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OOC Freespacer OOC Discussion

Angelic_Crux said:
If an article that was approved is edited, does it need to be resubmitted for approval? I'm just looking over some of the 'spacer articles and wondering whether I might want to try putting something in here or there, but I wouldn't necessarily want to if it meant having to get the whole thing approved again.
If there are significant additions, changes, or upgrades, then yes. If it's just history additions, minor corrections and updates, then no. Anything that changes a DR requires resubmitting.
It sounds like the update rules are mostly about tech (I don't even know what DR is). In any case, I'll bring up the question here after any cultural or historical edits I do, so I can get a specific second opinion on whether I should re-submit the article for approval.

As for a secret dick move... look to the wiki thread, Della!
Freespacer Terminology

I'll be doing my best to add a lot more to this, but I think this is one of the articles where too many cooks won't ruin the soup. So anyone should feel free to add stuff or addendums or whatever. You'll note that some terms remain similar to today's internet usage and some have changed to have somewhat different meanings.

Also, something I'm working towards getting approved, but need to get some cultural posts approved first...


Between pacifism and guerrilla warfare lies the least dangerous and most painful weapon of all: unceasing mockery and parody.
Angelic_Crux said:
Freespacer Terminology

I'll be doing my best to add a lot more to this, but I think this is one of the articles where too many cooks won't ruin the soup. So anyone should feel free to add stuff or addendums or whatever. You'll note that some terms remain similar to today's internet usage and some have changed to have somewhat different meanings.

Also, something I'm working towards getting approved, but need to get some cultural posts approved first...


Between pacifism and guerrilla warfare lies the least dangerous and most painful weapon of all: unceasing mockery and parody.

I lol'd. But you need to tag it as "work in progress".
WIP tag applied! Also, I'll probably try to add more tonight. Once I'm done with that, I'm either going to start on an Arts and Recreation entry or a Subcultures and Movements page. Since linguistics, art, and culture are all linked, I feel like I need to kind of work on them all at the same time, you know?

Still, thanks for reminding me to do the WIP tag!
Reformatted the work to include a table of contents listing, and a (hopefully) easier to read format. I also added some new terms, though most of these are missing an "origin" section so need to be fixed up some time in the future...

Zero One
Share a Glass of Water
i edited a bit "prefecessor" based on the things i am writing and/or planning to write elsewhere, tell me if it feels right.
I really like the predecessor entry! I think it works well with the idea of reincarnation in mecha-druidism, and makes a clear differentiation between mind-transfer and this process!

Ah, things are really heating up in the terminology article! I guess, once it hits a certain critical mass, we should put it up for approval and just keep adding stuff when appropriate? How long do we want it before we put it up for approval?
Wow, all kinds of new words added to the lexicon! Though, being the awful, critical woman I am, it's time for me to take at them with the red pen...

Book: I like the idea of having a basic/common word that is used to refer to The Art of Never Again, but I'm not sure if book is a good candidate for it. Books are an incredibly inefficient means of storing data, and I'm not even sure if 'spacers would use them. I might suggest using or FACK as a term instead, with the acronym standing for "Forgotten Arts and Choice Knowledge".

Shine: While this is a perfectly good entry, it seems to walk the line very close to something that wouldn't need an entry to be understood, if only because shine is already often used like this in English. I would recommend changing shine to an adjective here. "“A finely calibrated and well-build starship is really shine.” “When it comes to maintenance, that new Gearhead is really shine.”

Back to Chapter One: I really love the idea of Chapter One as a way of referring to guerrilla warfare and tactics like that! Though, I feel like, in use, this would pop up more as a word "Chapter One" than as the phrase "Back to Chapter One". I'm not sure who put Chapter One into the lexicon, but if possible, I'd like to move it to the dictionary section and expand a bit on its conversational uses (noun, adj, and verb forms).

Rule 34: I'm not sure how I feel about just directly referring to Rule 34, especially without a good etymology for it. While normally I'd just suggest what to do with it, I think I'm going to change Rule 34 to Ch. 34 and have it be a reference to the Art of Never Again, relating to mecha-druidism's pantheistic cosmology.

Noisetube: Is this supposed to refer to automaton/artificial means of speech? Like a counterbalance to meatflap? I might try to add a little more to this.

Toaster: I'm worried this term, like book, may be a bit anachronistic. Are toasters technology that would be around in setting, let alone that 'spacers would be using? I might recommend changing this to Servo, with a possible variation being Tom Servo, used to speak of an automaton everyman.

Shot: Given the use of the term cocktail to describe an assortment of pharmaceuticals, it might be fun to change this term to Roosterbutt, in homage to RvB. I'd have to think of a good etymology, outside of the visual pun, though.

Really, the lexicon is moving forward splendidly! With all the hard work everyone is doing on it, I feel like we're going to make a real splash when it comes time for approval. Let's keep up the good work, everyone!
Book: It's a nickname, does not refer to an actual paper book. Freespacers don't even have paper.

Shine: I agree, either change it a bit or maybe change it completely to something else.

Chapter One: Good idea.

Rule 34: I'd leave it. Its origin could be completely made-up, simply.

Noisetube: i think it means meatflap

Toaster: i don't see why 'spacers shouldn't have toasters for some foods.

Shot: why not leave is as shot?
I might have wrongly labeled a few words (like Shine) since I was being lazy and copy-pasting header format to save time. If any words seem wrongly labeled or have typos, feel free to fix them.
We could steal more of the definition and use from Firefly...

That'd be shiny.

Shiny is good...and good be the shiny.

*pauses...picks up SL's ego and begins petting it while devising evil plans to save the world...just you wait 'til they're unfurled! It'll go down in history...*
Ship writeups we need, from higher to lower priority:

An average Mothership with stats that can be adapted to several different sizes of motherships.
An "escort" light combat/recon vessel.
A specialized factory vessel.
A carrier or missile cruiser.
A Rift Generator ship.
A ship specialized in sensors, ECM, ECCM, hacking, "C, C&C", electronic warfare, and other dirty tricks.
A ship specialized in combat (and non-combat) support, that uses large-scale Difference Engine technology to influence luck on the battlefield.
*Walks in having just gotten home. Looks at the ship writeup list and whistles before putting on a hardhat, grabbing tools and leaving.*
Art of Never Again

I collected all the quotes attributed to the Art from all the articles I could find (the list of articles the quotes were taken from is in the wiki edit history). I already noticed a few errors and problems, but I'm going to take a break before getting down to sifting through things. In any case, I thought it'd be nice to have all of the quotes assembled in one place.
Soresu said:
*Walks in having just gotten home. Looks at the ship writeup list and whistles before putting on a hardhat, grabbing tools and leaving.*
You gonna get loved, tenderly. :D

Angelic_Crux said:
Art of Never Again

I collected all the quotes attributed to the Art from all the articles I could find (the list of articles the quotes were taken from is in the wiki edit history). I already noticed a few errors and problems, but I'm going to take a break before getting down to sifting through things. In any case, I thought it'd be nice to have all of the quotes assembled in one place.

Grand job.
Now we just need a paragraph or two at the top of the article, describing the Art of Never Again itself.