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Gartagen Race

This statement is full of contradictions and unattractive concepts for a player. "The Gartagens are thought-controlled, but allowed to think. The Gartagens will follow the Leader no matter what because their will compels them too, even if their mind and conscience says otherwise."

This is entirely possible, but especially unappealing for a player. I also imagine that the 'exceptions' probably fall under some higher social class, since the leadership would be largely useless if they believed in the infallibility of the state in spite of any flaws it might possess in regards to planning, administration or leadership.
What would you suggest?

EDIT: Thank you Anfortas, your ideas will be added, with a little spin on them of course.
My personal opinion is this: The Gartagens are a bad idea, overall, and they should've stayed where they were: Dead.
Added and altered as suggested. Still going to do a little more work on them how ever.
I just wanted to say I've been watching the concept grow on the wiki and I'm going to be looking into this race and making a decision on it soon. I can see a ton of work has gone into them, and that's a positive thing.
Actualy, I'd like to say that single ecosystem planets are foolish and unrealistic. Mars, for example, has seasons and there's a noticeable difference in temperatures from more northern/southern locals and more central locals. The presence of nearby mountains also makes a difference.

Whatever eco-system they originally evolved in (For humans it was most likely flat savanna, we are terminators compared to a lot of other land species when it comes to endurance)... whatever Eco-system was originally their evolution site they would have, as they gained intelligence, spread to more and more hostile-to-their-lifestyle ecosystems on the planet and adapted to them too.

Because of this it's foolish to say a world is a desert or a savana world. That's like saying that europe is an old growth forrest, or like saying all of America is prairie. Or like saying england is one massive swamp, or Australia is just a giant desert or...

You get the point. What are the ecosystems that they're less adapted to and, more importantly, how do they change these ecosystems to adapt to them? Do they have large dehumidifiers that they run to make humidity more comfortable in wetter ecosystems of their planet? Heating elements for cooler ecosystems?

Are some of them simply adapted to certain environments the way different groups of people have different skin colors due to the normal sunlight level in the place the population spent the last few thousand years? Or the way that Caucasians are less likely to be lactose intolerant because milk was a staple foodstuff in Europe? Or the way people from places where malaria is endemic are more likely to carry one sickle cell gene one whole gene because it reduces the effects of malaria? Or the way Prima Indians are very prone to obesity because they spent a long long time in a desert environment and developed very effective fat creation and storing routines?

Keep in mind if constructing a racial system that in truth, racial differences are quite small too, but often are exaggerated by groups who want to prove superiority or inferiority of other groups. There's no such thing as superior or inferior in genetics, just which environment they're most adapted to.

So you should think about climate/ecological regions and the adaptions likely to occur in them. Keeping in mind that these adaptions would most likely be less different then the difference between two breeds of dog.
I have to agree. I'n no way shape or form are the Gartagen's superior to anything. They have certain little perks, and certain draw backs. The world on the other hand is diverse, it is just dryer. Rest assured it has jungles and oceans, not as much as say earth, but for intents and purposes it is a dry rocky world.
When it comes to your overall descriptions, I think you simply need to find more concise language to convey your ideas. I feel like you're burying these explanations with too many words that muddle the meaning. Try to find someone who can help you.

As for religions, it is best to find things that are "timeless" and consistent. The sun and/or sun-moon duality are great ideas because that is what they know practically by instinct. If they originated in a desert environment, they're going to know sun-moon cycles like they know how many dread locks are sprouting from their skull. Also, knowledge gained over time as to how all things are inter-related can further cement the idea of the sun as a central symbol of understanding. It is involved in just about every process in life cycles, influences all living things, and is present daily.
I have to agree to an extant. Mostly now I am going through the process of fine tuning and trimming the fat off. The psychology came into its own, the physiology is seemingly working out fine now as I have some assistance.

Thanks for the advice!
You have a ton of articles that don't have page titles. Every wiki article needs to start with an H1 header.

====== Article Title ======
General overview sentence summarizing the article.

(Everything else goes below)
Main article looks okay. I will continue to look at the other articles as I get a chance. When I get done with them all I will be able to post an approval status. Sorry this is taking so long, but there is a lot to read.
Hey, could you update the links in the thread's first post? I need to know where I'm supposed to be looking.
I keep noticing that you use 'Moral' in every single instance you're trying to use 'morale'
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