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RP: 188604 [Garts] Technically we're being diplomatic

  • Thread starter Thread starter Zack
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She looked at the shorter Pogo, with rare actual smile on her face. She listened as Pogo explained, then smiled in satisfaction.

Then she opened her lips as she began to speak.

" Well...That sounds very delightening... "
Pogo smiled up at her. "It will be most delighting to know, the beauty is safe and sound inside of an impulse power armor while she fights to defend her friends, home, and Pogo!" He said laughing slightly.

"Tell Pogo, how many can I have sent to you?"
" And I will always be happy when I know I protects you, and that you are safe. "

Sasha replied as her face showed Pogo a big smile. Sasha actually began to like Pogo, with all of his sweet talks and charms.

" Send us as many as you like, but I'm satisfied enough with your gift. "

She grinned as she looked at her new revolver, she was obviously happy.
Pogo smiled at her. "The beauty is such the cutie!"

"Logo desires to ask you a question bit pogo does not wish to be so personal."

"Are you currently in item?"
" In item? What do you mean by that? "

Sasha looked at Pogo, still skiling, but confused.
"Pogo is asking if you have a husband or paramour." He said flashing his platinum encrusted teeth once more at her. "What is it you are doing for this Uso person?
" Oh....Well, if I was, then I wouldn't be talking with you.. I'm her...how should I put this....private army. I fight for her. "

She smiled, as she replied.
"Pogo has had woman with husband. The heart wants what the heart wants my beauty!" He said in a kind of of sing song voice. "Private army?" Pogo said not quite understand. "Oh, you fight for moneys. Pogo has moneys." He said with a soft wink. "How long is the beauty going to be on this illustrious station?" He said as he went about organizing and cleaning his shop from all of its most recent visitors. Sasha would find the smaller Gartagen man was stocky in his build, almost plump. But he moved with the grace of a dancer. There was no waddling in his steps, rather he held him self up with a kind of ease and swagger. Flamboyant, not young, Pogo did have a soft refined handsomeness to him, that his confidence seemed to only accentuate.
" Heh.....not sure if I'm suppose to get jealous... "

Sasha spoke, kinda in joking way.

She then kept watching the much shorter Gartagen man, impressed with his movements. There was just something that Sasha found attractive about him. Perhaps he was just charming, she thought.

" How long..? I'm not sure. "

Sasha replied as she took few steps closer to him.

" But you look mighty good with dancing, and I might have time for short dancing...What do you think? "
Pogo let out a soft chuckle. "The beauty is most observant. Yes! Pogo is the most erudite dancer Pogo knows!" He said sounding some what happy by this observation.

Pogo then stepped back crossing his right ankle behind his left and bow to Sasha. He then held out his right hand to her, palm facing up and lowered his head. "Would the beauty like to attend Pogo on a date?"
" Oooh... "

Sasha smiled then looked at the right hand which Pogo has offered to her. She became,quite nervous as this was the first time somebody asked her out on a date, and that she wasn't expecting one.

She slowly reached her right hand out, then grabbed Pogo's hand while smiling.

" Yes... "
"Well that's my que to leave, you two have fun, I'm going to go look at clothes or something way over there." Jack said as he began to walk away.
Corgan walked into the main corridor with Aislin at his side. He looked around the station. "Thi place doesn't look finished." He said with a sigh. "Well if I'm going to be the Ambassador need to have a look at the place. If they don't have an adequate gun store I'm out. Would you mind finding whoever's in charge of this place and finding out where the USO diplomats will be staying?"

She nodded. "I'll get right on it, sir." The buff blonde said, taking off at a brisk pace. He admired her butt, which was almost as perfect as a Neko's. She looked back at him and winked before continuing.

He walked slowly down the corridor until he started to see signs directing towards the shops. Continuing on for a few minutes he reached the stand with the smart rifle.
Jack had been wandering around the different vendor stalls aimlessly looking for a distraction. He was kinda hoping Isabelle would ha e come, as since that night, he had an ever growing longing to be around her. All the while wondering if karma was just giving him something else important to take away and unleash his inner demon. The biggest question being what could a monster like him have possibly done to deserve such an angel. In his train of thought, jack almost missed the presence of the man he recognised from Ragnarok. "Corgan right? With the men in Ragnarok?", Jack asked as he straightened himself and applied a neutral yet serious professional exptession.
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