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[Guide] Pricing guide


Everything Is Magical
So i was talking with a couple people on discord @HarperMadi @Toshiro earlier about values and currency within SARP and how inconsistent it is. All that aside there was another point that I believe we need to work on, that being a guide to pricing both for consumers and producers.

I’m not saying everyone come agree with me lets make it a huge project. But stepping into the production scene myself I’ve found it hard to know what price range to work within for different products, and currently it seems like some starship weapons are equal to or even higher than some smaller ships.

My reasoning to bring this up is for player benefit, sure people learn it eventually but what about newbies? And for getting a more unified approach to the whole thing.

I’d like to get peoples thoughts and input both vets and newer players who usually ignore currency and just know it’s there.
General rule of thumb I've had as a creator is trying to balance prices personally. This is a problem because of various currencies and insistence of people believing their product is inherently better or HAS to be more valuable.

I spoke to you in the Discord about it under the impression it was related to new players (whom are not necessarily bound nor need to be worried about pricing much since their GMs and FMs work to build inventories with them), but if we're going to speak about it as a tool to try and provide newbies with a guide, then we're not looking for a Pricing Guide.

The Pricing Guide is a tool for creators and GMs, essentially used to assign values to NEW content. It's a tool of reference for them.

The kind of thing you're discussing about players needing to know price ranges, however, is more in-line to what we discussed and what is partially outlined in the beginner's guide. Basically, new players only need to know that price ranges exist, but not necessarily the specifics. Their focus should be on trying to create a character and find their niche in the site versus learn the fine semantics of pricing a starship (which as we talked about, there are ships in various ranges even within similar size brackets).

Basically, it's very unlikely to be a simple project but rather one that would need to be outlined by someone and then worked on/tweaked. Very similar to how the DRv3 system came about, where one person created/outlined it and then it was brought into discussion and has been undergoing tweaks and outright stripping or addition since it was approved.

Well I'd be fine with working on that and yes we did discuss it in discord and I have to thank you for that, it's always way more helpful to talk things over and understand the other person's stand in doing so.
looks like you were a step ahead of me wes, and yeah looking at that other guide you found it has limited info and was last edited in 2013 so it could use some edits or updates.
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