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Gashmere's General Assembly calls for vote of No Confidence


The General Assembly of Gashmere has called for a vote of no confidence in it's Chair, Chairman Koda. The historic move has come after days of uncontrolled violence in the planets capital city. The call came shortly after an attack on Fort Nozomi itself, carried out by drones. Reports of a botched mission by members of the YSS Resurgence have left a hurricane of rumors about nefarious activities by the Star Army.

"We, the undersigned members of the General Assembly of Gashmere, call for a vote of no confidence in the current Chairperson, Chairman Koda. In the face of the ongoing civil unrest, it has become clear that the current leadership has been unable to effectively address the crisis and bring about a peaceful resolution. Despite repeated attempts to negotiate with both factions and appeals for assistance from the Star Army of Yamatai, the situation on our planet has only continued to deteriorate. The economy has been severely impacted, with many businesses closing down or moving off-planet, and unemployment rates skyrocketing.

Furthermore, the failure of the leadership to prevent the escalation of violence and the use of war crimes by the opposing factions have resulted in the loss of countless lives and the suffering of many innocent civilians. It is our belief that a change in leadership is necessary in order to restore stability to our planet and protect the welfare of our citizens. We urge all members of the assembly to consider this vote and make a decision that is in the best interest of Gashmere. It is time for fresh leadership, new ideas, and a new approach to bring an end to this devastating conflict and move our planet towards a more peaceful and prosperous future."

Star Army of Yamatai released the following statement:

"The Star Army of Yamatai has been closely monitoring the ongoing civil war on the planet Gashmere. We are deeply troubled by the escalation of violence and the loss of lives on both sides. We understand the concerns of the Anti-Xenoist League regarding integration with the Empire, but we firmly believe that peaceful coexistence and cooperation is the only way to achieve stability and prosperity for all.

Our attempts to mediate the conflict and bring about a peaceful resolution have thus far been unsuccessful, and we are deeply saddened by the continued suffering of the people of Gashmere. We call on all parties involved to put aside their differences and come to the negotiating table in good faith. The Star Army of Yamatai stands ready to assist in any way possible to bring an end to this devastating conflict and bring about a lasting peace for the people of Gashmere."