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OOC Gam'trosha Discussion

Did a time skip in the Gam'trosha, this time skip applies only to people in the first thread. Our recon team thread will get its own time-skip in the future once Tanka and Drenica do a bit more posting (or until I feel that things have slowed down further in that thread x,x)
Heyooo. Sorry I've been away for a jillion years. I got sick for two weeks and now I'm stuck with bronchitis and antibiotics for dessert, ugh. Anyway, I'll look into posting sometime this week, sorry for being AWOL. D:
Ouch! You're getting hit a lot with things

Hope you get better Windra!
Folks, just a heads up. I am leaving for Charlotte this morning to attend ConCarolinas. I'll be checking in on SARP on my tablet.
Last posting availability will be Friday night. I'll say something when I have a proper connection available again, whether it's while I'm away, or when I get back home over a week later.
Hey Kyle, when you get the chance, can we have some environmental feedback in the Cave Exploration thread?
Sure thing Bio, sorry about not posting any of that, have been busy writing up some Neshie tech articles for us all =)

I'll get right to it
Leaving the country for a couple weeks. Cell connection technically will not be a problem; but I'm not sure how much posting I'll be able to do with the travel package I picked up. I should have WiFi now and then, but not likely not where I'll be staying for the bulk of my time.
Np Bio!

Stay safe out there and let us know when you return!
Hey All, you've probably noticed that the forum name was changed from NSV Gam'trosha to SNV Gam'trosha. This is because of a mistake I made when I initially created the faction, you see, NSV stands for Neshaten Shukara Vessel.... well... Shukara is Tinacen for Neshaten, so you'd actually be saying 'Neshaten Neshaten Vessel' =p

So with Wes's help the NSV has been changed to SNV - which stands for Shukara Naval Vessel.
Reactions: Wes
Hey all, Yoshi and I were talking about a few things when he made mention of the funds his character has... I got a bit confused at how low his Zu'rel character had on funds until I realized something... I screwed up! >_<

Two years ago I made an update to the Neshaten's rank listing, just a few minor spelling errors I found and such.. or rather I thought that was the case but it appears that I copied over the WRONG rank list... the rank names and images themselves are fine - what wasn't is the paygrade for each rank.

You see, Neshaten soldiers are very well paid, partly because their cultures views soldiers as very important to not only the wellbeing of the Kingdom but also its first line of defense against any aggressor.. because of that they are supposed to be handsomely paid.

This is a major screw up on my part, I was probably in a rush and didn't notice that I grabbed the wrong list. Because of my mistake everyone here has had their characters get paid rather... lowly... I will have a fix up sometime later today, until then please add 20,000 Rn to your characters.

Now, if you'll excuse me.. I need to fire the Navy Treasurer...
Hey all just a reminder that I will be out of state starting tomorrow (10/6) until Thursday (10/9), I will be visiting family and unfortunantly where I am staying does not have internet access.. so I may not be able to post here on the site after tonight.
I have found that I have drawn myself too thin as of late. That being said I am going to withdraw from the Gamtrosha for now, until other issues are taken care of. I hope someday down the road to rejoin it.

Thank you for the time so far, and hopefully for the fun times ahead down the road.

In the mean time Kyle has been told that he may use both characters of mine here as he sees fit, if they are to be npcs for now, or sent away, that is his call.
Holidays have got me down for the count, as well as Mortem. Sorry, you can control our characters for convenience's sake until we're back home.
Not a problem, its the holidays so do not worry about not being able to post! I hope the two of you have a great Christmas and New Years =)

Thank you very much for the heads up! =)
Ahhh, hmm hmm.

Hey Gents, something I didn't think about until now, probably should've given that this was certain to happen; but when you are using rank in your post and there are people with multiples of that rank, use a characters first or last name after the rank. I didn't do this, thus it is my bluner x,x....

Right now, at least from what I can tell, this is the team lineup:

First Team:


Second Team:

If I have forgotten anyone please let me know!
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Okay, I'm single and I'm ready to mingle! ... Wait, that's not right. I'm back from my grandparents' place.
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