Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

Art Hammerhead 3D Modelling Project (COMPLETE)

Currently working on Top View blueprints only, hence only half the ship is done. @Kampfer, @Lamb, if you could get me more detailed specifications on module emplacements and bottom view graphs, I will be most grateful.
Hmm, should the frontal chamfer radius be bigger? I left a 20mm "strip" to place air intakes and the like, but would it be better if it was a continuous semi-oval instead?
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More progress.

(P.S. Due to the lack of detail, I am fabricating some details on my own volition. Please feel free to inform me should you find it undesirable.
Hammerhead WIP FrontPolished.webp Hammerhead WIP BackPolished.webp
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Still to come: Missile Racks, Pulse Laser Arrays (little turrets at the sides), Rear Section.

Artist's Note:
-The two Torpedo Bays are almost 20 meters long.
-The 3 Plasma Lance Cannons at the front look short, but they are actually 6.5 meters long, and have a barrel diameter of 1.6 meters.
-Most of the two items above are concealed in the body of the craft.
-The Pulse Laser Arrays are 30cm/300mm cannons.
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Uh... You do realize that canonically, the entire ship is only ~32m long, right? Your proportions are way off if you're designing art for the existing Na-F/A 02 Hammerhead. Pretty much everything about that ship has fairly specific size ranges, and you're off on pretty much every one of them right now.
Uh... You do realize that canonically, the entire ship is only ~32m long, right? Your proportions are way off if you're designing art for the existing Na-F/A 02 Hammerhead. Pretty much everything about that ship has fairly specific size ranges, and you're off on pretty much every one of them right now.

Accounted for, actually. Th entire span 0f the ship is 323.6mm (32.36m actual, 10x mm), with the frontal "head" taking up most of the craft. I do need to hack off 20mm off the back to account for the lengthened wing, however.

This software allows me to be quite precise.

Model Specifications: (1m = 10mm)

Length: 323.6mm (32.36m)
Head Length: 140mm (14m)
Body Length: 110mm (11m)

Height: 61mm (6m landing gears retracted)
Head Width: 268.2mm (26.82m)
Body Width: 150mm (15m)

Torpedo Bay Embed Depth: 180mm (18m) [Extends into Body]
Engine Size [est.]: 60mm x 40mm x 80mm (6m x 4m x 8m)

Derived Values:
Remaining Tail Length: 70mm (7m)
Landing Gear Extend Height: 19mm (1.9m)
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Me and Kampfer have been back and forthing over this on Skype for the last two days and we've had a few different ideas as to how to really officially react to it. Part of the hold up about this is that it's difficult to decide to react with criticism over something that's been labeled as a gift. It seems ungrateful, perhaps even indignant. Especially when it's art for an old, rarely used vehicle. However, in the end we decided that-- if you're really using this as a chance to learn the skill-- then maybe it is best that we act like someone who would commission you to design this for us. That is to say, we're gonna be huge dicks about it. This thing is gonna have to be perfect. I'm going to personally come in here and nitpick every little detail like a tyrant until you either give up working on this or it looks absolutely smashing. What's worse is that I've hidden my wickedness behind the veil of 'blunt honesty', so I'll be branded as a good man for being mean to you.

"Oh, he's just helping him learn." They'll say, clipping a cigar and opening up the most recent issue of Pseudointellectual Monthly Digest.

So, let's get started. There's a few things I'll get on first, and once we've looked at that we'll move on to the more precise details:

  • On Scale: Many of the small craft and spacefaring vessels in Star Army actually have serious scale issues. @Gunsight1 actually wrote an article about this and it's buried somewhere on the site. Basically, these things were given improper sizes when they were first made and the result is that sometimes single-person craft are too small to contain a single person and other times ten-man crews run ships larger than an aircraft carrier. What does this mean for you? Well, it means you're going to have to fudge the numbers a little bit if you want to make a proper scale representation of the thing.

  • Design Aesthetic: Now, of course this is uncolored at the moment because you're working on it, so I won't say "I CAN'T SEE THE GREEEEEEN" like I plan to later on when you color this. That said, it doesn't quite look like NAM vehicles yet. Check out this gunship that @Foxtrot 813 did. You see how it's very curvy, yet at the same time polygonal? Your model, specifically the rear segment, is really boxy. Can we get that box looking less cubic and more, say pentagonal or hexagonal? We're going for a similar look to the things we already have art here so Nepleslian hardware can have a unified design aesthetic like Yamataian stuff does. We might be the meaty space revolver faction, but we're not the meaty space junk revolver faction.

  • Finally, for now, let's also get a lot more detail on the cockpit. This cockpit looks like a crystal or a stage-gem just sat in its little alcove. Put some greebles on it or something, maybe a seal around the edge and a handle of sorts. We need to know when we look at this image that it's a cockpit. That's absolutely important. Right now, it could just be the "cool faceted gem that every space fighter needs", which is not something that any space fighter really needs. In fact, how about sticking some greeblies on it in general. All over it. It's kind of an understated creature all-around, with its smooth surfaces and blank spaces anywhere there's not a weapon or engine port. Think about the kinds of things a fighter need. It needs a fuel door, maintenance hatches, hardware access panels, loading bays for the guns, etc. This is going to be important for the final product and you'll really regret not putting these in sooner later on when you're out of space for them and people are asking, in really annoying voices, "Where do the bullets go in at?" They'll end their sentences with prepositions and you won't like that one bit.

That's all for now. More to come as time and progress permits.
I see. Current plans are for the reactors (and access hatches) to be concentrated at the rear (bereft of thrusters, those go on the head), torpedoes are reloaded through the barrel (backblast vents will be added) and an internal ammunition bay hatch at the bottom (maintenance panels on turret tops and below Lance Cannons. I suppose twin floodlamps can go beside the cockpit for vision,among other things.The rear section is still raw material, it has not been worked on yett. Hence its boxiness, but perhaps a tapering on the bottom would be better? Make it look more like a tail.

I gladly welcome criticism, please feel free to instruct me as I work. I get working experience on the software, you get satisfactory models, win-win for everyone.
Right, added a faceplate to cover the canopy, with a vent and a telescoping refuelling boom. Also, the prototype missile racks can be seen on the right wing, still to be worked on.
Nothing more needs to be said.

sleekhammer fronttop.webp sleekhammer sides.webp sleekhammer frontbottom.webp sleekhammer top.webp sleekhammer bottom.webp sleekhammer gameface.webp

Missile Launchers
sleekhammer launchers.webp

Lance Cannons and Access Hatch
sleekhammer hatchcannon.webp

New Cockpit and Turreted Radar Gun (Monoeye System)
sleekhammer canopyradar.webp
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