Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

Forum Game Has your character ever...?

OH BOY! This one's mine!

Wazu started out working for the Qel'norans and then joined up with Yamatai when the Qel'norans did. He then left Yamatai and did his own thing a bit before joining Nepleslia and helping them fight Yamatai. Then he left Nepleslia to join the Garts in their struggles against the NMX and the rest of the setting at large before again going back to Yamatai.

Has your character ever lost a fight?
Yes, my character has lost a fight, and lost it with style. The character had their shiny be-hinds handed to them by their master in the middle of an operation. The worst part? The rest of his party simply stood there and watched as he was brutally put into his place, crying bloody murder as his master (mistress really) finished him off by locking him up in chains and walking off with him.

Has your character ever made a rival their friend?
I can't really say I can think of a time where that happened with Hanako, but hey, it's a new goal to have!

Has your character ever been to the beach?
No, Bronzi has never been to the beach unfortunately. Somebody should invite him.

Has your character ever jumped the shark?
Yes, Arble went to the one on Hanako's world earlier! Aside from a few sunburns and her boyfriend learning to fly, not much happened. Dang ninjas!

None of my characters have jumped any sharks, no.

Has your character ever gotten drunk?
Hard yes. At first I thought I wouldn't RP getting drunk, but then it just kept happening... ^-^;

Has your character ever incited a battle/ war/ rebellion?

Hard to say, Wazu has certainly been there at the start of a lot of things but I'm not sure he gets the credit for actually having started them. He's finished plenty.

Uso has, she took over a planet once.

Has your character ever lost?
Araxie lost her life once, yes.

Has your character ever just, fallen asleep on a completely random person from exhaustion or similar?
Yes. Bronzi has done this several times. Directly or indirectly.

Has your character ever wanted to quit?
Sure. Several of them. Nine years as a field agent was too long for Tan Ann Pan, and three months as a civil engineer on 188604 was too much for Queenie.

Has your character ever staked everything on one roll of the dice? (Metaphorically or literally.)
Not my character. He doesn't gamble when there are lives at stake and is more of a planner and works with people to get things done. If you mean gambling money Yoshiro hasn't really gambled before..

Has your character eaten his favorite food at any time? (Not a great question, I know. :p)
Does beer count, cuz jack had a long JP where he drank a lot of it.

Has your character ever tried to hide from their dark past?
Arbles has. Technically she still is. Had to get her name changed and everything, although she still insists on trying to repay some debt she had forced onto herself from back then.

Has your character ever found themselves in a situation where they needed to use a skill they had in a very... Non-conventional manner?
Yes, Alex has multiple times used his ability to fly a giant transforming robot to taxi people around, including to and from what could be considered dates. which is actually a pretty stylish way to show up now that I think about it.

Has your character ever done something that surprised you or that you didn't want them to do?
Like draw every AA defense equipped on an enemy fleet, yep.

Has your character regretted killing certain people to the point where it haunts them?
Yes, Yoroka has nightmares of crew members that have died under her care. Probably not what you meant, but she feels personally responsible for their deaths, even though her hand never pulled the trigger.

Has your character ever lost something of great importance to them and went on a whole side story to get it back?