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Approved Submission Hikō Ōdachi


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  1. I agree
Though it could not save the life of Candon Suites it did save the mission. Kokū Ken was a custom made sword by Tamahagane and it was very handy.
This is it's successor. It's 140cm tip to tip. This is a BIG sword and does BIG damage and it can fly at 500 kph. What's not to like?
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
I'm a little iffy on these DR ratings. I don't see how this supposedly slices through my characters' Mindy armor like butter.
I'm a little iffy on these DR ratings. I don't see how this supposedly slices through my characters' Mindy armor like butter.
It’s a fairly large buster sword with a zesuaium blade that’s sheathed in plasma. Why wouldn’t it slice through, say, a M10 Raider or Impulse (not using the Mindy, as its zesuaium armor makes it a poor example imo) like butter?

Edit: Heck, the Xiphos - which has a similarly long blade, but isn’t made of zesu and lacks any sort of energy sheath - was approved as being a Tier 5 weapon, so the precedent definitely exists.
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It'd have some trouble slicing through Mindys. The M2-4 series is plated with zesu and the power field isn't (as far as I know) able to penetrate zesu. It does break down molecules so it could be argued, I guess? If it IS able to damage zesu I could see the need to change DR for sure. It should be kept in mind that the overcharge DR 7 turns the sword into a missile and can be done exactly once. That's why Koku Ken is history, went missile-mode on two aether powered monsters.

At full power(T6) it would in theory 2 shot a T4 armor(1 to shields and 1 to armor). It would take 3-5 shots to drop a T6 armor(2 shields + 1-3 armor because it's big). This also assumes all hits are landed perfectly. It is a big sword and carrying it is a consideration too. Unlike Candon's sword this is a little over 4 1/2' at 140cm tip to tip. It IS the main weapon.

Still, can the power field function damage zesu?
Only if the power field is made out aether or antimatter (a very bad idea, given their tendencies to explodify atmosphere) or - if memory serves - a “matter disruptor” according to the Zesu article. Would give a better answer, but have to get to work.

Edit: Assuming I’m interpreting the sword’s article right, wouldn’t having a power sheathe that could damage zesu also damage the zesu blade itself?
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Assuming I’m interpreting the sword’s article right, wouldn’t having a power sheathe that could damage zesu also damage the zesu blade itself?
Hmm... that one's a thinker.
Comparing tech submissions to other pages is generally bad practice, but this submission is very similar to both the Ke-M2-W3901 Aether Blade Series and its Variants which are made of zesu but not damaging themselves. Further, they're coming in at T6 putting this submission in line with their DR, excluding the ability to become a missile. That makes it similar to the W3900 20mm Gauss Cannon which boasts better performance than the 50mm counterpart at T7, or for an actual missile counterpart the W2906 Shoulder-fired Missile Pod which is also at T7 and these are reusable. The big difference between the aether blade and this one is in its features.
  • Trades the ability to damage zesu for the ability to have a dang sephiroth sword that doesn't kill you and bystanders when you're out of PA or have your helmet off.
  • Full flight capability for both blade AND saya for smooth and fast handling with powerful strikes, but no parts availability complicating repairs.
  • Missile mode(Overcharge) let's it hit T7 once... problem is that its much more expensive than just having explosive ordinance on hand. SAoY isn't going to foot that bill.
I'm open to needed adjustments but this quirky weapon is a direct evolution of the Kokū Ken Which has... issues with it's DR but fortunately has been destroyed, thus no longer an issue.
At full power(T6)
The article currently lists full power at Tier 7, and I'm kind of skeptical of this thing being a mecha-killer. It's quite small compared to the blades used by mecha, and the power source is commensurately less, even when being wielded by a PA.
The article currently lists full power at Tier 7, and I'm kind of skeptical of this thing being a mecha-killer. It's quite small compared to the blades used by mecha, and the power source is commensurately less, even when being wielded by a PA.
I'm hoping I can assuage this concern, because it is worth discussing! I'll highlight the important parts to TLDR the tedious parts. 😁
... ability to become a missile...
  • Missile mode(Overcharge) let's it hit T7 once...
It's missile setting has an active time of 3 seconds to address the concern of power and doing this results in the destruction of the sword as seen in the finale of Silent Legends as Koku Ken kills both Candon and Sana, spearing them both and exploding within their armors. As you can see, this was a desperate fight and this sword was no stranger to SARP having been built in YE 37, seeing 5 years of existence before this mode was even considered! It was not considered "normal usage" and was destroyed in YE 42 during the first and only usage of the feature, being used as a grand finale. SIZE: Seeing as this similar sword is bigger than Koku Ken by a lot and similar in size to the shoulder cannons which are powered by the same Mindy it is not only common practice for T7 weapons to be seen on PA, often serving in a "fire-support" or "anti-vehicle" capacity, but also reasonable to assume this weapon can be overcharged to achieve similar results as the power is capable of being provided for the low low cost of 11,650 KS... this is not a cheap sword. But let's talk performance. You described it as a "Mecha-killer" and that is not entirely accurate. I will use charts for this part.
We will begin this part assuming we are using T7 missile function(I feel like that descriptor is going to stick).

Screenshot (41).pngAssuming we use our missile mode T7 vs a T7 light mecha with on-tier shields we will need to score 3 direct hits to "potentially" kill it. How many attempts do we get at this? One sword.. you can probably see the problem, so unless Barone decides to cosplay Zoro Roronoa for the cost of 34,950 KS in damages and never misses he might kill that mecha depending completely on where he hit it, all the while that mecha is not going to just stand around and let him do that!
Now let's do the math at its intended setting for use in PA, T6 vs a T7. It will take 4 strikes to drop shields and at least 2 more to kill, same as the aether blades... I'd say that mecha has the advantage here! and look at how things shift as the mecha gets bigger too. This weapon is meant to kill PA and below, requiring at least 3 direct hits to potentially kill a T6 like the Hostile and it's the sword's T7 missile requiring the shields to be down to achieve this as it would take two and cost thousands of KS to either fix or replace, depending on what it hit and if it could be retrieved.

Truly we can see that this submission is actually less damaging than the Aether Blade series which CAN penetrate zesu. That being said, even if this could pierce zesu it could kill one whole Mindy before being either inoperable or destroyed. I hope to know if the color coding is helpful and welcome feedback as I'm hoping to communicte clearer in this forum especially. ;)
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