Star Army

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RP: 188604 [Havok] Wake Up Call



Nath Tower
A day or so after an Akemi-style buisness meeting...

Sute would gently rub Jack's chest as she lay in bed next to him, the catboy still sleeping off last night's party. Akemi said it was 'in his honor' but really... it just seemed like an excuse to bring together lots of people interested in booze and fun.

Uso, however, was just there to see the aftermath...

"JAX! WAKE UP!" She shouted, standing right at the foot of the bed, dressed in the usual snug bodysuit with gear clipped to a belt that hung off her hips.

Groaning just a little, Jax mewled and slowly opened his eyes, wincing at the brightness of the sunlight glaring through the window. "Mmm... dim!"

At his command, the glass darkened to more tolerable levels, and he gently sat up. It took him a few moments to piece things together, but it came to him eventually.

"Uso! What a pleasant surprise! Care to join us?" he asked lowly, rubbing his eyelids.

Uso couldn't help but smile, "Are you this bold with every woman you meet?" She asked, her head tilting slightly as she watched the two of them, "James certainly painted a different picture when he described you."

Jax shifted onto his side and propped his head up on a hand, grinning innocently. "Just the pretty ones." replied the catboy.

"Oh you...." Uso's eyes sliding over to the pink hair'd sute who was still under the covers, "Why don't you fetch some breakfast while we talk?"

Sute would give a smile and a nod, quietly slipping out of bed wearing little more than a smile,

"I take it you've been enjoying not having to live in a starship's... what do they have now? Bunks?" Uso asked.

"Yeah... Don't get me wrong, bunks are okay... but a king-sized bed and a private room certainly have their perks." Jax sighed, swishing his tail a little to get out the stiffness. "So! Any particular reason you've barged into my home and screamed me awake?"

"I can't just take an intrest in people who are taking an intrest in me?" Uso asked, "You know, say hi, welcome to the neighborhood, What's up with that spacestation you're building? Candon's got some ideas about how all this works and I figure you'd need a talkin to as well... just finished being a part of Yui's army?"

"Well, normally, unnanounced guests tend to have a lot less clothing on. But, yeah, just got discharged, looking to start growing my business, and all that." said the catboy.

"So is that business your own thing? Or is that business the FSC?" Uso asked, moving in to sit down on the side of the bed, "Not that I care too much, but it'll help me figure out what bucket to put you in. No Yui means no missions. No missions means there's a lot more self direction and.... you know, politics. I can't always count on a large fleet of ships to back me up."

Jax looked away for a moment, trying to come up with a response.

"Mmm... Yes, but also no. I have my own company, Havok, but I'm also the FSC's largest and only shareholder. All of their startup costs? Me! This station? Me! And that's no exageration. Every-single-cent funneled into the company was mine. In return, I get dibs on which sectors of the station I want as they become complete, and all of my investment returned with interest." He explained. "So which bucket does that put me in?"

"Easy bucket. You're just in it for money?"

Jax honestly tried to come up with another reason that would make him seem less like a greedy bastard. But he couldn't find one.

"Yeah, pretty much."

The smell of bacon and pancakes was starting to waft in from the kitchen as Sute got started on breakfast.

"... I mean... ok... just keep the money flowing in and we're good. I came here thinking I'd have to do something complex... kinda... could have just done this with a call. You engineer types usually have some grand plan you want to enact... " She looked at him intently for just a moment, speaking more to herself than him, "... maybe its a human thing...."

"The only plans I have are to make lots of money, and not die, because I hate soul-transfer tech with a passion." explained Jax with a shrug. "I mean, maybe I DO have some grand plans, mostly involving the creation of hella-cool weapons, but I can go into more detail some other time. Over dinner, maybe?"

"Breakfast work? My schedule is clear like, right now."

"Suit yourself," Jax sighed and stood up from the bed, moving to the bathroom to clean up and dress. "Anyway, what's up with these Elysians I've been hearing about?"

"We're outside of the core systems. The whole place hasn't grouped under one or two flags yet... " Uso shrugged, "The NMX are out here, the Elysians are out here, and both probably think they should be in charge. Means we've got to stay a terrible choice for invasion to ward off everyone else. They want us to help them deal with the NMX... which... isn't terrible all things considered.

'Course, there are other groups out here as well. They'll give any idiot with a small army their own planet."

"Excellent," came the sarcastic grumble, followed by the sound of the sink turning on. "I'm interested in PREVENTING the subjugation- scratch that- SECOND subjugation of this planet, if it's all the same to you. So far, I love what you've done with the place. It's good for business. Elysians? Too uptight. NMX? A little creepy. But I get the feeling that if either takes over, they'll come for this giant, floating bank vault afterwards."

"More than that, if we're an attractive target the Nepleslia or Yamatai might want to move in. We've got some of the best in this sector in ship design and strategy but we aren't going to be winning any major wars with the numbers we have.

Not that I'm saying don't work with Yui or the Djon, just that we have our own intrests that need protecting... OH great segway into what you do. The FSC has been having problems with another local group. S6. Its like... 'the kids are fighting again' problems so it isn't a huge deal but these kinds of rivalries can get out of hand fast... so I was thinkin I could throw some work your way to pay the bills and in turn you could keep Mr. Saintly from causing explosions where I'd rather there not be explosions."

At that moment, Jax stepped out of the bathroom in a pair of sky-blue, silk pajamas and a golden robe that looked equally as expensive. He wanted to tell Uso that he wasn't her lackey, but this new "S6" business had him curious. He quirked an eyebrow at the neko.

"Hold up! S6? The hell's that?"

"You run into Jack Pine yet?" Uso asked, "It is his offshoot of the Skyguard, which is like, our group of self-defense people. It is another mostly autonomous operation that is incubating here and they fancy themselves both a special forces and a tech-dev house." Uso explained, eyeing the bathrobe.

"Oh? Well, then I guess I should go pay Mr. Pine a visit. Remind him who paid for this station in the first place." the blonde-haired man mused. He didn't have to be threatening, though. Another R&D company would be useful. Maybe they could even collaborate on something sometime. He moved to walk past Uso towards the kitchen. He couldn't help but give a little smirk and tug at the material of his garment.

"Like it? Microfiber and terry mix. I don't joke around with comfort." he chuckled.

"I thought you looked fine without it," Sute giggled, having already moved some Bacon to the oven, while preparing pancakes on the stove. Jax gave her a knowing smile, taking a moment to take in the heavenly smell of breakfast being prepared.

"... It certainly makes a statement.

That statement is, "Look at me I'm rich!" ' Uso added. Jax raised his hands in surrender.

"Good, then it's working!" he joked and sat. "So anything else you want to know about me? Future plans? Favorite color?"

"I thought you were just here to make money? Unless you're hiding some grand scheme from me?" Uso asked, ready for the scheme.

These types always had a scheme.

"Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention that I'm secretly amassing an army to come take over the planet." replied the engineer casually, letting Uso know from a playful glint in his eyes that he was kidding. "Gonna use the station as a staging area, too. I was thinking missile strikes from orbit. Completely level the place, you know? Gotta have a BIG starport for when I convert this place into the sector's largest casino."

Uso rolled her eyes, "I was expecting more saturday morning cartoon villany... how 'bout this. I'll go make you rich and you can thank me buy making the place look nice?"

"Mmhmm. Sounds good! Station's still got a few years until completion, but when it's done, how about a casino or two? I was serious about that part, at least. It'll be like Funky City, but less... funky. 'The Uso Strip: Spring Break Destination'." Jax brainstormed outloud, spreading his hands before him as if gesturing to a massive, neon sign.

"Fuck," Uso said, ".... I totally meant to do that. I got sidetracked thooo... HEY WINDOW! CHECK THIS OUT!" Uso would head over to Jax and grab him by the shoulders, bringing him towards the window so he could look out out of it and down onto Osman city. From this view they could see the city stretching out below them... mostly made up of wood and stone structures with a few modern constructions thrown in, including the pipelines that made up the Araxie reservoir....

but that wasn't what Uso wanted him to see.

She'd get out her datapad, turn towards Sute, and 'CLICK'

"OK!, Look up!"

Above the city was a pleasing, tasteful picture of Sute's backside.

A picture that was easily a hundred thousand miles or so big.

A picture that literally blotted out the sky.

"Totally asked James to build me that... Spaceships with projectors making the whole atmosphere one giant screen!"

Jax gave a low whistle in response, trying not to giggle like an idiot. Oh, Wazu! What would you do next?

"It's nice, but... I think there are children present." he muttered to the neko without taking his eyes off the spectacle. "Other than that, you've single-handedly put every movie theater in the galaxy out of business. You deserve an award for that, I think. No more will the greedy bastards rob people out of their life-savings for a bucket of popcorn!"

Uso would press a few more buttons to switch off the display, "Point is, this place needs some nice resport-type-casino-stuff going on. Hold races, fights, whatever... some of the people in nep-land have some great ideas for gameshows... Muderworld is pretty popular... but uh... that kinda stuff isn't main stream you know?"


"Got something you can use a giant display for?"

"Make everyone think the planet is flying into the sun? Don't think that would be good for public relations, though. Still, it'd be funny as hell." Jax replied with a shrug. "Or... as lame as it sounds, advertising. Companies already give up an arm and a leg to get a thirty second ad spot on the Nepleslian Airbike Circuit. Virtual AA-gun shooting for the kids? Project fighter ships flying around and BAM! A lot of possibilities with the galaxy's greatest IMAX screen."

"Yeah, we could do some trippy shit.... remind me about that later... we'll have to try it sometime..." Uso thought outloud, "'Course we could put screens like this on Nepleslia.... sell advertising there too... shit, there you go. Build these things, sell them to planets, get rich all over again." Uso offered.

"Mhmm. If you need help with production, I could always lend a hand. Want a mimosa?" asked Jax with a lopsided grin.

"Couldn't hurt," Uso said, "... but I was thinking you could help with the sale and handle the whole thing from there. Could put you in a room with the Nepleslian premier and see if you can get him to buy a new planetary sized screen.... or is that not your jams?"

Jax winced a little. "Er, yeeaaah... I just build things. Business deals aren't my fortay, and something this big and expensive's gonna require a guy who could sell movie tickets to a blind man."

"Theaters have great popcorn..." Uso grinned.

"You see? If I were blind, I'd buy a ticket in a heartbeat," laughed the catboy. "Which is why, I say, the selling should be left to you rather than me."