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OOC [Freespacers] Skeleton Ensemble

Hmm... A high-powered beam of X-rays will cut through metal just like any other high-energy laser. I think the idea is that a weapon that shoots X-rays or gamma rays can cause harm to someone behind metal armour, even without super-heating or cutting through it, first, and these weapons are designed to rely on that to save on bulk and energy.

Ziggy's laser rifle is a plain old near-infrared laser, by the way: Low-tech, highly efficient, and versatile, since it works just as well with or without atmosphere. We can imagine it shoots a red beam, when and where heat shimmers aren't cool enough!
The weirdo rifle is basically what happens when you realize you can't heal freepsacers without scanning their unique attributes first, and then somebody takes the piss and makes a weapon out of your pet project. Irradiating your enemy directly through their armor is indeed what the gun does, but it can use the beam to propel nanomachine-crafted monofilament wire or needles too.

It wouldn't work on Zesuaium, through, which makes the Mindy 4 immune. Sometimes you just can't beat a good old fashioned laser or rail gun.

Edit; Just for those who may have not been with us yet, the "large automata" hollowpants did get art on the first page of the thread, just so you know.

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Note: Phase's last post technically takes place whenever lor actually exodizes. It's not happened yet, I'm just wrapping things up on my end before Basic.
Alright. Sorry to see you go, Moogle. Thanks for sticking around as long as you did. Phase might not have appeared much, but they were pretty cute whilst they lasted.

Good luck in the new venture. ; I
Reactions: Wes
Going dark for a few days to visit the family and stuff. I'll be popping in on my phone to read, might bring my laptop to write when I can, but I'll most likely be catching up to everything Friday/Saturday.

Enjoy your turkey day if you're celebrating it!
Alright, so now that we're both two halves of a whole 'spacer Voltron, how should we go about posting? Shorter SPs? One meduim sized JP? I'm not exactly sure how to tackle this situation, and am open to ideas.
Two halves? Are you talking about the side story or the 188604 stuff? If it's the former, that was just allowing Legix to RP a little whilst the main team finished up. If it's the latter, then I didn't realise anybody had any cross-plot characters like that. >_>

If people are really sick of this plot and just want a fresh start, I guess I don't see a problem with just finishing it up in one big post, through. Maybe a JP if people are up for it.
No, Kiver is now riding on the shoulders of Six Three. I didn't want the legs to go where the arms didn't want to, so I'm trying to figure out a way for Dumont and I to coordinate together for fluid RP.
Unless my plans change or cancel (which they might, grumble grumble), Thursday is a no-go for me. I can do anytime/day after 11:30 pm GMT Friday, and might even be up to do something as early as 2 pm GMT Saturday.
Sorry for being slow to post. Christmas season is being difficult due to family drama. I'll try and work out the timing for the JP.
It's okay guys. Not really sure how to manage this myself, with Christmas coming up and all.

Perhaps a 'slow burn' JP where people can just dump a sentence here and there over a couple of days might be apt.
Reactions: Wes
I am sorry I haven't posted. I don't have a good reason. SARP burnout maybe.
Come back anytime, man. Honestly zero hard feelings no matter what you decide.

With this plot being so 'choose your own adventure-y' it was always going to have it's kinks. But the next mission will be a fresh new opportunity to choose a mission that suits the current cast of players better. Maybe even just straight-up free form. I mean, Gemini, Six-Three, Ziggy, Kiver and Vista haven't even been standing in one room yet, so there is lots of potential. They are all really great characters in my opinion.
So Kiver/etc are on one floor, then there's a floor with the laser grid, and below that is Hollowpoint guy with the missiles?
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