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OOC [Freespacers] Skeleton Ensemble

Is anybody interested in making a big ol' joint post for the skeleton on thursday? Or perhaps the weekend?

Haven't forgotten about this, it's just been a busy week IRL. Getting the missions right also sort of requires a bunch of extra wiki credentials at times. But still want to get it rolling again. ;I
depending what time you have it, I'd love too, though I may not be able to join. Work Wed-Sun
So that's only two people?...

Eh, sorry guys, but I don't really think it's going to work in terms of voting for a mission if we are missing that many.

Oh well. Can't be helped. I'll just rack up a standard post and get it up there. Should be up in an hour or two.

Dumont and Cordinarr; We can work out a wee JP idea that doesn't involve something so important soonish. Completely open to ideas if you have any. ;I
Sorry mango, seemed better to just finish off the post at this point.


**There are three possible missions at the bottom of the current post! Characters can vote for any that they like!**

Have at it, chaps.
Guess if people don't feel like replying/are a bit busy at the minute, then voting for a mission by PMs is also acceptable.

Don't want this to stagnate too much further. Jack can always register some kind of polysentience message in the next post.
I'm just stalled on a conflict of interest thing. While I do want help raising the white lament, it's just a little too much of an easy answer.
@Gunsight1 ; Fair enough. No pressure on anybody. IRL stuff always takes precedence. Just making sure peeps don't forget completely, is all. ;I

@Dumont ; To be fair, the events of 188604's involvement with the white lament mothership were supposed to come later on. It just kind of went weird due to time differences. The skeleton plot was always supposed to have a possible involvement with the planet itself open.

With both Pally and Yoshi unfortunately busy with real life stuff at the mo, it looks like the vote for the skeleton plot direction has been cast. Going to just jump straight into the mission quite soon, unless anybody has any objections.

Oh, and the wiki page for the Viridian Array just got approved, so there is that.
So, people up for it, if I just create a separate thread for the new mission? That way people can still continue the conversation in the first if they really want to.

As always, just keeping the ball rolling.
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