Star Army

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RP Grand Theft Starship


SARPiverse Culture Dreamer
Staff Member
🌟 Site Supporter
🌸 FM of Yamatai
Submissions Reviewer
🎖️ Game Master
RP Date
YE 46
RP Location
Noria Citadel, Noria System
Adrin gave a quick, sharp nod to Saphielle, who remained crouched in the shadow of the entry to the Dock Master’s office, hopefully she would understand his signal immediately, They had no room for mistakes, this was as close to a no-win situation as Adrin had ever faced. Outmanned and outgunned, they were up against a well-trained U.N.N. Security team holding their ground at the far end of the hallway. The metallic clink of armor, the low hum of energy weapons charging, and the distant echo of boots were closing in fast.

Adrin exhaled, adrenaline coursing through him. "If they bring in Krysis Crixa armors," he muttered, his voice tight, "we’re dead where we stand." His words hung heavy in the air, but there was no panic in his tone~~just the grim reality of the situation. They didn’t have firepower to match those mechanized monstrosities, and everyone knew it. Without waiting another second, Adrin swung out from cover and fired. His aim was true, and the blast hit one of the U.N.N. soldiers square in the gut. The man's eyes widened in shock as he crumpled to the floor, groaning in agony. They then dragging the stunned soldier out of the way quickly and before Adrin could fire another shot from his QPP.

Tirion-Class_Cruiser_andrew_midjourney2024.webp"For now, it’s just these guys," Adrin muttered, glancing down the corridor where the other five soldiers were regrouping. The tension in the air was thick. "But if they call for backup, we’re going to be splattered across the deck." He stole a quick glance at Aphelion, still frantically working at the airlock console, her fingers deftly navigating through the tangle of cables and organic tendrils that controlled access to the Tirion-Class Cruiser outside. The ship loomed just beyond the viewport, their only ticket out of this mess.

"Almost got it," Aphelion called out, not bothering to look up. "Hold them off just a little longer."

Adrin’s jaw clenched. The Tirion-Class Cruiser wasn’t just any ship—it was his son’s design, a military-ready vessel that could have secured a future for them all. Before everything had fallen apart. Before the Jol'Aester and her UNN lapdog had pulled the deal, forcing them into this desperate heist. Everything now rested on the razor-thin chance that the former Admiral could finish before their luck ran out.
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Saphielle nodded back to Adrin and smirked pulling out her modified bow with a QP Arrow using a hidden skill built into the bow itself she loaded three arrows into the string. Using her enhanced vision in combination with the peep sight she ducked from the cover of the shadows of the office door she took aim and fired all three shots towards the solders,"Hope this works"she said to herself.This was a new weapon she had been working on for herself and she hoped that by combining the basis for the QP and her arrows the would work relatively the same way with a bit more of a kick as well as a wider area of effect.

She then ducked back into the shadow of the door which barely gave her any cover as it was as she waited with baited breath to see if the former Admiral could get them out of this mess in one piece.
"Alright... got it!" Aphelion exclaimed as the airlock hissed open. "Let's go. I’ll lock them out once we’re inside." She was closest, so she quickly ran down the umbilical and boarded the ship, the emergency lighting flickering to life as she stepped into the dim corridor.

Back in the hallway, Adrin kept his position, firing at the U.N.N. security squad pinned down at the far end. Outmanned and outgunned, they were in a near-impossible situation. He glanced at Saphielle, giving her a quick hand gesture to board the ship. With his QPP still blazing, he hopefully laid down enough covering fire to give her a chance to move safely. She had managed to take out two more of the security squad, having landed both of her shots perfectly on target.

They were far from true safety, though. Even if they got on board, they still had to launch the ship, escape the Citadel, and jump to hyperspace before the U.N.N. scrambled its ships. Any slip-up and they’d be dead or captured.

Inside, Aphelion was working frantically, recoding the airlock as she waited for Adrin and Saphielle to board. If she could lock it down, they could at least keep the security team on foot from following. But the real threat loomed: if Citadel security became fully alerted, they could send in power-armored soldiers, and then things would get a whole lot worse.
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She smiled to herself seeing that her shots hit and that they were in fact effective.Reloading her bow and changing tactics a bit she pulled out another of her speciality arrows that would emit a smoke screen which should give enough cover to make it into the airlock. As she loaded her bow, she took a calming breath, ducked from the shadow of the door once again and took her shot using the moment to then move from her current location and ended up next to Adrin.

She then took a moment to see if the cover worked while tapping his shoulder,"You Good?"
“Yeah, I’m good. I’m right behind you,” Adrin said, glancing back down the corridor at the thick cloud of smoke rolling their way. He couldn’t help but admire the woman’s skill with that bow ~ it seemed a bit primitive compared to the firepower of other weapons, but she made it work. He gave her a slight shove toward the airlock, urging her to move faster.

As soon as they were inside, Aphelion sealed the airlock, and a low vibration rattled through the niranium bulkhead. It was clear they had cut it close. “Is that going to hold long enough for us to get out of here?” Adrin asked, his voice tense.

Aphelion shrugged, her fingers still working the controls. “If it doesn’t, we’ll just seal off the whole section until we pick up our crew. That should buy us some time either way.” She glanced at Saphielle. “You alright? It has been an interesting day.”

Adrin turned from the door to his comrades, eyeing them both. "I better get to the bridge. Now we get to hope this mindhive still responds to my commands… assuming no one’s updated anything before we got here. Most of the Citadel's crew are probably distracted by mourning, but then again, we thought security would be lighter too." He gave a slight shrug and headed for the lift. "Come up when you're ready," he added, disappearing into the lift as it hummed toward the bridge.
Saphielle just chuckled,"Well it has definitely been different thats for sure, but yeah I'm good.Looks like the time I spent being nosey and experimenting worked out well for me. Now we just have to make it out of here in one piece. I have faith in you Aphelion. I'm gonna go and join Adrin on the bridge, be careful ok" She stood up and put her bow back on her back as it locked into place on her holster as she made her way over to the lift to head to the bridge.

As she waited for the lift to come back down she took a moment to breath for a bit,as she knew they were far from safe but she hoped that they would make it out of this alive and in one piece.She was never a religious person but she said a silent prayer to whoever was willing to listen to let this go off without a hitch. She also said a silent prayer for her twin. She knew what this would do to her and as much as she wanted to be there with her twin this was far more important especially if what her gut feeling is telling her is true.
As Saphielle approached the lift, Aphelion stopped her. "Keep an eye on him. He’s holding it together now with the adrenaline pumping, but once that wears off... he’s going to crash hard, and grief will hit him like a freight train." Aphelion’s voice carried a tone of quiet concern, knowing Adrin better than anyone else in this mess. Stealing a U.N.N ship was desperate enough, but the loss of his son, and everything they once called home, was about to break him.

Saphielle gave a silent nod, understanding the weight behind Aphelion’s words. Aphelion turned to head in the opposite direction. “I’ll go down to engineering, see what I can pull together there. Let’s see what this thing’s packing...” she muttered to herself. "These things look conventional, but they're hybrid... Soon enough, you won’t be able to tell the difference." She shook her head, walking off. This wasn’t how she'd imagined retirement.

U.N.N Alyelume - Bridge,​

Tirion-Class Cruiser​

Adrin stepped onto the bridge, heading straight for the central platform. The dim lights flickered to life as the hatch slid open, revealing the pool of synth fluid. He knelt down beside it, fingers brushing across the surface. A low hum reverberated through the ship as it transitioned from the Citadel’s power to its own dimensional siphons. The ship’s systems booted up, instantly recognizing the vesper bond Adrin shared with his symbiote.

"Good morning, Captain," the mindhive greeted in a crisp, feminine voice.

Adrin pulled his hand back from the pool, surprised it hadn't turned hostile. "Here goes nothing," he muttered, climbing into the command throne. “Activate avatar synthesis. Power up the engines. Shall I ask the dockmaster for permission to depart?” the mindhive questioned.

He sighed. “Alye, I don’t think asking for permission’s going to do us much good. How we got here... well, let’s just say it wasn’t clean.”

"Understood. Departure sequence initiated, Citadel command bypassed. Fully at your service," Alye replied as the pool bubbled beneath the sealed hatch. “Currently working on releasing docking clamps and severing umbilical connections.”

Adrin raised an eyebrow, impressed by how smoothly the mindhive operated. He sank into the command chair, but before he could fully relax, the synth pool opened again. From it emerged a woman—pale, with jet-black eyes and bright pink hair, dripping in synth fluid. Adrin blinked, then shook his head in disbelief.

"Just great... Ves. Of course," he grumbled. "This damn delusion my son kept fixating on, and now she's his mindhive avatar." Frustration welled up in him. "We’re changing that look as soon as we’re out of here." He knew Saphielle wouldn’t be thrilled with the avatar’s resemblance, especially given her history with the neo-vespan program. But they didn’t have time to deal with it now. As the ship's systems ran their checks, Adrin focused on getting the Alyelume free. Time was running out, and the Citadel’s security wasn’t far behind.
Sephielle watched as Aphelion left as the lift finally arrived and she stepped inside.She was then lost in her thoughts as Aphelion's words rang through her head. She didn't know just how much time she had before Adrin finally broke but she knew with every fiber of her being that she would do everything in her power to get him through it. Though she wouldn't admit it to anyone else much less herself she had a soft spot for the man especially since he was the one who found her.

As she stepped on the bridge she stopped dead in her tracks as a cold fury began to rage within her as she hissed out and started walking again,"Ves Of fucking course....just my fucking luck" She grumbled to herself as she walked the rest of the distance to where Adrin was sitting and stood behind him as a quiet support while digging her nails into her palm so hard they broke the skin but in that moment she didn't care. She allowed the pain to cool the fury that burned in her chest.Looks like her gut feeling was correct and despite that feeling not going away she knew that shit was only going to get worse.

She took a calming breath,"Looks like you lucked out that nothing got changed ey Adrin" she said quietly.