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Approved Submission Frontier Paramilitary Service

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Well fleshed out and lots of good content.

Can you do something with the products header at the bottom. Just write something brief there about what can be expected and for what price.

Will read the article in full v soon
What nation is this corporation registered under?
Only registered in the Uso, so technically no nation. It's primarily going to being accepting missions from people on the fringes of space where government isn't really present.

Of course we could change that to include Yamatai and Nepleslia. Come to think of it, would that be okay to add @Wes and @Gunhand4171?
This is the law in the YSE, which prohibits mercenary forces.
Security forces and escorts are permitted though. Hate to use a loophole but they could still work as private security for privately owned companies without breaking that law. Jobs like transporting valuables with a high likelihood of theft(armored truck services do this) would qualify as both security and escort. Or private security at a casino would be in that role too. I can think of other jobs too.
Event security
Starship security
Cyber security
Personal bodyguards
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I think a good rule of thumb is "my private security firm's Yamataian assets may not possess the capability to wage offensive war against real militaries."
That's the other thing, FSCorp is not going to accept work that will specifically violate the laws of the nation it is in. It needs money, no presence equals no work and by extension no money so being banned from a nation to do business is avoided. Escorting a convoy in dangerous space is different from attacking a legal entity in the country you reside in, a quick way for your operation to be destroyed.
If it's not a registered corporation that answers to Yamatai or some another recognized nation, then Yamatai is not going to allow it to do business in the YSE's territories. I just want to make that clear (this goes for all businesses).
What if the company is incorporated in both countries individually? FPS of Yamatai, FPS of Nepleslia, and FPS of 188604. Separate corporate entities registered in respective territories.
I feel like this would be a good way of getting some experience for some of my guys since we don't see much action
Okay, I'll specify the individual corporations, I guess it's like a franchise.

@Gunhand4171 what would Nepleslia tolerate from FPS?

@Jack Pine, Saber could easily have their own FPS company, they certainly have the skill sets and tech needed.
Lol. you know, I was actually looking at this to see if I should change it. I would still want to serve Yamatai and Nepleslia but with a focus on defensive situations. I'll make it more professional and less individualized.
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