Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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OOC [Freespacers] Skeleton Ensemble

Primitive Polygon

🎖️ Game Master
"It’s been eight years since the Free State was smashed to pieces.
Eight years since the Great Lighthouse was gutted, Freehold Factory turned to glass...
But the heart of the gestalt monster still beats.
The flesh and metal of the nomad machine lingers still.

Sisters, brothers, comrades. Come, meet me on the powdery shores of Nil.
It’s time to wake the patient.
To find out what dark dreams it has encountered in its long slumber.

Reawaken the wanderlust in your hearts, and become one of the Skeleton Ensemble!"

-Message Source; Soulnomad Jack-O-Lantern 76-1097-8421, poly://spooky_house.jol
Well, it’s been a long time in the making.

This is going to be a new Freespacer-only plotship, a small slippery space yacht sailing on sunbeams to find out exactly what happened to all of the exiles which absconded known space after the Freespacer genocide. Their mission will entail investigating ruined installations from that age, finding and communicating with groups of survivors who had been mentally pushed to the edge by such experiences. Far from civilized space, pirates, vindictive separatists, and opportunist aliens may be encountered at any time.

Characters themselves can be a mix of the incredibly varied cyborg types the ‘spacers have available, giving the players a huge amount of freedom with how they choose to deal with situations. Not only that, but the exact missions that they take, and also the setup and modifications to the ship itself, are both things that players will be able to vote on.

Cyberspace, and operations using the polysentience, will also take a larger precedence in this plot than it might in others, as the crew delves into strange far-off networks, and the broken-down hulks of abandoned mainframes left to rust. Sometimes a blood stain just isn’t enough of an answer, through in bringing a virtual ghost back from the dead, they may not like the answers that they find…

Just to make things clear; I’m trying to keep this as close to the original lore as possible, and Lamb, the old FM, did look over a lot of the ideas here. A new character creation page was created specifically for this to help player confusion, and update a lot of the things that really needed it by now. I’d prefer if you used that one, but it’s pretty open and loose anyway, since ‘spacers are supposed to be like that. Adopted pre-existing characters are also fine.

-Crew Positions Currently Possible-

Druidess/Navigator; @paladinrpg (Ty3 Organic Fem)

Mechanic; @Gunsight1 (Ty3 Organic Fem)

Soldier/Space Ninja/Covert Agent; Open.

Pilot; Dumont (Ty2 Organic Fem).

Hacker/Software Specialist; Yoshi (Ty5 Syntelligence) + Arsenic (Ty3 Organic Fem)?

Doctor/Nurse/Forensic Investigator/Bio-Engineer; Raz (Ty3 Organic Male) + Yoshi (Ty3 Organic Fem)?

Drone Operator; Moogle (Ty4 Automata)?

Freespacers are renowned for being strange, myriad and rather obscure at times, so it’s okay if a character takes on two similar roles at the same time, or one that isn’t even listed, as long as you can actually justify it with their character application. If you’re extra unsure about some ultra-weird physical trait and the like, seriously, just PM me, and we can work it out. ;I

Your eternal host, Soulnomad Jack-o-Lantern is the NPC syntelligence for ship itself. Probably won't replace him for reasons of keeping the plot active. But I guess if you want a syntelligence that does something else, that might be okay. Again, the new CCG is geared for this kinda thing.

About five players would be nice, overall.

-Roleplay Legality Stuff-

Guess taking this on will make me the de-facto FM of the Freespacers for the time being, but honestly, I just wanted to run a survival horror, grimdark, spooky, creepy-cute, cyber-psychedelic, hell parade plotship... Player experience is totally what I'm interested in more than anything. More large scale things might come down the line, especially from alliances and technologies that this plot might set off, but yeah, if @Strangelove, @MissingNo, or @Lamb have a severe problem with the way I'm running things from a faction perspective, I will still respect their right to swoop in and call foul play. Paladinrpg expressed interest in a co-FM position, and they are definitely far and away experienced enough to be keeping an eye on things.

TLDR; The universal woes of the Freespacers are actually really characterful. Let's play with that!
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I hereby declare, as admin of Star Army, that:
With all rights and responsibilities of Faction Managers of a playable faction.

I'm very excited to see this plot take off. I hope it will bring in new players, not just players who are already on Star Army.
I have two characters I would like to bring along I think. A Doctor Domicile, and a Hacker/spare pilot Crash McKill.
It'd be cool if Wayfarer Two-One could hop aboard, as he's never really been used in RP due to the lack of real Freespacer plots. He's probably closest to a doctor or investigator but, barring that character's acceptability, I could make a new dude.
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I would like to request a spot for a Hacker character or maybe a drone operator if a Hacker is redundant. If I don't have it made in the next week though you can give away my spot.
Well that was a fast response. I'll do my best, Wes! Thanks for all of the support in the past couple of weeks.

Having the Mr.Mckill on board would be fantastic, Yoshi. Pretty much remember him from back when I first joined. Obviously up to you, who you'd prefer to use in the end, through. It's possible we could semi-NPC either if you want to use both at the same time, and just leave one on the ship during away missions and whatnot. Have to see what other people have planned.

Sounds good, also, Raz. Alrough it slightly depends on what you want to spend time doing, being in the field or on the ship. Getting drugs whilst so far from known civilization could get a bit... interesting. :D

Arsenic, I hear 'ya. Don't worry too much about job overlap, just make them unique in their field, and you'll probably be okay. The Ensemble does have manufacturing facilities and some junkers onboard for a drone operator to play with, through.
Well Shiiit I didn't realized that Crash was that beloved around here... I built him and his cuz Dom as semi joke fun time characters.

But yeah I would love to run them as Semi NPCish (as long as I'm the only one in control of them...) As for Crash and his hacking skills, I never really defined them past him "net diving" into the computers and becoming one system and then making it his... um... bitch....

Anyways He'll hate the competion in his job... but I will love rping him being cranky and a prankster against Arsenic's char :D
Well my girl will be nothing like Crash, I'm probably going with type 3 and pretty serious. A Hacker Cult type, I think.
Random note; People can do what they want, but Type Two characters are still crazy rare considering they are supposed to be the backbone of the 'spacers fleets.

One of the big things I wanted to change with the new CCG was making them more "autistic, work obsessed and amusingly awkward" rather than the "mental children possibly slaves" of the original documents. Call it a paraphrase. Maybe I should just resurrect Lodemucker for the job of annoying you lot...
I would actually make a Type Two character for the plot to show this aspect, if I wasn't already trying to be your little spiritual leader. :)
@Moogle ; Eight hand puppets is OP, the maximum players are allowed is two! Just kidding, seems okay to me. Cyborgs in particular have always been kind of an odd fit for the standard character template, so I don't mind a bit of variance personally.

@Dumont ; Yes, it's still open. Glad to have you. ;I
Hmm. I suppose that would make Phase the only Type Four on the vessel - ah well, the most wonderful thing about Tigger, right? She'll be applying for the drone operator slot.

Drone better.
I put forth that the first Mission should be called "Let's Kick This Pig"

On that note, when will we be kicking said piggy?
Freespacers 2: Space Harder

It would be nice if we could start by about thursday next week. We definitely have a good amount of players, but you know how things are. Was waiting to see the quality of submissions a little first. That, and the type of characters is going to effect what missions they are going to get, since it's freeform, too.

Moogle; Guess that means we have one of every variety, too! Well, non-extinct varieties...