Star Army

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RP Hanami Festival of YE 38

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Mehitabel made her own bow from behind Hanako, wings once again broadly spread, showing her respect with as little intrusion to the proceedings as possible before she returned to the background. She still had a few more things to finish off moving Freyja's records (and her own) onboard, plus doing a quick poke through the rest of the available records to get a look at how bad the situation was. Never having actually been responsible directly to an officer, she felt herself falling back on 'the book', deferentially hanging around the Admiral while sneaking the occasional sip from her tea. Her posture was steadily relaxing, though that didn't make her fresh, insignialess uniform any less formal.

"Ah, Yuuki-hei! I suppose I've taken up the post," she lifted her head up from the communicator display and shot the Neko a small pleasant smile, ice rattling in her glass of tea, "I'd be happy to talk with my fellow new shipmate, although, if you're the same Freyja Yuuki-hei from Orochi then everything official is in order. Which leaves more time for the party!"

If Junko followed said Neko directly, she would find her across from a slender, black haired Elysian woman.
Junko ambled toward the group of Star Army servicemen/women, second guessing every other step. Technically she cleared socialization, but that wasn't a particularly high bar to clear. Fighting, or training to fight, was a lot more straightforward. She had a goal, she had means and told to get to it.

Right here, it was just... nothing.

The air was churning with a thousand different scents she couldn't place. A hundred options just thrown out all over the place. No frame of reference, no meaningful context. Not even a familiar face from her batch, now, either.

It appeared, though, the gathering was starting to form into some semblance of smaller sub groups. By the rank pins and badges, she was able to gather the relative weight classes. Junko discretely entered the orbit of the group seeming to be made of the followers, as opposed to the leaders. Maybe she'd fit in here, for now, if she tried.
Yoshiro's mother and her two children had arrived at the festival for Hanami. Her son was on a mission with his fellow compatriots on the Aeon and could not make it with them. "Kaa-san, over here! There is a good spot over here!" Sho shouted and his mother hefted the picnic basket to the spot. "Now be calm, I'll get over there soon." Maya said with a smile as her daughter set up the blanket for them. They sat down and relaxed while watching the blossoms. Aoi looked over to a group of people that were gathering. "Kaasan? Are those soldiers over there?" Aoi asked.

"Yes Aoi-chan. Those are the soldiers that protect us and help us when the bad people come and try to get us." Maya said. "Your brother is a soldier too." Aoi smiled and sat down. "Can we go talk to them? I want to meet the good guys that protect us from the bad guys" Aoi asked as Sho stood up. "No one is cooler than Bro-Bro! He is strong and will pound the ground with any bad guy that he meets!" He shouted excitedly as his mother giggled and his sister joined in. "Now calm down you two. Let's get ready to eat." Maya said with a smile.
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Noticing another Neko drifting her way, Mehitabel tipped her head to the side to sneak a better look around Freyja to see if the latest on the scene had any sign of rank or posting. It had never occurred to her before the last few minutes that so many people would be wandering around in search of a new assignment. It made Hanako's task that much simpler. Holding up a hand, she politely waved to Junko. "It looks like we might have another new comrade," she says secretively.
The blue-skinned Neko nodded sagely in response to Mehitabel. "I am the Yuuki-hei you are speaking of." She found herself next to her stroking one of the Elysian woman's wings. "I haven't met an Elysian before you know.." The warm feeling spreading throughout her body felt strange, but she liked it. "Your wings are so pretty!" She declared suddenly. "I can fly too you know.." She giggled and began hovering in place, tapping Mehitabel on the head with her tail. "I do sometimes wish I had pretty wings. But all I got was this tail and my ears." She moved her white ears back and forth slowly to demonstrate.

"Shiho, come get some wine! It will make you feel really good." She said telepathically to the solitary Neko. "Ths is a party, right? You shouldn't be all alone." Finally, she noticed the newcomer and hovered towards her. "Hey, I know you! Hasegawa-chan!" Freyja lowered herself to the ground and gave Junko a big hug. She began purring softly as she nuzzled Junko. "It's good to see you again!"
Junko blinked, noticing she was being waved at by someone. An Elysian she didn't recognize. A clerk if the look of her was any indication. She wasn't familiar enough with the species in general to make a guess at which body type she was wearing.

Oh, and then Junko remembered to wave back in kind. She was fairly certain she didn't have to bow at this distance or salute. The celebrations were technically off duty, and relaxed besides. Unless the Elysian happened to be much higher ranked than the trooper guessed.

She practically squeaked as she was taken into a big hug. The affection and the closeness wasn't a problem. Neko were forward by nature and you didn't exactly get prudish sharing a communal shower with roughly thirty people. The directness, the person to person intimacy of focused attention was overwhelming.

It took her a moment to awkwardly nuzzle back. That was what she was supposed to do, right?

"Y-Yuuki-Hei, its good to see you." Junko greeted, cheeks reddening. "Hello, everyone."
Shiho heaved a little sigh, and hefted herself to her feet. She didn't float up, or use any of her gravity control... She'd already spent the day slacking off, and eating whatever festival junk food she could get others to volunteer to her. Floating would be too easy, at least when she was giving a little off hand thought to exercise. That and it would be a little more expedient; she rather wanted to put off having to actually go over there and chaperone her squadmates in person. She'd thought that maybe she could rescue it with hints, but with some sort of intoxicant in the mix (what was 'wine' anyway?) Shiho was suddenly playing officer babysitter...

The bulky Nekovalkyrja sauntered over to the picnic area proper, acquiring a fresh head of cherry blossom petals in her unruly mane of hair; and rather gently placed one hand on the shoulder of Yuuki, and the other on the shoulder of Hasegawa and then praised them apart.

"Take it easy there, you two... We're in public." Shiho offered the two, her husky voice keeping low, "Pretty sure shows of affection aren't... Aren't something good right here."

...Well, she guessed anyway. Maybe this wine stuff was weird, or Freyja just had fickle affections?
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Mehitabel felt her wings spread out showing off her plumage as Freyja ran her hands over them. Surprised by the sudden intimate turn their conversation had taken, the Elysian woman almost as quickly snapped them back tight to her back with a nervous quiver! She had of course heard how... Familiar Nekovalkyrja could be with friends, or even acquaintances, yet the sudden contact still came as a surprise. Her lips moved, forming confused, detached syllables while her eyes turned upward to follow the other woman up. Fluffy Neko tail bopping her on the nose seemed to do the trick, rebooting her brain enough to process the view beneath the trooper's skirt.

"Ah! W-Well, thanks, but your tail and ears are c-cute too! Are you feeling alright Yuuki-san?" she said with an unhealthy amount of stammering. Freyja flitted away towards the newcomer, wrapping her in a hug as Mehitabel watched. She scrambled for a fresh topic, "Oh! You too now each other?"

When the larger Nekovalkyrja arrived and mercifully pried them apart before the Elysian's pale face went totally arrived, she revised her question, "You all know each other? How fortunate to run into friends!" Mentally, Hanako's direction asserted itself. If she was supposed to recruit replacement infantry, then what better time then when they seemed to be flocking around her! Smoothing her skirt, mouth pressed into a determined line, she trotted over to join them, adopting a smile on the way. "Enjoying the festivities?" she asked Shiho and Junko, "The Eucharis' cooks have a wonderful spread prepared if you haven't eaten yet!"

Junko's guess is probably right; despite the winged woman's Command white central panel, she has no rank insignia, sleeve patches, or cuff rings to indicate that Mehitabel's any higher grade then she herself is.
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ON> Hanami Festival

Wazu stood by the waterfront area, watching the festivities from out in front the Sushi place he had visited with Aikiko not to long before. It felt great just being sloshed again, that pleasant buzz from the alcohol warming his body and leaving him with a happy tingle all over. He had promised himself that earlier was just a one time thing, Aikiko was leaving, he wanted to show her a good time, a few drinks would be ok... but this week had been crap, and no amount of tingle would help plaster over that. Maybe another drink or two wouldn't be such a bad idea...

"There he is!" a familiar voice said in the distance and some movement tugged at the corner of Wazu's vision, moving closer to the man. "What are you doing loitering about all by yourself?" asked Yamashiro Natsumi as she approached. She was wearing a kimono of red satin rather than her uniform, and she was not alone. To the left of the snowy haired neko was another woman with ultramarine blue hair, cropped short to her jawline and brilliant violet eyes and an infantry uniform. Aside from these differences, the shape and features of her face and build were almost identical to those of Natsumi. And on her other side was a red headed Nepleslian woman, who she had dragged out of the ship with direct orders to have a good time and stop sulking over having been left behind during the last mission.

The power of the red head's sulk was cranked up to eleven. Tony was still pissed, but at least she was out of her cabin, and she had time to recharge and reload her pistol. It had been a long trip to catch up and she needed a drink... or thirty. But her neko friend had dragged her away from her stock pile of rashion booze. Little then Nat's knew but the neko was going to be paying for all of the Nepleasian's drinks for the festival. Looking out from under the brim of her gifted Marine's cap she had caught Wazu by one of those fishy joints the cat's liked so much.

"Brooding mostly," Wazu said, he still hadn't had an opportunity to get some better clothes, and was still in a green t-shirt and some baggy gray pants. His eyes would go to Natsumi first, traveling up her red Kimono before sliding over to the blue one... then to Tony, before giving them all a smile.

After all, it was supposed to be a festival...

"You and your... friends certainly look mostly-ready. I do not think we have met..." He said, turning his attention to the Ultramarine hair'd woman.

"This is my sister, Sakura" Natsumi said, introducing the infantry neko, who bowed politely.

"Nice to meet you" she said.

"And this is Tony" Natsumi turned to Antonia, nodding to the redhead. "She is part of the Eucharis crew as well, but was lucky enough to miss out on the ordeal of our last mission.

"I do remember Tony," Wazu said, "Though I am impressed she has kept up with your crew for this long... Not having gravity manipulation can be exhausting."

"I keep up..." Tony grumbled as she looked around for a bar or maybe one of those fancy boose despising machines. "What do you mean ordeal?" She asked Nats as her eyes shifted around hunting for the one liquid cure for her mood.

"Oh, I'll tell you later" the snowy haired neko replied. "Right now is not the time to talk about hard times, it's time to have a good time" she said and glanced at her sister, who nodded in agreement.

"Fine," She growled out finding a machine that would give her the life giving booze, "Can I borrow your credit chit.. I seemed to have left mine back on the ship.... And I could use a sippy cup."

Natsumi raised a white eyebrow. "What do you want to get?" she asked.

"There is a plenty-decent bar behind us too... it is not just sushi." Wazu offered.

"Boozamahol..." The red head got out as Wazu's comment made her head snap around and start her towards the mythical bar of largerness. "Come on... Its not going to drink itself!"

Natsumi and Sakura glanced at each other and shrugged, then looked at Wazu. "Shall we, then?" Sakura asked him, since there seemed little stopping their nepleslian companion.

"She seems to know what she wants," Wazu replied, placing himself beside Natsumi and offering to walk with her into the Sushi bar.

The place itself was not that large. There was a bar area in front, several stools lined up one after another. A fair skinned neko was standing behind that bar, dressed in a white robe, with a little white hat completely covering her hair and a trio of knives attached at her hip like tiny Samurai swords still in their scabbards. "Please sit!" She offered, her steely gaze looking over at them intently.

Of course, a much warmer looking hostess was running around in the back, areas, bringing patrons beer and wine as well as helping the few curious patrons that dared try their hand at the karaoke machine in back.

The bar was far fancier then she were ever had been in before and probably far more expensive then she was planning on. "Uhh... we can find somewhere else.." Tony said worriedly as she turned back to Nats. "I could run back to the ship for my card..."

"Don't worry about the bill" Natsumi replied. She did not feel like going to anywhere less fancy or back to the ship at this point. "We're here, let's enjoy it" she said and picked out a seat, settling herself into it.

"Yeah, it'll be fun" Sakura added as she sat in the next seat over and stretched herself out.

The sushi chef would watch them intently, waiting quietly for them to place an order... but it wasn't too much longer before the hostess would stop by, leaning over Tony's shoulder to place a small menu card in front of her, "What can I help you with?!" She asked, full of cheer!, "We've got a large selection of drinks if you four would like to start off with a warm Saki... and our chef would be happy to make you any Sushi type you desire!"

"Maybe just a water for now..." Wazu replied, taking a seat in between Tony and Natsumi.

"I'll take a beer..." Tony asked as she looked down at the menu card. She wasn't pleased that she wasn't in her normal scuzzy surroundings, but if they had the booze here, then she would be just fine. "I wouldn't know anything about sushi..."

Sakura leaned in and smiled, "Don't worry, we'll choose something you will like" she said and looked up at the hostess and rattled off an order for multiple different types of sushi rolls, some more adventures than others, and some very tame, in case Tony and Wazu ended up not wanting to try the more fun stuff.

"We'll also take some sake" added Natsumi once her sister was done ordering food.

"Aye," The chef said, swiftly going to the back to gather the required materials for the rolls as the Hostess too dissappeared into a side room.

"Sakura was one of the more famous gunships right?" Wazu asked, looking over Natsumi's shoulder at her sister, "Any relation?"

It would only take a moment before the Hostess had returned, dropping off a rather large beer for Tony, still in a large green glass bottle. With a well practiced twist she'd take the top off with one hand, and then use her other to set down a warm ceramic pouring bottle of Sake for the other two, followed by two small cups. The Hostess effortlessly sliding over to the next patron as the Chef returned from the back, an array of fruits, fish, and less determinable items on a tray in front of her.

"I serve aboard the Sakura II, which is landed beside Natsumi's ship right now" answered the blue haired neko. "Though my name is just a coincidence. This is my second posting. Before this I was part of the legion that assaulted Kozan during the end of the last war" she explained.

Listening, Tony smiled at the Hostess before taking a sip of her beer. Wasn't terrible at all. Bit better then anything she had drank before. On hearing the bit about the legioneer, Tony was impressed, she didn't know Nat's had such a badass sister.

Sakura picked up her glass of sake and took a sip. The mention of Kozan brought back some memories she did not like to dwell on and she forced the images of her hand to hand fight with an advanced type Mishhu, where she had rammed a frag grenade down the thing's throat at the cost of her arm, out of her mind.

"So, have you had a chance to see much of the festival yet?" Natsumi asked Wazu as she picked up her own drink and sipped at it too, before attacking a piece of eel sushi

"No... I have been preoccupied." He replied, looking at the water in front of him with disappointment, then looking over at Tony and watching her drink the beer.

The chef would continue cutting away at the material in front of her, slicing up some fish, balling up rice, and making very precise cuts into a green fruit before rolling it all up in seaweed. She'd then take out a second knife after setting the first down, making a series of rapid chops to cut the roll into several thin pieces When the small plates of sushi arrived in front of them, they were treated to a small Yui-face made from fish, rice, and alvacado!

"Oh, I see" Natsumi replied and gave Wazu a sidelong glance, a hint of concern in her expression. She wondered what was eating at him, though this was not the time or place to press him on personal matters. Not with her sister and friend there, both pretty much strangers to the scientist.

Looking at the plate before her, Tony's nose scrunched up as she poked at the rice face before her. "Who didn't sleep with you?" She asked before she took a large swig of her beer. "You could get one of those fancy Yammie hookers..." She shrugged before pulling a bit of the avocado out of the face roll.

"The last thing I need to worry about is another woman to please," Wazu said, smiling a bit, "It has just been a hard week... I mean, sure Aikiko leaving is not thrilling for me but I am not going to mope about it."

As Wazu spoke the Chef would start arranging another bit of eel onto of a small ball of white rice before cracking a small quail egg over the whole thing... moving one piece in front of each of the patrons before her.

"What about you? Is it just the last mission that has you down?" He asked, eager to change the subject.

"How could it be.. I was left behind." The red head said as she lifted her cap off her face and rand a finger through her hair. "I think there might be some boy hookers if that's your thing..." She giggled before eyeing the egg mess on the second plate before her.

Natsumi rolled her eyes at her shipmates crude remarks, but otherwise did not respond to them. She instead worked on her next piece of sushi and made a note to catch Wazu alone later and see what was up with him. He had not been down like this before.

Sakura eyed Tony and finished her own first piece of sushi. "So, how do you like being in the exchange program, the star army has to be pretty different than your own military?" she asked.

"Not bad I guess.. your cabins are far nicer but past that it's differently a bit strange. You guys don't even have drink rations handed out.." Tony shrugged and took another drink of her beer. "But I figure that isn't to terrible."

"Well if it makes you feel any better, I went along on the last mission and did not contribute much. I think I just slowed everyone down... I should probably look into renewing my power-armor flight skills." Wazu said, reaching for one of the pairs of chopsticks nearby and breaking it apart for use, folding his fingers around the two pieces of wood and snatching up the quail-egg covered piece for consumption. Chewing and swallowing the runny, squishy, eel and egg.

"You helped a lot more than you realize" Natsumi replied. "It was a rough situation and you, like everyone else, did everything you could to help out" she said and looked him in the eyes with her red eyes. "Don't think otherwise" she added.

"Did I? I could have saved Cherry if I just had a radio and..." Wazu stopped himself, and grabbed the Yui-roll with the chopsticks, giving himself some time to chew the problem over.

Quietly, the Chef would continue her work... this time slicing into some fatty tuna, the nearly white meat being placed on plates for each of them... no rice, no toppings. Each piece of fish was so fatty, the taste would be like having a bit of butter in your mouth as the flesh disintegrated against the tongue!

Natsumi raised an eyebrow again, There was a hint to what was eating at him. Though, Cherry would be just fine and re-cloned, she understood his frustration and pain at her loss.

Wazu was starting to regret his seat choice, shifting a bit uncomfortably like he was under the microscope, "How about you Natsumi? It must be great to see your sister again?"

Natsumi smiled, glad of the sudden change in subject. "Yes, it is!" she said, cheerfully. "Sakura and I have not seen each other in many years" she said and smiled, throwing an arm around her sister.

"That's because you don't ever leave that ship of yours" Sakura replied wryly and hugged her sister back. "It is nice to be together again"

"So what do you two do for fun? Can Sakura sing?" He asked.

Sakura blinked. "Me? Sing?" she gasped. "Hell no. That's Natsumi, I break glass when I try!" she laughed. "She's been hassling people with that karaoke machine of hers again, hasn't she?" the blue haired neko eyed her snowy sister with some suspicion

"Well, I know which machine you are talking about. And if you are not into singing, then there must be some other passion inside of you? Maybe you love knitting?" Wazu pried. "I am guessing Tony here loves the finer alcohols..."

"I like listening to music" Sakura replied. She shrugged," As for hobbies, I dunno, swimming" she shrugged again

"Oh you have to like something... some activity you gravitate toward when you are not on duty... or is that your passion? You enjoy work?" Wazu asked.

Silently Tony rolled her eyes at the old man's crappy attempts at flirting with the cat girls. As she continued to poke at her sushi and drink her beer the red head looked across the table at Nat's sister Sakara. She didn't have to looks of a snow daemon like Nat's did. It was strange. Were the Nekos blood siblings or were they just from the same batch. Tony cursed herself for never asking about Nat's past.

"Well" Sakara shrugged." I do like piloting my DAISY 2" she said, referring to the ground attack power armor she had used since her first posting."Does that count? " she offered a smile.

"I suppose so. Why do you prefer the Daisy over the Mindy?" Wazu asked.

"It's what I started in" she replied."I've had the most experience with the Daisy and the one I have has always been good time" she shrugged.

"Hmm..." Wazu was struggling to find a conversation to get started on, looking from Sakura to Natsumi, "Well, ... How much of the festival have you two seen?"

"Probably less than you have" Natsumi replied. "We just got here when we stumbled across you" she smiled and sipped at her drink, while Sakura busied herself with a piece of sushi. "Anything interesting that you've seen yet?" she asked as she set her cup down. "I think after this, we should go explore a bit" she added and glanced at Tony as well.

"Well, I kinda like this sushi place... but I have not gotten a chance to walk around much either." He replied, looking over at their Nepleslian friend, "How about you Tony?"

Setting the empty bottle down, the red head turned to look at the man sitting next to her. "What do you mean? The beer isn't half bad, but I have never really cared for the fishy rolls... Not that I don't appreciate it." She quickly said trying not to sound like an ungrateful ass. "But it isn't like I can live off of beer and burgers and keep this figure." She shrugged and looked over at Sakura and winked at her.

Sakura raised a questioning eyebrow in response to Tony's wink.

"Well, I think we should decide what we want to do next" Natsumi interjected, oblivious to the silent communication happening between her sister and the nepleslian woman.

With a smirk she winked again before raising her hand up at an passing waitress, "Can I get another one of theses?" Tony lifted the almost dead beer up to show what she was meaning.

"Maybe we should go join the others?" Wazu asked, as the hostess glided by, setting down a coaster along with another beer for tony without so much as a word.

"That sounds good to me" Natsumi replied to the suggestion with a smile.
"I know them." Shiho said to Mehitabel, narrowing her eyes a little and looking the Elysian up and down. She'd never seen anyone with wings before, and held the look just a little too long. She could understand why Freyja would want to touch them, but didn't want to do so herself... And she wore officer white, too. Shiho at least tried to choose her words carefully...

"It's a good festival. There's no flowers like this where I'm from... Food's good too, but I've just been getting things from the stalls. I don't presume to join an admiral's party without an invitation." Shiho picked a few petals from her overgrown bangs, letting them drift softly to the ground. "Freyja here just called me over; and I found these two getting friendly. And you... Enjoying the show."

Shiho stood with her hands in her pockets, elbows out a little bit. Just generally taking up a bit more physical space than needed, and looking rather unimpressed; like some older sister who'd caught someone leching on their younger siblings. The Nekovalkyrja may have been easily affectionate with each other or immodest, but there was still a line to be crossed. Especially when one was a bit intoxicated. And Shiho was rarely one to just let things slide.

"It's polite to not look straight up someone's kimono when they decide to fly, you know?"
"I didn't think there was anything wrong with hugs?" Mehitabel said, her voice squeaking with embarrassment, apologetically she offered, "If you're worried about an invitation, then consider this one." Apparently things on Yamatai were not as cut and dry as she had so briefly presumed. Swirling pink petals, the happy tenor of the crowd, had put her in a romantic frame of mind she supposed. Of course it wasn't normal for two friends to just, get up in each others face that way. As Shiho stuck out her elbows and, it felt like, started to loom over her, the Elysian drew back a half-step.

"I had never even thought of looking under someone's skirt!" she snapped defensively, an unfamiliar sense of indignation smothering her urge to apologize in its sleep as she crossed her arms across her chest, "To my detriment it would seem. I meant no offensive to Yuuki-hei, nor you."

Using her meager, for a Caelisolan, wings Mehitabel gave herself a little more height and breadth to match the Neko the best way open to her.
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Shiho looked Mehitabel up and down, holding an expression as if she were sizing up the Elysian; like she was considering whether to make this escalate... And then her face just... broke in to a big grin. Whatever weighing and measuring was going on there: Mehitabel had passed.

Shiho laughed, and offered a little bow of formal greeting before relaxing her posture a little, scattering the last of the flower petals. Hips slightly forward, elbows still out; it became a bit more apparent that the sort of intimidating posture that the big red Neko wore was just her default stance.

"Well, Freyja shouldn't really be flying over your head to show off... Both the flying and... You know. And! Both of them should know it's not really, uh... proper to act so intimate if it's going to make you uncomfortable." Shiho had apparently suddenly grown consideration for Mehitabel. Whatever priorities she had seemed to change at a rate likely to inflict whiplash, and only now she gave introduction: "Ishii Shiho. Orochi Squadron, same crew as these two who I'm proud to have fought alongside."

Well, at least she seemed to care for the others... In a weird, overbearing sort of way.
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Freyja's eyes widened at the suggestion of impropriety on her part. "I-I'm sorry, Callidius-hei, I never even considered you might be uncomfortable." She allowed her body to clear the alcohol from her system, terrified she had done something wrong. Turning to Junko, she bowed slightly. "Forgve me Junko-chan if I made you uncomfortable!" She begged, then turned to bow to Mehitabel. "And you Callidius-hei. Forgive me for touching your wings without asking!"

Her blue face was turning slightly purple with embarrassment. She tried to change the subject. "Shiho-san, you have to try lobster! It's amazing. Watch out for the wine, though." She said as she put her hand on Shiho's shoulder and directed her to the food, pointing out the things she had liked and basically demanding that Shiho should try them.
Junko mewed skittishly at all the attention the hug seemed to draw. Then her face flushed red as the beefier Neko pulled them apart. She wasn't sure why it was such a large scene, considering the setting. Great, stepped out and she was already making a mess.

"It was fine, no offense taken at all." Junko held up her hands disarmingly. Really, she didn't, she just had never been near a crowd or function quite like this. Training grounds, maybe, but you always had something else to focus on. Though now she was starting to see her way a little better.

"Whats wrong with wine?" Junko asked, tagging along. She'd heard of the stuff, but not about it. The smells coming from the food were... interesting, though. Almost made her want to tear her way through the tables.

The first flushes of anger disappear almost as soon as they've arisen, leaving Mehitabel briefly relieved that Shiho isn't going to beat her into the ground like a tent peg, or worse keep staring at her disapprovingly. It felt good, she decided, to measure up to whatever standards the strange Neko was holding her up against. So she smiled back, and bowed in return the Elysian way, bent forward with eyes meeting the Neko's and wings spread ever so slightly, "Mehitabel Calidius, Eucharis's ship's clerk."

"No! I'm not uncomfortable, I'm just not used to... Everything yet," she protests, straightening back up as all three Nekovalkyrja surround her with apologies. She gives Freyja another friendly grin, "Don't worry about it! I know they're something of a novelty on Yamatai these days. So you're comrades at arms! Well, you should really try out the buffet. Keep in mind, if all three of you would like to stay together, the Eucharis is looking for infantry!"

It was distinctly... Strange to have someone else concerned for her feelings. Then again, she wasn't used to being put into social circumstances in an informal setting as it was. Overall she thought it was going fairly well, trailing after all three to refill her glass, perhaps some of the wine this time.
Hanako stopped Mehitabel for a moment with a light touch to her arm. The Shosho leaned over to her, "You seem to be just fine from where I am standing," she softly encouraged her new clerk. "Also, I hope you are not offended if I say that I feel your name is a bit of a mouth full. I was wondering if it would be alright if I could call you 'belle' as a nickname? It was either that or mecha," Hanako inquired, tilting her head a little. After this proposal, Hanako followed Mehitabel and the others to the buffet and got herself another glass of red wine.
Tesgi popped another piece of fruit into his mouth as he kept an eye on his daughter. So far this was a perfect day a chance to experience a festival of their ally, and spend time with his punla without any interruptions.

Tetes had stopped crawling and with some effort got to her feet. Tetes had been walking for a few months now. She pointed at Hanako as the Neko walked away. "Pomy pia, pomy âyem."
Flower elder, stop flower.
Her voice becoming plaintive.

Teta looked at her daughter and saw that Hanako was walking away from where she had been seated to a table with food. It was obvious to her, that Tetes had noticed the blossoms on Hanako's kimono. Not knowing how to address Hanako, the child was using what she knew. She picked up her daughter and placed her in her lap, "She is getting food little one. She will return in a bit and then you can look at the flowers on her jendo." She pressed her forehead to her child's.

Tesgi watched his wife taking care of their child. He smiled with a sense of pride. He then watched as Hanako and the others went to get food. He considered getting something from the service. Yamatain food was not seasoned enough for a Qaktoro, but being a Tula the food was closer to their normal. "I'll bring us back some food to try." He said, leaning over to Teta. He touched her nose with his, and moved his face to the side of her's. A quick flick of his tongue brushed across her lips.

He stood up and walked over to survey the table. Since it seemed to be self-service. He took a plate and followed behind the others.
As Aoi and Sho ate they both were wanting to talk to the soldiers that were enjoying the Hanami festival. Whike their mother was a bit distracted they walked over to the soldiers to talk to them. "Wow, they all look strong. They must be as tough as bro-bro." Sho said and looked around. "Um...excuse me but...are you all soldiers?" Aoi said shyly to Hanako. Sho was munching on a riceball while admiring the sakura trees, waiting for his sister to be done talking so as not to interrupt.
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"I'd be honored to serve on the Eucharis." Junko answered. She'd heard good things about the ship and how it run. A few stories, but she never really paid them much mind. Half the time they were fabrications or exaggerations for the entertainment of the freshly baked.

At least, she was fairly certain Hanako-Shosho didn't have a harem.

Proof the universe loves coincidences, or has an awful sense of humor, came practically running. Because right in front of her was said Shosho herself. Conditioned reflex made her snap a crisp salute, almost smack one of her sisters and trip herself up. Even with sharp reflexes and balance, their was a moment of her tripping before settling on bowing her head.

"H-Hanako-Shosho." She greeted, hoping the angle hid her rapidly reddening face. This was going swell, Junko thought. Maybe she could just ask her to step on her face. Go the whole hog on the public embarrassment thing.
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"Well then, I'll need your name to make the appropriate transfers. Although I did see a Santo Hei Hasegawa Junko on the Orochi roster that I presume was you, Hasegawa-san," she said smoothly to Junko, bringing up the minimal volumetric display on her communicator, swiftly returning to the squadron's roster and searching out the Neko's name.

"Oh! Thank you mis-, Shosho," she replied swiftly, the touch had become much more significant when Belle lifted her eyes from the file she was inspecting and matching with her latest catch to see who it was. Swallowing the urge to inappropriately refer to her commanding officer as 'mistress' the Elysian woman smiled, plainly grateful for the compliment, "I'm glad you think so. It seems Yuuki-hei's friends may be looking for new assignments as well, so we may fill the ranks in record time."

The redness returning to her cheekbones, Mehitabel's wings vibrated nervously. She had never had a nickname before; her superiors at the Arsenal had always referred to her Calidius if they used anything at all and her family was insistent on using her full name. Quickening her step to catch up after a moment's hesitation she took a deep breath and nodded, "Belle would be fine, ma'am. It does roll off the tongue easier." Remaining a few paces behind the admiral with a gait that seemed adjusted to using her electronics while walking, she was still caught off guard by Hasegawa-hei's sudden fumbling, her wings involuntarily raising in surprise as she sidestepped the scene to avoid a collision.
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