Star Army

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Hanami for You and Me

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Head in the Stars
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
🎖️ Game Master
Kyoto, Yamatai
1日 3月 YE 40

"A—an—and then I said," Akemi bawled out laughing a little as he told the tail-end of a story to Wazu, "that's not a kawaii, that's his mother!"

"Who are you exactly?" Wazu asked, "I appologize. I did not catch your name." He was just being polite... trying not to pull back from being told such a lewd story by a stranger who acted like they already knew eachother.

Maybe Wazu was just getting old and forgetful...

"If you can catch an STD, you can catch my name, it's Akemi!" said the raven-haired and Ketsurui red-eyed Nekovalkyrja to the cripple next to him, looking about his upper body, then lower, before saying, "I own a bajillion brothels not allowed in Yamatai, as well as some charities Yamatai was super eager to allow within its borders, so I'm a yin and yang kind of guy."

"That name sounds familiar...." Wazu had to pull out his datapad, checking his notes as he asked, "Have we actually met before? I think I just know you through Uso right?..."

He would have to pause and look up,

"Also. Wow. That is certainly an introduction. Why are you over here instead of perving on Hanako like everyone else?"

"Serving on the Eucharis as long as the two of us have will do things to a man," Akemi said only, looking content as his eyes rested on Wazu's.

Wazu's eyes were locked back on Akemi. He had read somewhere that when faced down by something you should just look it in the eyes and stand your ground.

No telling if that would be sucsessful here.

That gap in his memory between feeling he'd read something somewhere and knowing for certainly was the exact same size as the 'upgrades' he was no longer using. There was certainly something to be said for going more cybernetic...

"And, what things will that do exactly?"

While Wazu stared Akemi down, his black and thin eyebrows rose on the diminutive cherub face of his, then lowered as his lips turned up in a smile.

"Depends what you want to hear, I'd say," Akemi told Wazu while his crimson eyes glittered.

There was a slight spark of recognition in Wazu's eyes,

"You're the one that propositioned Tugs for that porno right?"

Beaming with pride so much so that his eyes closed, Akemi said gleefully, "The SAoY set new restrictions on selling oneself for money or on camera because of me, how did you know?"

"I know Tugs." He explained dryly, "It comes up in conversation."

"Well, couldn't be more pleased with myself," Akemi said. "Do you think you are able to recall if Tugs is looking for a new career path?" He swayed a little and put a hand on Wazu's elbow then removed it, saying, "I joke, I joke. I can't have too many nice things or I start misplacing them. Speaking of," Akemi said and reached into his jean pant's back pocket and procured from it a thick diamond. He held it up, as if to drop it onto Wazu's datapad. "For the war."

"A donation?" Wazu asked, "I have the feeling this will not be solved by application of men and material to a war effort."

"I don't think you understand," Akemi said, leaning in. "They love stuff like this, the..." he whispered, "Kuvexians." Back to a normal tone, he said more. "If you ever get captured, this is a buy yourself out of jail free card."

Wazu got a laugh out of that, having to pause for a moment to compose himself,

"Oh come on... the get captured and talk to their leaders is a classic move. I love that move."

"Classic," Akemi said and closely dropped the chunky diamond onto the datapad before making an OK symbol with his fingers, index finger touching his thumb's fingertip while the rest splayed. "While you're here, I have to ask; have you ever thought about starring in one yourself? You're not in the SAoY, like Tugs."

"I don't think anyone wants that. I have enough trouble with relationships as it is." He admitted. "... I think my longest relationship was only because I was the only male on the planet at the time."

"That'll do it," Akemi said, making a face like he had eaten a sour lemon candy. "Well, offer's open," the short and lithe male Nekovalkyrja said as he looked happy once more. "I'd love for a good time, but that's just my libido talking."

"Certainly there is more to coming to this fesival than getting laid?" Wazu asked, "From what I know of you, I would expect some scheme or machination."

Akemi's brows furrowed, "I just wanted to get myself wet, but if you're not down I'm cool. So, what did you expect to happen during this festival other than that, exactly?"

"Honestly? I am not sure." He replied, "... Maybe if I stop to really think about it, I will start to hate myself."

"Are you a," Akemi leaned in again to whisper, "drinker?"

Wazu leaned in, "Why are we whispering?" He asked, wondering just how much Akemi knew "I mean, yeah, but I am trying to cut back...still... there is a decent Sushi-place not to far from here. They make this Yui-roll that looks like Yui..."

Akemi looked one way and another before saying, "I'm not seeing anything better to do than that. Lead the way, my new pal."

The Sushi place wasn't too far away. It seemed that returning here was becoming mroe and more common for Wazu.

"Welcome back!"

The waitress had a digital mind and an equally capable body, floating about as she balanced two bottles of Saki and a planet of Sushi in her hands. Her total-recall making Wazu's last visit feel like it was only yesterday, "Just have a seat and I'll be right with you!"

This time the waitress was wearing a white Kimono, a clear indication she had yet to spill a single drop of soy sauce, as well as a rich blue hue to her hair that made the similarly blue belt around her waist really pop.

"Am I really the reason why you are here?" Wazu had to ask, it would seem that he would need to provide some level of entertainment, "Rather than pining over the past, we could discuss future ventures.

How do you feel about building planets?"

"Honestly, I'm here to talk to some hotshots about starting a new charity, but that..." he said as he slid into his seat. "That could work. I can do that. What's your impetus for this undertaking?"

"Gotta save the universe," Wazu laughed, picking up one of the menus off the countertop of the bar area to hand over to Akemi, "... you are probably aware of the Rixx. You ran into them on B7R right? Or was that before you met up with Uso?... Either way Yamatai is going to kill them all failing someone comes up with a better solution."

Their blue-hair'd waitress would float on by, hovering up right behind the pair, "Is there something I can get you two?" She'd ask,

"Yui Roll, and two Sakis." Wazu would reply.

Akemi nodded to the waitress and said, "I'll take you, without the nori."

The waitress would nod and look at Akemi for a moment, ".... ok...oh, OH!. Uh..I'm uh... not on the menu... I just... you know... bring out the food..." The embarassment on her face was unmistakeable.

"Then you do you and we'll have fun either way," Akemi told her with a look of contentedness. "Whatever's clever." When he was done, he looked to Wazu and leaned back, then back to the waitress, "Chirashi bowl for me." His red eyes were back on Wazu, saying, "I'm a growing boy, after all."

"Is this how you are all the time?" Wazu asked, as the waitress retreated into the back area to procure their meal.

"Sometimes I wear less clothing," Akemi told Wazu as he leaned back further.

"Of course you do... so how come you are here chasing women if you have a stable of them at your place of employment already?" He asked.

"Chasing implies I'm out to catch. What if I just want to compliment these women with the propositions I make," Akemi told Wazu while fondling a lock of his own nighttime dark hair, then went on. "That's how I look at it."

"I can see why they passed laws to stop you," Wazu laughed.

"I could say the same to you," Akemi smiled, then his expression turned cloudy. "Except I can't, I don't really think I've let you say much about yourself, here, buddy."

"No one likes hearing old people complain about their problems," Wazu replied.

Curiously, Akemi asked, "That's all there is to it? To you?"

"Problems? Yes...." Wazu replied... "... Occationally there are solutions too."

"Like building planets?" Akemi asked.

"Like building planets. Though if that is not what you are looking to explore, there are always other avenues... How did you think Tugs would react when you propisitioned here?"

"I am looking to explore building planets," Akemi stated.

"Full disclosure. I am talking about making large, simple, worlds... not a 'planet full of naked women." Wazu said, right as the waitress floated up with their order, setting the food and drink out infront of them, the Yui's roll looking a lot like their dear leader complete with alvacado green bangs and red fish eyes, "OH, shame, that sounds fun!" she teased, floating close enough to Akemi to graze the back of his head with her breast.

"Food and a flirt is always a good time," Akemi said as he dipped into the sake with a masu box container as his cup. "Planets can be cool even if they're not filled with naked women. Most women aren't naked until you ask. Just give me the blueprint for a planet full of regular clothed women and I can ask for them to get naked, it'll be pefect." Akemi laughed, "But in all seriousness, I'll be serious and admit I can have a lot of fun without getting to bang for my buck; sometimes just spending it is all you need to do to have a good time."

Wazu quickly emptied his bottle of Saki, pouring a shot, drinking it, poruing another, drinking, pouring another, drinking.... he'd need it to deal with Akemi.

"I can see why Uso keeps you around." He replied, "I wanted to build a water-planet first. There are a ton of applications for water. Not just as a storage facility for fresh water, but also as part of a neutrino detector. The left over ships and gear needed to make THAT world, could be repurposed as a terraforming fleet for the eventually planet-rixx...where we could collect the Rixxikor that are ending up on other people's worlds." He explained.

"I like it, I like it. What would the Planet-Rixx-ians do? Would this be a prison planet?" Akemi asked jovially as he dug into his chirashi bowl, a mix of fresh sashimi, egg, rice, and assorted fish and fish accessories.

"Honestly, I do not even know. There is not that much use for flesh-and-blood people who are not already very capable. I would think the focus would have to be on organic-centric occupations, education, service industry, and maybe culture?

... I can not even imagine what a Rixxikor movie production studio would look like... but it would be preferable to extermination."

"I like where you are going with this," Akemi said after swallowing his delicious food. "Consider me sold!"

"... you seem to like doing things." Wazu stated, more of an observation than a commentary, "Is that the reason you are here seeking me out? I make for a lousy tour guide."

Akemi nodded his head one way and another, almost shaking it, as he said, "I heard you're a good time when you're not wrapped up on a mission. Like, a lot of people are off duty right now and begging to have a good time. I'm happy to oblige with my charm, wit, and sparkling personality. Any day of the week."

"I think they passed laws to avoid your personality from getting too involved." Wazu commented, "... You may not be their speed."

Akemi languidly pushed some of his raw fish and rice between his lips and then, after swallowing, quipped, "I can try to be your speed. If I'm not, I've got Instadrunk by the barrel. It might help get you to my speed."

"Instadrunk?" Wazu asked. It was not something he was familiar with... and he was familiar with quite a lot.

"Oh, you have to try this!" Akemi said and pulled up his hand and showed off a holographic projection of two different kinds of liquors, a dark and clear one, in shot glasses. "I have them in droves at my locales. Ask the waitress, would you? I have to take a dunk in the b-room. You have to, too, or no?"

"I will be fine here." Wazu stated, going for his datapad so he could look up what was in instadrunk... as well as flagging downt he waitress to see if they had some in stock.

Akemi came back a full few minutes later with both a swagger and saunter to his walk. The Insta-drunk vials were already set down at his seat next to Wazu.

"This is alchohol without the alchohol in it. I can see why it did not catch on in Nepleslia. I also can not seem to find LD-50 info for it or long term studies.... not like that matters with modern medical technology." He would look at the vials skeptically, "I could try three or four."

"Let's imbibe, then," Akemi said and raised the first vial and brought it above the table. "What would you like to drink to?"

"... To having laws made against this sort of thing." Wazu would quickly follow up by downing two of the vials.

Akemi chuckled and took a vial down the throat. Nonchalantly, he picked up a second and let it slip past his lips all at once.

"H-h-ow do you feel?!" Akemi asked as he leaned in towards Wazu.

Wazu leaned in, "Normal... maybe a bit tingly... I expect it will take longer than a few seconds. It is not exactly unfamiliar."

"I'll wait for you to start feeling it before I do, as a courtesy," Akemi said and put his dinner bowl into the waitress' hand, thanking her as he did.

"I have a few questions about anti-matter, my friend."

"Ok. What do you want to know?" Wazu asked.

"What would you do with a lot of it?" Akemi asked quizically, putting his steepled hands towards Wazu as he did.

"... like, realistically? Or 'man that would be cool but what would you use that for?" Wazu asked, waving to the waitress, and motioning for another set of insta-drunk vials.

"A mix of," Akemi replied, "that would be cool while being realistic. I'm not looking for reasonable, though, here..."

"I always wanted to build a ship out of anti-matter... but I can not think of a great use for it... otherwise? —"

Akemi cut off Wazu quite quickly, "A ship of it?" He seemed to be overly exaggerated as he slammed his fist on the table a little too quickly. "For what means!?"

Wazu shrugged, "I am not sure. There would not be many practical applications for a ship made of anti matter...."

Their hostess would stop by again, "Here you are!" Another two pairs of insta-drunk vials being set down infront of them, "Just let me know if I can get you anything else!"

Wazu would nod, and quickly down his shots. "... I really do not think these are doing anything...."

~ 30 minutes later...

Akemi and Wazu had moved onto some other venue where there were bright stage lights, a microphone, and music playing in the background as Wazu finished out his Karaoke song....

STREETlights Nekos......"

Akemi gave a giant whistle from out of nowhere, grabbed the Nepleslian, and floated up fast and hard with Wazu in his arms before slowing towards the ceiling of the venue and floating back down to the stage floor.

Wazu was stumbling about, putting one hand on Akemi's shoulder to steady himself. "Sho... are you go-ng sing?"

"Hahahaa!" Akemi laughed in a melodic way, ready as ever to get on the stage, though he said, "People pay to see me sing, usually, you know, so I don't know about letting up on that. Let's find a place with..."

"With money?"

"Well, yeah, I could go for that," Akemi said.

"Come onnnn. How much?"

"I've always seemed to forget I'm not a trillionaire, so it'd be nice to be around more money than I have. Trillions," Akemi spoke.

"... shit..." Wazu said, fumbling for his datapad, "How much do I have?" He would press a few buttons, and then frowns, "I would need to get more money for that."

Akemi laughed again and asked, "How much money do you have?"

"Liquid? Like. This much." Wazu said, showing Akemi the datapad. It certainly had a few Zeros, but was no where near Akemi's Trillions.

"Nice," Akemi said, nodding. "That's what happens when you have something going on up here." He pointed to his own head and smiled.

"We should drink more." Wazu stated, heading towards the bar and flabbing down the bartender, "Two Prarie Firesss..."

"Woah," Akemi said, "sounds like you are thinking of me as a pal, already, Wazu-hi-" Akemi gave a little hiccup and finished, "-hime."

"Which one is Hime?" Wazu asked, picking up two of the red shots and passone one over to Akemi, "To bad decisions,"

He wouldn't wait for Akemi to complete the toast and would quickly down the drink. The shot a mix of hot-sauce and tequila.

Akemi was quick to the draw and took it to the dome way too fast. "Blegh!! Awful! Tha—" he stopped talking to cough.

"THats great. What are you talking about?" Wazu asked, flagging down the bartender again...

"I'll have a screwdriver, you know, a normal drink?" Akemi asked of the bartender when they had arrived.

"Yamatain." Wazu said, like Akemi had just shot a dog, "Does Alcohol even affect your kind?"

"If I let it," Akemi said, anxious to see Wazu or the bartender naked, by this point.

"Are you letting it? The screwdriver is just something you drink when you can not drink real alcohol because people hate alcohol." Wazu said, sounding a bit rambley.

"Oh you know a lot," Akemi said, then went on. "I forgot." He laughed a bit, then said, "I like to let it, yeah. Right now I'm feeling like letting it a little more. But that instadrunk... Hot moms, it got me! It's good, right?!"

Wazu stared intently at Akemi, focusing on not letting the drinks get the best of him, "Unsure. THis is normally black-out drunk."

"Normally, right?!" Akemi said. "Not tonight!" He thought a moment, "So take advantage of the vantage point we've got while we can!" Akemi grasped the drink as the bartender handed it to him and slammed it. "Ugh, vod-gah!"

"If we switch to yamatain drinks, the sugar alone will make me sick. Not just like... i know alcohol is a sugar but I mean sugar-sugar..."

"Yeah," Akemi said with a wink, "sugar-sugar. I think I've got some of that for someone here..." He began looking about.

The bartender was relatively on point, quickly bringing over a pair of sugary-sweet green drinks in a highballer glass.
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