Star Army

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OOC [Grand Strategy] The Fall of Osman Campaign

Charmaylarg Dufrain

🎖️ Game Master
Fall of Osman plot banner.png

The Fall of Osman is a grand-strategy-style plot/campaign that has players taking the roll of Forces instead of characters.

The plot takes place in the Osman system and on the planet of the same name. After being dark for almost a year now ships depart to bring their wares and supplies to the far-distant outpost over a hundred-plus lightyears from the sector core. It is a crucial spot for those leaving the sector to galactic-west and for those few who enter it.

But rogue Kuvexian traders, traveling merchants, and others who pass within lightyears of the system pick up a distress call far and faint originating from the Osman system; The Mishhuvurthyar have returned to Osman a second time but now with the Junta that once ruled it and its allies such as Section 6, the Skyguard, and Ragnarok no longer present to turn the tide Osman has fallen prey to an invasion of a Mishhu fleet.

The great powers of the sector, already weary of the returning squids cannot dedicate sufficient forces to determine the claim on a far-off independent world. Let alone one as contentious as Osman and far enough away that getting any of their fleets or forces embroiled there could entrap them there when they are needed most on the eve of a renewed NMX invasion.

Perhaps that was the plan? Perhaps not. Regardless Osman is on its own.

Or so it seems.

A coalition is forming; Those who once called Osman home before its collapse, Corporations, mercenaries, small fleets from the sectors powers within range. All are gathering to a rallying call for one reason or another and building their strength. For some it is the possibility for fame and fortune. For others the call of duty. Some just want to be far away from what they see as the final nail in the Kikyo sector as a new foe arrives so soon after the last!

The SOS Coalition is forming; The rag-tag group of professional and unprofessional soldiers and mercenaries, corporations, and interest groups all formed around their own reasons for liberating Osman. But they are loosely aligned in the shared goal of combating the squids there for many reasons.

The fall of osman is played in a SP format with the option for occasional JPs. Players will build an expeditionary force of ground troops(and also air support, PA, etc.) of no more than Ten Companies in size(A company is usually roughly 150-200 men in size.). These Companies will be the troops each player controls a number of each short thread in an SP format as they RP the actions of their forces much like they would their player characters.

RPing their actions in combat, entrenching one of their companies while another lays down suppressing fire and yet another advances for example but in a freeform RP format from the POV of their ground commander or forces perspective. This is a kind of RP to get forces that usually are in the backround or implied to be doing something in RP while the plotships carry the real heroes some time in the spotlight.

You characters can even be there as well if you want to feature them~

Rp will be posting a minimum of once per week with myself as the GM playing enemy commander and reacting to your actions and expositing events. There will be a map that displays all forces in each thread, their actions each turn, those of the enemy, and notable events.

Army Building
Each player can control One force from One group. This can be a hanful of centuries from the SAoY, Several companies of SMDIoN marines, Wings of fighters, a mercenary company, a corporations security force, etc.

Each force can have Up to but no more than Ten Companies in size. Meaning you can bring five companies of infantry, two companies of tanks, a wing of fighters or bombers, an artillery section, and a reserve company of logistics for example.

Or ten companies of PA infantry, Etc. So long as it is no more than ten.

Each thread players will get to choose a limited number of their companies to field and there are options to bring in more as reinforcements later. So it is best if you diversify them to have options~

Each force must have a wiki-page detailing its composition. It doesnt have to be complicated or have intensive lists with everything linked unless you want to. But writing out a page with your anywhere from one to ten companies and their compositions (You can say simply Light Grav tank, Heavy infantry, Commandos, etc. no need to get too complicated unless you want to) so that it can be linked on the plot page and referenced when needed.

For those without legions or corporations or any forces under their command they can make a Mercenary Group of their own to field~

Likewise if anyone doesnt want to make an army but wants their corporation or group to be present let me know and how they can help and i will include them in RP! a

@iaincarter -
@demibear - 1st Fujiko Expeditionary Unit
@SirSkully - Neshaten Mercenaries
@club24 - Galactic Horizon Security Forces

@Alex Hart -
@Soban - Interstellar Patrol

Plot Page: Here
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A good number of people interested so far and still room for more!

In the meantime while they have opted in i'll still need an idea of who you are bringing to the table @Alex Hart and @iaincarter . If anyone has nobody to actually bring to the campaign they can make an IC mercenary group and not need to make an entire super-page for them on the wiki and instead just an army page of their forces.

I am keen to do a short JP soon that doesnt have to be finished right away but over the course of a week or more from some of the leaders and forces soon if any of you also want to participate in that and finalize everything for the campaign in that time like everyone making their forces so I can start making ORBAT icons for them to use on the map for each of their companies as well as enemies~
I’ve been away for a while and funny enough have been participating in a grand strategy style Battletech campaign. A big game like this sounds amazing!

I’d love a chance to play the part of FSCorp who stayed on the planet. The Corp’s president was instructed to care for the people and economy of Osman when Candon left and it would be awesome to explore the results, for better or worse.
Reminder that OHI makes their own version of all the new Yugumo fighters and shuttles because collab effort and can field those bad bois in numbers
@SirSkully @Alex Hart @demibear @Rizzo @club24 @Soban

First thread is up

You have One company in this mission you cand deploy of your choice. You have three allied companys (One light company of infantry and vehicles, one company of infantry, and one non-combat engineering company.) alongside you.

For a friendly reminder you may RP your forces as you please. But when you do in each post make it clear what your forces are doing for myself and the other commanders. For that reason please add a spoiler or something to the end of your post with a simple outline of what you are doing much like a chess player calling a move.


The infantry company, known as the "Ghostwalkers," moved stealthily through the desert to the east, their boots barely making a sound on the soft sand floor. The local flora rustled gently in the cool breeze as the soldiers advanced with rifles at the ready. The thick cloud cover above filtered the pale sunlight into a soft, orange hue, casting long shadows on the desert before them.

Captain Rodriguez led the way, his experienced eye scanning the terrain for any signs of movement. He signaled his troops to halt as they reached the edge of a clearing. The soldiers crouched low, their armor blending seamlessly with the natural surroundings. They observed the open space, their binoculars sweeping for any unusual activity.

As the company remained vigilant, the distant call of a native avian species echoed through the forest, a reminder that they were far from home in this uncharted territory. The Ghostwalkers continued their slow and deliberate progress, ready to face whatever challenges this alien world had in store for them.

The ghostwalkers infantry company moves to scout tho the east. They are moving slow to be cautious and are searching their surroundings thoroughly for any landmarks or for signs of activity.

Edit* Also please everyone once again link your forces here so I may put them on the plot page because I cant remember all their names and didnt bookmmark them the first time!
The NDC is bringing a Pathfinder Unit, with some of its equipment replaced with legacy equipment from the Sky Guard's Exodus Fleet, who were joining the Conclave as a Duchy. Most types of Armor are replaced with older Minotaur variable tanks as opposed to newer Bulldogs or Centaurs, and some of the newer ships are replaced with vessels built by the Exodus Fleet on Hope.
So chat GPT is co-gming this campaign for me. Not writing it, but more helping me with the deployment and actions of the NMX forces.

It swears its not metagaming but as soon as I fed the current dispensation of forces and got to Soban fielding 300 suits of PA...

Yeah the NMX commander decided that its very convienent that the entire invasion force positioned all their anti-air here. Tapered down its ambitions a bit with some dice rolling and the like.

anyhow as stated in the thread the allied (read NPC) forces have done the following:

The moholi light company has opted to scout through what we now know is a very level salt-flat in their vehicles and have made good progress through it.

The Moholi engineering company has started to fortify the landing sight. Quick-deploying walls, prefab structures, the works.

The Blue Gophers infantry company found a pass through the foothills to the north east and discovered Jacobstowns water tanks up in the elevated postion. They dug in there and with their high ground have seen the first signs of the enemy.

A Light infantry company has dug into a fortified hillock overlooking the salt flat.

A much larger mechanized company has taken up positions on a sister hill to the south with the road between them. They have IFVs and light vehicles and heavy neko infantry.

The Interstellar patrol being in mostly powered armor have noticed just over a kilomiter away a platoon-sized force at the base of a rocky outcrop to the south and east. They are on foot.

A large company-sized anti-air group is positioned high up on a natural cliff face to the south and west of jacobstown.

Im not including any grids on the posts but will here. Assuming a single square is a 500-square meter box. So for example the Interstellar Patrols force is just over a kilomiter and a half give or take from the mechanized NMX force~

odc round 2 grid.png

Also some of the stuff in Abigails message is stuff im rolling for that GPT proposed as random events.

Random reinforcements from the desert, an enemy starship crashing with nuclear force or somwhat landing intact and putting an entire battlegroup to your rear, weather, etc.~
For the NDC, three tank platoons have moved alongside the Mohili Light and Blue Gophers to push the enemy infantry in order to break through the front line, and a scout group has moved to the south to dislodge enemy scouts and prepare to help push the enemy AA once allied forces are prepared to begin that operation.
Blue lines indicate movements, and red lines indicate who's attacking what. The company HQ is staying back for now, but is prepared to use its vehicle to reinforce or offer limited artillery support.

odc round 2-2 NDC Actions.png
Lol, the NDC is essentially following the 1st FEU. Mechanized Infantry are going up to deal with the entrenched infantry and the Demon Squad towards the NMX scouts with GH stealth coating. I should mark the map from now on too.
Well, it's good that we're moving as a group rather than all spreading out on our own! I wasn't quite sure what the FEU was doing or where they were in this case, but I figure that with what I know now, it seems like we're probably going to want to try and eliminate both the AA and enemy infantry before collapsing in on the enemy armor, rather than trying to fight them head-on and risk more losses.
Im not breaking up every unit into 100 different icons since im treating this campaign as each company being a singular unit and not 4 different companies to keep track of!

Scouts tho make sense~

The NMX scouts to the south are rathe concerned on how outnumbered and outgunned they are and are pulling back or attempting to. The mechanized force west of the IPEXFOR are *technically* at their max range with some of their vehicles trying to range the IPEXFOR but wont really be able to fully engage until either they move closer to the snakes do.

To the north the moholi are very much in the way in their battle set and are in the way for the NDC or Reds to effectively deploy. There are two opennings to the south and north that both go around the hill the NMX light company are entrentched on but the light company is positioned pretty well and you're going to take a thrashing if you tried.

odc round 3 grid.png

Pretty soon im going to start advancing the time by hours to half days or so with day/night most likely being one post after the other. So using fighters or the like will likely need to wait until we have an airfield going somewhere during or after this thread to re-arm or deploy/return to be serviced!
New post is up, sorry for the delay and if I missed anything like the ndc firing last time. Its a lot of work to read and absorb every post and then try to visualize it like this!

The Moholi infantry are decimated and out of action due to a well-sprung trap including mines and artillery for which the NDC and Reds are now in as well and will have to fight or figure their way through it before partical artillery does you dirty. The GH are on ther other side of one of these minefields that were deployed via mortar that at first just seemed to be really bad and overshot rounds (those few explosions where the mines detonating prematurely btw~)

Theres also now some PA, a lone ravager mecha, and some flayers. a lot less than what any of you have to be sure but both are in your faces giving you a sucker punch.

The IPEXFOR and NDC scouts have destroyed the NMX scouts. There are a handful of wounded and surrendered neko now to deal with. Kill em, capture em, field interrogate; Doesnt matter to me just say in the OCC what you do with them or dont do~

odc round 4 grid.png