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RP Game Theory: Day 3


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Sirris VI
For the past two days the Duskerian Legion and the C.A.F.F. have been engaged in the operation Dawn's Light, a military war game designed to test how well the two branches of the military can operate together under stress and time pressure. To undertake this test forces were taken from each branch and split into two joint teams, thusly named Gray Team and Red Team. Red Team was tasked with creating temporary bases and digging into the the Isle of Parva, a landmass situated off the south east coast of Obsidian City. While Gray Team is tasked with assaulting Red Team's positions. During these war games troops are outfitted with dummy weapons which use a number of means of determining hits such as non-damaging lasers, guns with paint ammunition, and digital projections of missiles and other explosives. Using sophisticated software and other technology all of this is tracked by a central command known as Gold Team, who is responsible for observing and recording the data from the exercises.

On day one, Gray team conducted their initial assault on the island, successfully establishing a beachhead and several temporary bases as staging points for pushing deeper into the island. Day two saw lots of troop movement, scouting, and planning though little in the way of combat. It was during this time that warrant officers Allie Johansson and Hunter Mire were called up to Gray team's forward operating base dubbed FOB Foxtrot while ensigns Arye Firewalker and V115 were sent to the Obsidian City Air Defense Base on the mainland. While neither pair would see any action on day two, they had been chosen to participate in an operation scheduled for the early hours of day three.

Obsidian City Air Defense Base - Day Three 0200 Hours
Lieutenant commander Allen was presently stood at the front of a briefing room near a podium, his face while well groomed but had a certain look of gruffness and tiredness to it, as would most people's in the position of waking up before two in the morning to prep for a mission briefing. At present he was waiting for Ensigns Firewalker and V115 to arrive. So that he could brief the two pilots on their mission to the Isle of Parva. While he desperately wanted something caffeinated that would have to wait until after the briefing. His green eyes looked out over the empty room, gazing at the multitude of empty rows of seats as he thought upon how rare it must be to see them filled for something even resembling a real mission. With a brief sigh he moved to the podium and switched on the computer that was presently sat upon it to begin connecting with the commander of FOB Foxtrot to sync their briefings.

Isle of Parva - FOB Foxtrot - Day Three 0200 Hours
Within the command tent of FOB Foxtrot, Captain Khelor was looking through satellite imagery and preparing to coordinate with her counterpart in the C.A.F.F. Lt. commander Allen. At present she was expecting warrant officers Allie Johansson and Hunter Mire along with four volunteers from FOB Baker. The briefing was scheduled to begin in roughly fifteen minutes and everything seemed to be in order at present. The command tent itself had a central table where a large map was currently laid out along with various images of satellite photos depicting the enemy forces on their move from deeper within the island. Though not much in the way of physical assets were present other than the aforementioned intel, there was however a portable screen towards one end of the tent and a projector mounted on the table pointing at the screen...
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It was oh-two-damn early, but that was the Legion for you. It could make farm hours look like a lazy weekend. Allie walked huddled around a blend of powdered milk, sweetener, and reconstituted freeze dried sludge that constituted DFAC coffee in a sticker covered travel mug. The overly sweet mess wasn't doing her nervous stomach any favors but the “coffee” wouldn’t have been drinkable without liberal use of sweetener. Even without the vile coffee, she expected that her stomach would be in knots. She’d participated in exercises before, but nothing like this. Fighting with a new unit, working with C.A.F.F., all while a bunch of big wigs watched over their shoulders.

“Mornin’, ma’am,” Allie said, stifling a yawn, as she entered the command tent. She seemed to be the first of her team to arrive. She set down the mug with a grimace after taking another sip. “So are we going in with infantry and armor support or is it just us frame pilots?” she asked moving closer to study the maps.
Isle of Parva - FOB Foxtrot
Captain Khelor looked up from the laptop she was at present working on to gaze upon Allie, she seemed to be making a quick appraisal of the young woman and the sticker plastered mug. Though if she found anything to be at fault, it wasn't commented on at that moment. Instead the 'Mornin, ma'am' was returned with a curt "You look tired." Clearly not the biggest people person, though Khelor did seem to be wide awake herself. Whether that was because she slept soundly or hadn't slept yet was unclear. "More will be explained in the briefing, but your unit will be fairly light, a single frame team and an air support compliment. Once the others arrive and I've given the briefing I'll answer any remaining questions."

As for the maps Allie would be able to see and learn a number of important details right away. Behind them to the west at about roughly sixty kilometers was the ocean; with further west being Obsidian City. To the north east roughly two hundred and fifty five kilometers away was FOB Baker. To the south, south east roughly one hundred and seventy five kilometers away was FOB Juliet. To the direct east at roughly two hundred and seventy kilometers was the beginning of a rising plateau. In between Foxtrot and the plateau was a series of several clusters of forests, none of which were connected. In addition to the map there were photos of two hydra variable tanks and a few photos of four older spartan frames.

Obsidian City Air Defense Base
The door to the briefing room opened rather suddenly, causing Lt. commander Allen to glance up from what he was doing and bringing his attention to the rather short young looking woman with hawkish eyes and colorful metallic hair which was neatly tied into a bun. She entered the room and immediately moved to attention before delivering a salute. "Ensign V-one-one-five reporting as ordered sir."

"At ease, ensign,"
he said with a bit of exhaustion to his voice. "Take a seat, we'll be getting started soon."

"Understood sir,"
came a quick reply. She the walked over to the first row of seats and took one directly in the middle. After taking a seat a ring lit up around each of her irises as she accessed the network. Doing so was a habit and time waster that V115 often employed. She liked to stay apprised of current events during her downtime. She also had a bad habit of looking up information on the people she met during her daily life.
“I knew they’d choose you! Your amazing, brave and courageous!’ Arye said as her last message to her elder sibling, Kali. Arye had heard that her sibling Kali will be made a branch Head of the Mining Guild, and that they and the contingent going with her will be leaving the sector. “Thanks sis, I appreciate you saying that. Anyways, I think it's about time you left for your war game? I need to meet with Captain Sheath about some things that I just thought about, bye sis, and give them trouble!” Kali waved and disappeared as Arye deactivated her communication device. “Always Will" Arye said as she briskly moved to where she needed to go.

V was spotted quickly her friend was always a punctual woman. She stepped up to the podium. “Ensign Firewalker reporting for duty, sir!” She said seemingly untired. Once she was acknowledged she moved to take a seat beside her friend and wingmate. She noticed V doing her usual habit so she chose not to bother her untill she was ready to.
Hunter would eventually walk into the tent waving briefly to Allie as he sips from his water bottle. Wearing his mechanical bodysuit under his mithral body suit he would yawn as he looked around. Why did Allie manage to talk me into joining up im exhausted. Hunter thought to himself. "How's the coffee Allie?" He asked while taking a look at the map on the large table in the center.
Isle of Parva - FOB Foxtrot
Shortly after the arrival of Hunter four other legion pilots strolled into the tent. Despite the hour they seemed almost jovial with each other and clearly knew one another already. One of the four stepped forward, a human by the looks of him. "Lieutenant second class Elijah Stone, reporting in and accompanied by volunteers from FOB Juliet, ma'am." Khelor replied with a simple, "Take a stand at the table, my CAFF counterpart has signaled that we're ready to begin."

Obsidian City Air Defense Base

V115 stopped looking into whatever information she was looking into and gave a look of acknowledgement to her friend as the rings around her irises stopped glowing. "Glad to be flying with you again Firewalker, though an in atmosphere mission will be... different, than last time." It was at that point that the projector flicked to life and began to display a map of the terrain with the mission's area.

"Alright, we'll begin now," the lt. commander said to the two operators....

The Briefing

Captain Khelor began the briefing right after the projector in FOB Foxtrot lit up the screen with an aerial view of the terrain featured on the maps upon the table. "For the record I am captain Khelor of the Duskerian Legion and the situation is as follows," captain Khelor began as her voice was also transmitted to the team on the mainland, "Positioned on that plateau to the east is a forward observation post, the troop count is low but it's calling in targets for artillery further inland. This is hampering FOB Baker to our north east, and if our push inland is going to be with minimized losses we need to blind that artillery."

The screen changed to show an overlay of the combat zone with borders for the space controlled by both teams and blue arrows to indicate allied movement. At which point a new voice was transmitted to the team in FOB Foxtrot.


"This is Lt. commander Allen of the C.A.F.F. speaking, I have assigned two pilots to act as air assets for this mission and at present they are here with me now. They are going to rendezvous with you in the allied airspace before your unit pushes forward. The reason being is that our satellite imagery has detected the presence of hostile aerial forces stationed further inland yet well within range of support for the red team FOP. As such once contact is made a quick response force is expected to come from further inland in the form of red team air assets. Your counterparts in the navy will be there to assist with that QRF and with any ground targets assuming they aren't busy with the QRF."

There was a bit of a pause and then he continued with a light cough. "For the leader of the ground team, Lt. Stone, your air team's call signs are Pretender and Firewalker. On to you once again captain."

Captain Khelor began to speak again after the briefing was turned back over to her, "As it stands we know little about the forces that make up the red team's local opposition other than that we captured two images of two Hydra tanks being deployed to the area. We know that they deployed a frame sqaud and probably armor support as well but what models they are is at present unknown. As for your own assets well, our volunteers from Juliet came in Super Spartans, however we do have a handful of spares of various frame models available to the rest of you. Questions?"
Obsidian City Air Defense Base
Arye smiled at her friend’s words before turning her attention to the briefing before her. She nodded her head in acknowledgement to who her team leader would be. Though she thought of changing her call sign since it was her family name, but she chose to say nothing. She controlled her excitement at being able to fly once more. “No, Ma’am! feels straight forward to me!” Arye commented.
Obsidian City Air Defense Base
V115 acknowledged the briefing with a simple, "Understood and acknowledged. I have no questions." After which she became a little lost in thought as she was debating internally what type of frame she wanted to deploy in, let alone the configuration. Atmospheric missions were obviously something she had trained for but most of her training had revolved around zero g operations. This left her feeling like there were unknown variables left in her equation. Either way it would be a good opportunity to further her experience and get more flight time. Still there was a certain unease behind her placid face even if the stakes were pretty low this time. After all, V115 was nothing if not a competitive being.
Obsidian City Air Defense Base
Ltc. Allen looked at the two navy operators as they both acknowledged their understanding of the mission. "Very well, you two have a decently long flight time ahead of you so go to the hanger and work with the hangar crew to select your frame and ordinance for this mission. You're dismissed." He then returned his attention to the podium to await any questions from the ground team regarding their naval support.

Isle of Parva - FOB Foxtrot
Cpt. Khelor looked over the ground team that had assembled and waited patiently for them to ask any questions. One came from the Lt. Elijah Stone though it wasn't directed at Cpt. Khelor. Instead he turned to look at Hunter and Allie, "I know a lot about the volunteers from Juliet, so let's get acquainted before moving out. As I said earlier I'm Lieutenant Second Class Elijah Stone." Unlike when he had entered the tent with the other three, Elijah was rather serious in tone now. Either the briefing had gotten him fired up or it was simply profressionalism at play when dealing with unknowns. He then began to point to the others as he said their names one by one. "These are warrant officers Woodward, Davies, and Palmer. You two are?"

@ShadowWalker @Locked_0ut