove even if you don't have YIM. She's the one to go to for definitive answers. I can also help you, and Della has had great success in character creation as well.

Much of the Freespacer information is available on the Star Army Wiki, so you might check that out to begin with. It's a lot of reading, but it's also indispensable.

Links of Importance:
The Freespacer Character Creation Guide<--you should check this out before making your character.
The Freespacers (species info)
The Free State (government info)

Also, have you introduced yourself on the Contact Information thread? It is required.

One question: How can you "not really" have YIM or IRC? You either do or you don't...
Anyway, they're both free to download and operate, and YIM is highly recommended.

And welcome to the Star Army!
Thank you, I didn't notice a PM feature.
What for the information, I've already read all of it, although some points are still unclear for me.
I didn't know about Contact infromation thread, so thank you again.
What for YIM, "not really" means that I am fully aware that the service is free and downloadable and so on. But I'm not sure I want to use two more IM services in addition to the three I use already. It's not like I will be able to type THAT fast
I hope, you will excuse my English, since it's not my native language and it's, I suppose, turned a bit rusty in past few years.
What I wanted to ask first is, whether the Freespacer faction enjoys any sort of active participation or it would be better to make my first character a part of some big faction.
Second, I wanted to ask about freespace armed forces. See, I may be a RL pacifist, but IC I'm usually a fighter... I've understood, that Hacker Cult IS some sort of army, but it's more occupied with digital warfare. Yet in the list of possible occupation there is an occupation "Infantry" with the title of "Warmonger". What does it stand for?
Jess (Strangelove) would be able to answer all of your questions, but she is currently having computer problems, so please be patient. The Freespacers do not have a set plot, but they are a protectorate (or something) of Nepleslia. Thus, most Freespacer PCs are in Nepleslian plots.

YIM is essential to have while being a member of SARP. Not only is it the standard/most used form of communications off-site, but it is also (in my opinion) the easiest to use.

Trust me when I say that you speak better English then some certain members of this site. >.>;;
There is the Opportunist's Social Club. It's the Free State's military sector, so to speak, more of a mercenary employment agency. If you want, you can make a character for that. Otherwise, it would be best to make one that is assigned to one of the Nepleslian military plotships.

On a side note, once my ship design is approved, I will be starting a plotship that may be needing security personnel if a smaller plot is what you're looking for. It will be taking place mostly via board posts (SPs), not over chat, so it sounds like it'd be something you could do. PM me for details if you're interested.

I would recommend getting an IRC program, since you don't want YIM. IRC is a chat program where SARP members spend a lot of time in our channel, making it a major communications tool. You don't have to be there all the time, that's not any sort of requirement. But it would be nice to have the option for realtime communications and to give you a place to go for a quick answer if you have any questions.
Thank you again. I wasn't able to read all the wiki yet and it looks like not all important sections are linked with each other.
I'm not sure I want to make my first character a mercenary. Looks like it would be better to create some simple grunt to learn the basics first.
So, in what quality can a freespacer serve on a Nepleslian ship? As far as I understood, human freespacers need their own ships for life support. So it rather should be an automata, right?
I hope, I'm not breaking any rules asking my questions here
Oh, yes, and what concerns IRC. I use Miranda under Win and Gaim under Linux, not to juggle 3 IM programs. They both have IRC plugins, but I do not know how to operate it, what server do I connect to, etc.
*cracks knuckles before typing*

Okay. Rule of Thumb around here: The Wiki is your friend! :mrgreen: And don't piss off the admins. >.>;;

Anywho, asking questions is very important, and we strive to answer them completely and fully.

Freespacers, both human-like and automata, can join Nepleslian plotships. The human-like types can use radiation injections and/or a voidwalker-type suit to get their required radiation.

Personally, I use the Firefox IRC Client Add-On, Chatzilla. There are other programs, but the most direct (but not the easiest) way to get into the IRC is to go to http://www.sorcery.net and click "Chat Now". It'll ask for three things: Nickname, Server, and Channel. Do not change the Server. The Sorcery.net server will do just fine. Change the Portal to #StarArmy and the Nickname to whatever you prefer. (Note: Since your name is Cumehtar, then I'd recommend using that name if you can.) Good luck! ^_^
You might have to go link-hopping to get to some relevant articles, but the three links I provided should give you coverage of all of them.

A mercenary might be a good choice, actually. They wouldn't be sending a grunt without at least basic training into the military, whereas a mercenary can be as experienced or inexperienced as you need. (see the PM for more information).

So far Freespacers have been retained as mechanics and hackers. One has enlisted as a soldier, but he has been sent to a research station for security detail, I think. And, if you want to bypass keeping track of the radiation details, being an automta (most likely a fully-converted 'Spacer) would be a good way to do that.

No rules broken that I'm aware of. Though this might have been better placed in the "Your Questions Answered" thread. *shrug* It's fine here for now.

It looks to me like Fay has answered the IRC question. Personally I use mIRC, and, as I mentioned in my previous reply, IRC would just be a handy communication tool if you have any urgent questions or comments. You don't need to "keep track of" it or be on it every time you're online (in fact, I would recommend not being on it all the time; not all of the conversations are useful). If you're worried about people IMing you, don't worry, because IRC doesn't do that. It's a chat room, everyone's on the same screen, and you can leave when you want. It's all good : )

Anyway, I hope that answers what was asked ^_^
Thank you both for your answers. Now I'll try digging wiki again...
I'm finally back from Christmas with the family so if you have any further questions don't hesitate to ask throw a PM my way. (Though it seems MissingNo and Fay have been doing a good job as liaisons in my absence.)
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