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Forum Game Has your character ever...?


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Here's how this works. You ask a question starting with "Has your character ever" and the next person who posts should answer yes or no, along with a brief explanation. Then that person gets to ask the question. This is a fun and easy way to learn about each others' characters.

I'll start us off.

Has your character ever stolen something?

Among her noticeable thefts include stealing an ST copy from a few Nepleslian ranking officials in order to pry secrets from their brains, outright abducted player characters, counterfeit'd coins back when they were physical which I guess is kinda like stealing. She's changed her name, appearance, and personality so many times that there really isn't anything linking her indiscretions back to her. She used to work for SAINT but generally had a problem with authority, especially when body updates became mandatory.

She was originally intended to be a one-off character but back on the GSS Yui she became more popular than the main character that I was using.

She's SARP's bad influence, Uso Tasuki

So my question: Has your character ever had to use their ST backup?
Misato Has twice

Yoshi thrice, though the last time it was screwed up and she reverted to a very old body of her, her first....

And a question I guess.....

Has any of them every hijacked a starship?
No but almost!

In a crossover thread between Bounty Hunts and The Fringe, Rathe, Desmond, Danny, and Amanozako broke into the Concordia Veil in search of information. While they never actually activated the ship, they could've "borrowed" it, had the need for it arose.

Has your character killed another player's character?

Rufus Sydney has killed a few player characters. I remember in on incident, after a newbie enlisted crew member deliberately embarrassed the YSE by acting up during early diplomatic relations with the Lorath, it was the last straw and the captain had that character ejected from an airlock during a fiery atmospheric re-entry.

Has you character ever had a best friend?
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Rufus Sydney has killed a few player characters. I remember in on incident, after a newbie enlisted crew member deliberately embarrassed the YSE by acting up during early diplomatic relations with the Lorath, it was the last straw and the captain had that character ejected from an airlock during a fiery atmospheric re-entry.

Has you character ever had a best friend?
Oh dear, did his player react badly to this?

I suppose Help could count, but it seems to be too early to count at the moment. The RP is still getting off the ground, after all.

Now, an odd question: Has your character ever lost to, or been significantly wounded by an NPC in combat?
Oh dear, did his player react badly to this?

I suppose Help could count, but it seems to be too early to count at the moment. The RP is still getting off the ground, after all.

Now, an odd question: Has your character ever lost to, or been significantly wounded by an NPC in combat?


Miles Gunn received some really high quality aetheric death at the hands of a NIWS during a psychotic break.

Edit: Oh, and it seems Wes' did not get answered, I'll do a two-for-one.


Helen never did have a best friend, most people she has started friendships with have ended up dead or removed from her life.

Now for the fun part.

Has your character ever been eaten alive?
Melisson has eaten live people, like @Nyton Claymere, Yukari and a plethora of unmentioned others. Does that count?

Mara, Miharu's avatar, had her head and spine ripped out of her Mindy by a Ghost Mishhu whom was having its phased-in brooding having a feasting party in her torso. I'm fairly sure being eaten was part of the plan before a huge aether explosion happened. Does that count too?

Phier'glashr the Corruptor, feared Umbral Elder, was technically eaten by Melisson.

. . .

What's the non-anthropomorphic alien species on this site that you like the most?

There isn't too much use of them IC... And their species appears to be on the fast track for extinction as well... But so far they're the most interesting non-anthropomorphic race I've come across on SARP.

Has your character ever fallen in love?
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While Tamamo has been lied to, effectively kidnapped, and then held hostage. She has never been captured and held by anyone that could be truly described as an enemy in an engagement. She's more of an unfortunate bystander.

Has your character ever killed someone and then later regretted it for any reason?
Yukari killed a man during the Ichiro Incident through no fault of her own (she was under the sway of mind control). She regretted it for many years, but has since accepted what happened and moved on from it, in no small part thanks to Melisson.

What is your character's greatest accomplishment?
Laj Vinross Yu is the head of a vast criminal network that spans and controls nearly all national markets, the culmination of many years of keen manipulation and exploitation of information.

Bubble's gonna burst eventually, though. I think.

Has your character ever made a friend, only to eventually come around to disliking or despising that person for one reason or another?
No, I can't remember any time that's happened with Hanako, although she was pretty disappointed when her first officer, Jalen Sune, left after they finally fell in love. She understands why, but it still her and since then she's not really been able to talk to him much. So that's the closest I got.

Has your character ever used the bathroom during an RP post?
Yes! Ana did use the bathroom, though of course the full details were never really put into play. She was still in the bathroom when Embel went searching for her and got her out of the room and back to the rest of the crew.

Has your character ever gotten lost while on an assignment?
No, but there's been two occasions where Hanako got kidnapped. Once she was captured while on leave in Kyoto and the crew had to follow her into Nepleslia. The second was by Pumpkin, the Mishhuvurthyar. So that's sort of like getting lost, in the sense that the other characters have lost her.

Has your character ever been eaten or partially been eaten?
I can't say that any character of mine has on SARP or otherwise, but I had a Wheel of Time character based on Hannibal Lecter. He and his girlfriend (who was played by my girlfriend at the time) would sleep with, then kill and eat parts of their victims. Not sure what the hell was wrong with us lol.

Has your character ever had children with another player's character?
Not on SARP, but once in a WoW rp. Was actually pretty fun how that played out.

Has your character ever successfully betrayed another player character without it ever coming out ICly?
Yes, on another RP site I got into a IC verbal argument that ended with my character loosing an eye. Funny stuff.

Has your character ever defected from their original faction?