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Galaxy Scouts


Being a Former Boy scout, current Eagle and Venture scout myself, I find this hilariously entertaining.

It's actually not that bad, though the rank names I find to be horrendous (no offense, Teddo)

Keep it up, and try revising those names to something a bit less Ludicrous.
LUDICROUS SPEED!!!!! :lol: :twisted: :x :lol:

Which names do you find ridiculous? Because the Space Scouts is for children, the names are supposed to be.
You may want to revise the 'Has members of every nation and species.' bit. Since some have yet to even be discovered. ^^;
While I find the concept amusing

I thought new organizations have to start in the year they were created?
Well. This is more or less harmless in that regard, Nash. And kind of adds to both nations as a whole in terms of background/elements. So, I don't think it falls under this category since well what stopped them from being formed back then, or even further back? Corporations, and such I can understand as they've more or less been established in the setting prior to the rise of others, but this you'd think would just have been there for a long time.
I agree, but had some concern given the stated number of people.

8 million Space Scouts, 20 million Galaxy Scouts, and 9 million Galaxy Rangers.

The Rangers are a humanitarian aid group, one of the largest in the galaxy. The Rangers have a primarily military structure, but only resort to combat when refugees are in direct danger.

9 Million military trained people is not exactly harmless in my opinion.

Let alone the fact that the membership spans governments that are still trying to work out a peaceful existance.
Well. I mean, I used to teach Krav, and it is considered a military close quarters combat fighting form. But, more or less dumbed down for civilians. So while you're capable of defending yourself, the extent and grade of your training is wholly dependent on your organization (i.e being in the military.).

I'm going to venture a guess, and think they have some self-defense training (As well, frankly, no Nep child wouldn't know how to throw a punch, let alone know what a gun is.) Yamataians, specifically nekos are born with fighting knowledge. Innately speaking, every human being has some skill, even if it is extreme rough in terms of how to defend one's self.

Military structuring now is a subjective thing. We can take it as them being military trained, or the fact they are structured along military lines in terms of outright precision and efficiency that most military organizations exhibit since it assists in getting things done with much more alacrity, with fewer, or less overt mistakes.

It is not the training that I'm concerned about.

It is the establishment of a para-military organization with a 9 million person fighting force that is not answerable to a government.

Let alone the discontinuity this will create with the established timeline. After all where was the organization after Taiie was destroyed leaving lots of orphaned children.

I have shared my concerns, I will leave this topic for the review and input from the factions that are being asked to accept its existance within their boundaries.
While you bring up valid points, some have been addressed already. Paramilitary is also subjective. Bodyguards, Mercs, so on and so forth can be construed as paramilitary if the proper criteria/actions are met. More or less I can view these guys as boy scouts meet peace corps.

The orphans of Taiie have more or less been helped and taken care of as far as the UOC is concerned (As the UOC is made of the remnants of the bard cluster who fled, 5th XF etc etc), war funds, schools, jobs, everything to lead a productive, healthy and happy life is supplied even psychological counciling can be easily provided. There is no disruption of discontinuity here as far as Taiie is concerned or rather to such a drastic extent to warrant snuffing out, or overtly changing a submission to a large degree.

Even with numbers in the millions, helping on the scale of a galaxy is more then they can handle since even with millions you'd be stretched thin as there are billions, or rather trillions of people out there, so selectivity may have played an adequate role. Remember. There was war on all corners of the galaxy, and more orphans, invalids, destitutes, and sheer people in need they may not have even had the man power (Er, child/teen power.) to assist on a reputable scale to warrant note, or even were not able to help at all or even want to get embroiled in the conflict from the get go.

But yeah, this is for the other nations to decide in terms of DO WANT, or DO NOT WANT. :?

Actually I don't think that's true. I've been looking everywhere on the wiki for a different discussion about it and can't seem to find it (though I'm sometimes really bad at these things), additionally if that were so they wouldn't need a year long boot camp (or Nepleslians and Geshrin would need longer) so there is a bit of conflicting evidence regarding that.

For the most part though I am in agreement with Teddo, though in parts with Nashoba. The boy scouts don't do para-military training though they do have a similar rank structure (I think) to a military organization. The ranks being modeled after the military is fine imo (I don't think anyone had an issue with that). I think maybe the organization might do martial arts (things like Tae Kwan Do, Karate, Krav whatever watered down martial art) on Nepleslia (for obvious reasons) but I don't think that it would extend to be anything other than a community service.

Regarding the orphaned folks and whatnot, while I haven't read the stuff who's to say they didn't help? They are a civilian group so they don't have the resources to make as much of an impact as a military organization might. I'd imagine that they couldn't get all or even a quarter of their membership there as they are still regular people with jobs etc. so whoever could get there would (and it'd cost them a lot of money to do so i'd bet) if the military even let them through. Regardless I'm suggesting that maybe they did help, but their influence and affect was low enough to have not merited note at the time, not in comparison to what the military was doing (the 5th XF I believe)

On a more interesting note, this sounds like some of the core ideals of the UOC no? How do they feel about that.
I kind of ment it as a 'everyone knows at least in some minor respect how to defend themselves.' Type thing. ^^; Nep children, on Nepleslia depending on where you grow up would know how to toss a punch, or what a gun is.Reasoning behind the gun thing.

Martial Arts training irl can be anything from true self-defense, to trying to get into shape in both body and mind, therefore viewed as a recreational hobby as well as commitment and responsibility. My reaosning was more so due to their lack of wishing to fight offensively, and only in self-defense unless it is a situation of life or death or something.

EDIT: In terms of the UOC, I could see them praising this, but also be a little worried as these are children, and teens putting themselves in possible danger truth be told, it is a little double edged.
I'm pretty confused where all this talk of them being a military or para-military organization is coming from. This seems like a proper space-aged counterpart of the BSoA. I'll voice my support for this getting approved.
It's over where the article implies that the Rangers have/are a military force.

The Rangers have a primarily military structure, but only resort to combat when refugees are in direct danger.
Guess you missed where I put that in my second post on this subject Rev.
Well, that's what I get for reading through the first page after 1 in the morning. :V
Okay folks, time for the creator to give some clarification! Admiral Ackb-- er, SORESU, hit my intentions pretty square on the head.

The Space Scouts and Galaxy Scouts are essentially cub scouts and boy scouts, respectively. The Galaxy Rangers is a kind of venture scouts - meets peace corps group. Just for clarification, definition of paramilitary:

Dictionary.com said:
noting or pertaining to an organization operating as, in place of, or as a supplement to a regular military force

This is not the Galaxy Rangers. They are not a military force; they are a relief organization. Galaxy Rangers apply the military-based structure present in Galaxy Scouts to their own organization. When I say they "defend the refugees," this is what their levels of combat entail:

  • When Rangers enlist, they're given a standard martial arts course that covers many defensive techniques for themselves and others.
  • The Rangers do not have rules against weapons, especially considering they were founded in Nepleslia.
  • While not issued to Rangers, they may choose to have their own personal firearms for purely defensive purposes.
  • Great discretion is demanded, though, and any instigated fights with firearms result in immediate suspension of Ranger membership, pending an expulsion hearing, as well as local authorities being contacted if said actions are illegal.

Also, you seem to be under the impression that the Scouts are involved in this. The Scouts are only allowed to participate in missions that are not in any way dangerous. The Rangers is for adults, and is the only group they allow to go into dangerous areas (with a signed indemnity waiver).

And in regards to membership volume: Soresu had this one down, too. I thought about how many scouts there are worldwide, then thought about how expansive the population of the entire galaxy is. If anything, I drastically underscored the numbers.

Oh, and the UOC. The Scouts like them, since they share similar ideology.
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