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OOC [Freespacers] Skeleton Ensemble

The lowest 'floor' is actually the secret tunnel Ziggy and Gemini just rode into with Hollowpoint (the real one), at the top of the ladder from there (which Hollowpoint has difficulty climbing) is the laser grid, and above that is the corridor everyone else is in. Ziggy is already on the laser grid floor, though she's on the far side of the ladder from the actual laser grid. Gemini could connect to the laser grid now, Hollowpoint is too busy watching the hole in the ceiling that Not-Hollowpoint just made.
Oh, right.. That is true but she also doesn't want to die. And the guy did let her out so she is reluctant to just stab him in the back..
She could also give targeting data to Ziggy and Hollowpoint. Hollowpoint doesn't know where to make a hole in the ceiling to expose those above, and Ziggy is complaining about not having a clear shot, so that could solve both problems. Or just add to the chaos, that's good, too.
To clarify;

Gemini, Ziggy, and 'big' Hollowpoint are all on the same level, in front of the laser grid/data mainframe chamber. There is a hole in the ceiling right above it, through, leading directly to...

Kiver, Six-Three, one of Jack's tiny crab-drones, and the other 'small' Hollowpoint on the floor above, planning how to advance.

No shots have been fired yet, or even words yelled, really.
Do I need to revise my post then? I thought there were three levels. :/
They were on a level below that, but big hollowpants managed to get up the ladder in the end. If you could make a bit of an edit it would be much appreciated.
Being a hacker, I guess she could try and access one of the drones. Or the skeleton ensemble. Or the actual mindware of the people.

Thanks for making that edit before, also. ;I
The odds of someone actually getting hit are not good ... unless someone's right next to the hole, in which case they'll probably get hit more than once. I don't think anyone is, though. Twenty shots, about 1 in 12 of which are actually headed in the general direction of the other characters, I think.
Let me know if any editing needs to be done on the cursing part. I like to do cultures right, and nothing is more cultural than swearing.
What effect did the explosion have on Ziggy and her gear?

(Did she get hit by shrapnel? Is there any damage to her rifle or grappling array? Did it knock her down before she could finish the 720-degree arc and drop voluntarily?)
Hollowpoint and Jack weren't standing that close to the hole, so Ziggy is probably okay. Having a big explosion go off in response might make her think they were shooting back, through. It depends how much of it you think they saw.
A couple of questions, would Six-Three know how to take off !Hollowpoint's helmet? Also is there any reason for them to still be in their voidsuits?
The atmosphere of the facility would be slowly leaking due to the huge crane arm now punched into it, but they'd be okay where they are standing for now. Ziggy also just proved that it's breathable, since they aren't wearing a suit.

Hollowpoint's voidwalker helmet probably has some kind of 'pull the neck latch, then twist the entire thing' system. Remember that Six-Three can always download schematics for a similar design directly off of the polysentience.
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