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Art Hammerhead 3D Modelling Project (COMPLETE)

Massive improvements. Fudging the numbers on the wing was a great choice. The greebles are looking great. Can't wait to see the rear section fleshed out a bit more and some preliminary coloring.
Hey bruh this looks pretty sick. when the model is done can you give me the .obj file so I can make a painting off of it?

Sorry, but I don't think I can. The project file can only be read by the Dassault Systemes CATIA V5R21 program, it doesn't have an .obj file. I'll provide as many images as you want though, feel free to ask.

Yes, an industrial aeromodelling program was used. Only the finest for SARP.
Isn't this program basically an extremely specialized, overpriced version of Blendr? I mean, what sets it apart from other CAD software and 3D modeling solutions? I don't want to sound like the guy in the advertisement who's set straight by the hip, urbane user of the product; but what's the benefit of using this program to make it over something else?

Also, how did you come by this software? It looks really expensive.
@Lamb, I require some assistance. I'm not sure on how to proceed with the broadside launchers. I was thinking of placing them in alternating left/right directions along the top and bottom of the tail, but the design just seems unnatural. The Hammerhead starts looking like a 17th Century ship-of-the-line with all the protruding barrels, not to mention the merry hell it'll play on aerodynamics.

I'm starting to get a little leery on the liberties I've taken with this design, I'm not too keen on further mutation of it. Please advise.
> Aerodynamics.

This is a starfighter, please remove this word from your vocabulary henceforth. Anti-grav and such have made it so bricks can fly with grace and poise.

This is it, @Lamb , one of the higher-end drafts.

Here are the Broadside Launchers.

Alternating directions with removeable backplate for reloading and backblast vents on the top and sides.


...so, how is it?
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@Lamb, @Kampfer, gentle reminder that drafts are available for submission. Work will be suspended until further directives are issued, as most of the main areas of the craft are largely completed.
Main turret uncolored due to pending redesign, it's supposed to be a rotary cannon.

Here it is, the endgame. I'd like to thank you all for sticking with me so far.


Amber Mirror Canopy and Aluminium Refuelling Probe

Brass Monoeye Sensor and Mirror Lens

Titanium Plasma Lance Cannons

Tungsten Engine Nozzles

Frontal Maintenance Hatch (Plasma Lance Cannons)

Main Maintenance Hatch (Core Systems)

Rear Maintenance Hatch (Reactor Access)

Forward Quadruple Missile Launchers

Broadside Twin Missile Launchers

Pulse Laser Array Turret
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I've looked back on this discussion.

Based on your responses and actions to Lamb's own opinions, I think you have done a good job.

I did at first think the rear of the craft is a bit blocky and odd - but looking at the top-down or bottom-up profile of the overall craft it looks very good.

I am going to give my go-ahead on using this as official art in tandem with the original line art - please wait for any other suggestions by @Lamb before proceeding in such a manner, as he hasn't had a chance to respond to this yet.
Thank you for the complements, but it isn't done yet. I have yet to properly craft the multi-barrels on the chaingun turret, hence its uncolored-ness.

Thinking of using the Pantsir-M as an inspiration.
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I was looking forward to coming in here and saying I couldn't see the green. But I can see the green. However; I can't see the amber. The caption says the canopy has a 'amber mirror' color scheme but all I can see is the mirror part, not the amber. Additionally, I believe we used a burgundy lens on our monoeyes. @Koenig808 can correct me on this if I'm wrong. The green is perfect. That's NAM green, baby. I'm really pleased with the overall look and feel of it. I could fly around in it at the mall and pick up chicks if it's Tuesday and the guy who drives around in his vintage Caprice is back at home obsessively washing his car. As for the glam on everything else, keep it. It's phenomenal. Finally, I'm looking forward to that finished chaingun assembly.
I was looking forward to coming in here and saying I couldn't see the green. But I can see the green.

However; I can't see the amber. The caption says the canopy has a 'amber mirror' color scheme but all I can see is the mirror part, not the amber.
That's a problem with the material, unfortunately. It's very hard to tell the difference unless you get a certain angle on it, just treat it as regular Mirror.

Turret ended up a little chunky, but it's somehow kind of cute like that. Like a GREEEEN, murderous little WALL-E armed with plasma cannons.

[EDIT: Turret re-redesign in progress]
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