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Halloween Halloween 2014 Brainstorming!

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Hey SARP! Halloween is coming up and I'm brainstorming ideas for a Halloween event we can run in October to promote RP and community activity.

In past Octobers, we've done:
  • Open RP Trick or Treat threads
  • A pumpkin hunt
  • Dress up your character (art)
I'd like to do at least the trick or treat threads (one per faction) and the character art thing. But I'm just one guy so I'm asking you all to see what your ideas are.
I will think about this, need to come up with concept for the clan, or they may just decide to celebrate in the spirit of the alliance
How about an open non faction based RP where a player crewed ship comes across a ghost ship as they exit hyperspace. They go and check it out... However there seems to be something inside the walls. As gradual terror escalates and the crew is picked off one by one the survivors try to make their way back to their own ship.

This would be run over a few days I think any shorter and it wont work. The idea is to create characters you dont mind being killed off in horrific manners in order to write a horror story the likes of which this site has never seen before.

What do you think?
Maybe. It'll be my first forray into the world of gm'ing though. I'll try and plan something. I'll be able to answer that quesrion by sunday I think.

Ill give it a ruddy good go though.
I might download DoGa onto my new computer and have Origin produce a special short-run pistol or something just for this Halloween.
Im reading through stuff like vampire the masquerade and world of darkness. Im working on a mini-campaign at the moment. I'm looking for a way to create the ship levels/ interiors. Probably will use Space Enginers cuz it has all the bits I need. I'm gonna try to spend more time on it this week cuz ive been packing for uni this last. This coming week is Freshers week then lectures so panicing aside i'll have at least time to write a little bit of a story for the campaign and bring it to a start. Not sure that I could GM it though. Depends on how busy Uni gets.
Ok. I've been working on my environments for the campaign this afternoon. Should have them finished for tomorrow. I have my ideas for the campaign collated and should "should" be able to gm the damn thing. It's going to be more then just a halloween day only campaign as im running it until either everyone dies or until the remaining crew make it out alive. should be fun. Ill be posting character perspectives and such during the campaign showing them what they actually see and the like. (designing something like this from scratch with maybe 20 default objects is harder then it looks.
Reactions: Wes
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