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Higa Corp OOC Thread

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Inactive Member
Author: Vaakine

Yeah. Welcome to the official unofficial home of /m/echheads in SARP.

Author: Revolver

Well, things are certainly looking up for us now. All we need now is a plot and we can get going.

Author: Zeorymer

It would have been GREAT if someone had told me we were starting today!!!
NOW I have to come up with a reason why a character who was desperately looking forward to the test run A) wasn't there and B) isn't getting fired because of it!

Author: Revolver

Author: Zeorymer

I JUST now came up with a decent reason for missing it. He was getting his soul transfer done. Now I just need a mini JP to get me introduced to the company or something.

Author: Revolver

Well, Daisuke(Vaakine) is the commander and Kato(Zerosaiko) is the second in command, so if you want to do a mini JP about being introduced, those are the two guys to talk to.

Author: Zeorymer

On another issue, we have a theme song yet?

Author: Vaakine

Author: Sandact6

My sister's BF invited us to a party tonight at the last damn minute. I won't be back until 11PM Flordia time

Author: Doshii Jun

Invincible GaoGernGer, as well as Final Breaker suits -- are these direct anime references? If so, they need to be removed.

Also: the first episode was more anime than anything ever produced by Yamatai. Congrats.

Author: Doshii Jun

Author: Miss Strangelove

Author: Revolver

Author: Doshii Jun

Author: Vaakine

Revolver is Co-GM. And we can use Vertical Tanks as a name, It's not copyrighted or patented, so you wes won't get sued.
And what the hell is Divolis?
Edit: Oh WTF!? Cmon Kim, Fucking talk these things over with us first!

Author: Sandact6

Author: Vaakine


Fuck It. Kim Wants to fucking move in on our plot? Fuck That, If she wants to fuck up the storyline, It's obvious she doesnt want to talk it out.

Author: Sandact6

Vaak, calm the hell down before you get banned again

Author: Vaakine

Sandact6 wrote:
Vaak, calm the hell down before you get banned again

I am calm. I'm waiting for Kim to explain herself.

Author: Kim

Author: Revolver

ANNOUNCEMENT: JP scheduled for July 4th has been moved back a day to July 5th. Be ready to start around 9pm PST.

*Be ready to start means please be there before then. :>

Author: Zeorymer

I'll be unable to show up for Saturday's JP because I'll be at a friend of mine's birthday party. Also is YIM difficult to set up/register? I just realized I've never had it and that's where all the jps are done.

Author: Revolver

YIM is not difficult to set up/register, but so far all of Higa's JPs have been over IRC.

Author: Wes

Author: Wes

If you guys are trying the separate universe thing, do you have any ideas for a name for it?

Author: Sandact6

Oh for the love of god

Wes, Vaak was telling you about my RP plan I had for another RP in a completely different universe. As of right now I have no intention of making a separate universe and us moving there.

Author: Vaakine

Hey, It's all over. Experiment has failed.

Author: Sandact6

What experiment failed? As far as I am concerned it's still ongoing as I am still making stuff up about it

Author: Revolver

Sorry guys, I've been super sick. I'll try to go through my messages and get on IRC later tonight. -_-

Author: Revolver

Thanks again to SUBLIMEinal who edited our last JP.

Author: Sandact6

Author: Revolver

Author: Sandact6

Author: Vaakine

Guess who'se back.

Back Again

Vaak's Back.

Try again!

Author: Cora

I'll take bets for this happening again. 10 to one odds.

Author: Sandact6

Didn't you do a mini-JP with Revolver that booted your character from our storyline?

Author: Vaakine

Sandact6 wrote:
Didn't you do a mini-JP with Revolver that booted your character from our storyline?

He'll Be back.
Srsly, he probably will.

Author: Tom

Author: Sandact6

How would we get involved with the Nepleslian's if we do a Freespacer plot?

Author: Miss Strangelove

The Nepleslians like to think they're in control since they discovered the Free State first, but in reality we just let them think that so they'll feel important. XD

Author: Tom



Author: Revolver

Author: Vaakine

1000 GET!

Author: Jo Midori

Author: Zeboim

nevermind that

Author: Sandact6

Author: Kai

where'd you guys go? it's all crickets and spiderwebs here...

Author: Sandact6

Summer mostly.

Plus Rev has been missing lately so

Author: Kai

I see... Those of you with nicer schedules should try and make characters in other factions to keep active and having fun

Author: Sandact6

Na, I'm a one character kind of guy.

That and Super Robot Wars OGs is keeping me busy.

Author: Openget

Damn, you are one lucky person. )=

Author: Miss Strangelove

Author: Cora

Being a hard ass is kinda required when dealing with people from 4chan Jess.

Author: Sandact6

Author: Wes

Author: Fian

I think its a typo of WIP, I and O are right next to each other on the keyboard.

Author: Sandact6

Oh yea it was a typo sorry.

If anyone wants to have a say on the MX-02, now is your chance.


Author: Aendri

You guys have room for another?

Author: Sandact6

Author: Aendri

All right, that works for me. And if you will jump on YIM sometime, I will learn how to use IRC.

Author: Wes

Hey HIGA dudes, it looks like FM won't be able to help out by GMing after all--just giving you a heads up.

I'm really pleased with how the MX-02 is coming along and can't wait to see it in action!

Author: Sandact6

No problem, we've been through worse

Thanks for the MX-02 support

Author: Sandact6

A friendly reminder to all people in HiGA

We hold all of our major JP's every Saturday night at 9:30 EST.

While you can do other things with GM permission or character interaction bits, we do a major JP every Saturday, so try and keep up!

Author: Zeorymer

Author: Zeorymer

Do we have someone in corp to handle tech submissions? Because I have a lot of ideas for things but I'm apparently not very good at writing them.

Author: Sandact6

General Ideas

Author: Revolver

Author: Wes

Author: Zerosaiko

I think that's basically what's intended, leaving the more frivolous discussion of, say, Super Robot Wars for the IRC channel which most of us are in on pretty regularly and for the clearly marked OOC discussion thread.

Author: Kai

isn't this an OOC thread though? why not kill two birds with one stone and discuss the ideas in the ideas thread?

Author: Zerosaiko

Author: Kai

Author: Zerosaiko

I'm certain that important matters will definitely be posted to SARP by either Revolver or Vaakine.

Author: Kai

allrighty, general ideas now.. hmm.. would H.I.M. be interested in producing starfighters or are they mecha only?
anyway, heres my starfighter proposal:

Author: Zerosaiko

Author: Revolver

Author: Zeorymer

Author: Revolver

Author: Cora

Author: Zerosaiko

The Aesti air models had something similar, though the only portion really able to do damage were the hands.

Author: Sandact6

I've had an idea for fighters and carriers in tier 1.5. while we cannot mass produce them (yet) we can certainly make a few.

Don't they use this in Nadesco?

Yes they do.

Author: Vaakine

Author: Zeorymer

I was thinking maybe we could add a heuristic (learning) processor to the system, which would allow it to automatically correct things like the 7 degree aiming discrepancy witnissed in a few of the test machines.

Author: Sandact6

I suggest a modified SI (NOTE: MODIFIED)

Author: Vaakine

Author: Sandact6

Oh I have a few ways to get access to them in mind.

Author: Vaakine

Sandact6 wrote:
Oh I have a few ways to get access to them in mind.

... Don't Even Try. Whenever someone says that, It usually leads to a BAD END!

Author: Vaakine

Author: Kai

//Plasma Cannon//:
* Primary Purpose: Fucking Your Shit Up


Author: Sandact6

32 METERS!?!?


Author: Vaakine

Sandact6 wrote:
32 METERS!?!?





Author: Fred

How about this: enjoy a thread lock if you can't keep things friendly and feel the urge to type in capital letters to make your point.

This warning goes for you too Sandact; there were better ways to express your disagreement.

Author: Revolver

Reopening this topic. This thread remains a valuable resource that we need to utilize. If I need to, I'll make a new thread, but I'd rather not. So, let's keep it civil in here.

Author: Vaakine

Author: Cora

New technology goes in the new technology board.

Author: Revolver

Cora wrote:
New technology goes in the new technology board.

It already is on the new technology board. And has been for some time.

Author: Vaakine


Lemme design non modular mecha, and it will be supeiror to it's modular counterpart in every way.

Revolver Says: Less flaming, okay?

Author: Revolver

Vaak, the idea isn't what is superior here, but what is fun. Plus, there is always the real wolrd benefit of modular weaponry that makes for easier production and expansion.
Higa Plot Ideas

Author: Revolver

Author: Zeorymer

Author: Zerosaiko

I think this is pretty self-explanatory.
In YE 29, a crack test unit was sent to prison by an evil space empire for a crime they didn't commit. These men and women promptly escaped a maximum security stockade to the most backwater parts of the galaxy. Today, still wanted by the evil space empire, they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire...the Zilant Team.[/quote]


Author: Zeboim

Author: Wes

Sounds cool.

Author: Kim

Sounds pretty good. How are you planning on reworking the current IC stuff? Rewrite or reboot?

Author: Revolver

Author: Sandact6

I'm also making the basic "mechs" most cheap pirates will be using. I got them drawn, and StrangeLove has volunteered to draw up sketches.

In fact I think I'll think up some weapons the units will use and submit tonight, pictures can come later

Author: Sandact6

Higa Industrial FAQ

Author: Revolver

Post your availabilty!

Author: Revolver

Author: Zerosaiko

I'm good to go whenever. I'll be gone for the first half of August, but nothing other than that should pop up.

EDIT: I do have a commitment this Saturday, but I'm otherwise clear til August.

Author: Nosmir

I'm available almost all the time aside from sleep

For -05 EST, I usually sleep at around 4 AM to 10/11 AM.

Thats.. pretty much all that can be said for me.

Author: Zeboim

My schedule varies wildly depending on the week. There is honestly no way to say what days will be open more than a week in advance.

Author: Miss Strangelove

Author: Wes

It was just a 24-hour ban. He'll be able to get on the forums again tomorrow evening, so don't panic.

Author: Zeorymer

Author: Revolver

People seem to want to get together earlier on Saturday, so let's try to make this happen. Also, we have some new players and I'd like to have your guy's thoughts on times as well.

Author: Zeorymer

okay, to make things clear I AM still available on saturdays, real life just gets in the way sometimes.

Author: Sandact6

Time to raises this topic from the grave I figure

Alright, plain and simple just post what nights you are free to RP on, then we'll agree on a set time. Nothing to hard right?

Author: Aendri

I am open weekdays from about 7-11 MST, dependent on sports and dinner. Weekends, i can make about any time, but only with forewarning.

Author: Zeorymer

I'm available every day. Things tend to happen on fridays and saturdays though. Evening is best.

Author: Sandact6

Wednesday: From 8PM until bed
Thrusday: Entire day
Friday: Until about 1 AM

Author: Exhack

Timezone: EST

Friday: 5pm Till 1am
Saturday: Till 1am
Sunday: Till 10pm
Rest of Week: 6pm Till 10:30pm

Author: Miss Strangelove

(Note: I'm not actually available 100% of the time in these timeframes. These are what times I could be free if told in advance of events, because I have a very flexible schedule. Times are EST.)

Sun - Thus: 5 pm - 2 am
Friday - Sat: 1 pm - 2 am
Failure to Start. Archived for posterity's sake.

Author Vaakine

Author Vaakine

Author Vaakine

I'm still active. One of the reasons we can't RP is because almost no one shows up.

Now I'm not blaming that on anyone. I just figure we need a new time. I thought Saturday was a good time but I guess I was wrong.
Well, Most of your troubles are over Sand!

And New ones have arisen from their ashes.

I'm Back Sandact!
Sandact hasn't logged in nearly two months, Vaakine. You probably should talk to Exhack.
Well, Osaka wanted you back, so now you and him can do this with Exhack and let Doc focus on his own thing.
Doshii Jun said:
Well, Osaka wanted you back, so now you and him can do this with Exhack and let Doc focus on his own thing.

Actually, I was thinking about joining an Elysian Plotline.
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