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OOC Gam'trosha Discussion

Take care of yourself and get better. We'll hang in there and wait for you.
Hey Gents, sorry about the lack of a GM post, been having problems thinking lately. I'll get one up though, until then, ya'll should try and find those suits in the storage area :p
Well, I have been swamped lately, but have finally started getting into a rythmn, So I will be posting for the Gam later today.
Hey there Gents, if your wondering why I haven't made another GM post in awhile; its because I am waiting for Nash to make one, he's under restrictions right now from surgery but should be back up on his feet shortly :)

Until then, ya'll do know that you can have your characters converse amongst each other, finding out different things in the bay, opening up non-story specific crates, that kind of stuff. Ya don't need me, or Nashoba, to push ya along in those cases! :p
Oh no, I don't really go with a strict posting order since I know that we all have real lives that we have to contend with (mine, for example, has been a roller coaster this past month x,x)

Of course, more posting would be nice from some of our players please! :)
Hey there Gents, it is apparently review time, so please get a post in shortly! I know I haven't been very active on the forums, but that is mainly due to real life being a royal pain in the butt. Thus, do get a post in please and make sure your characters are up-to-date. :)
Will work on getting my characters updated. Will take a day or two due to Occular challenges. :)
Pay is really al you need to update, in regards to this chapter - considering how long its been going really - I don't think you'd have ot worry to much about adding much into it given we are still in the start phases (I wanna get to the juicy phase ;-; )
Wow... so I initially posted this in the actual RP thread - where I THOUGHT I made my GM post in, took me until today to realize that I goofed up.. >_<


Hey there gents, just wanted to give you all a heads up on what is going on with me. Ya'll have probably noticed that I haven't been around a whole lot. Unfortunately these past few months haven't exactly been all that great, between my emotional and mental health taking a bit of a hit, I haven't really been in a good frame of mind to post (coupled with me being constantly tired everyday now and my doctor ignoring my concerns, and I'm sure you can understand that its hard to think when your mind is constantly counting sheep -,-)

Given what is going on, and how I am having problems trying to perform my GM duties, I am considering taking a Hiatus until these problems are sorted.
Hi folks. Sorry I haven't been around much between medical and work. Since work is only thing that is being a nuisance. Going to work on a post this weekend to get us moving forward again. Going to to my best with the Neshaten to keep it growing.
Nobody in this plot has made an RP post for over a month. So it looks like it has stalled out. I will be moving the posts back into the main Neshaten forum and closing this subforum soon if there is no activity. But first I'm going to give Nashoba a chance to get the ball rolling again. But remember he will need your support for it to work.

tl:dr If you love this RP, you should post so it stays around!
Okay folks, started with a new post. I'll give you folks a day or two and then I'll post again.