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RP: Abwehrans [HMS Fearless Mission 1] Boldly Going....

Abwehran Commander

Inactive Member
AF 259, Fourth Quarter, First Month, 2nd Day
Location: HMS Fearless, Docked to Weltraumflotte HQ

It was close to dawn as the crew of the HMS Fearless slowly started to awaken to the day of their first mission. Breakfast was being prepared in the galley and many of the engineers and technicians had decided to ready the ship for its maiden voyage. Several Marines had already begun their daily exercises in the gym while the bridge crew was merely filtering into the bridge to ready their station.

Their Captain, on the other hand, was in her office finishing up the necessary paperwork for the HMS Fearless' release from the dock. After all, no military ran on ammunition and Mag-Bottles alone. Sometimes, many officers believed that the Abwehran Armed Forces could probably burn the majority of there paperwork to generate as much energy as the largest Fission-Fusion Reactor.

Sighing as she finished the last stroke of her stylus upon the FED, Erna picked up her sound phone and opened up the intercom system. "All hands, this is your Captain." she began calmly. "Prepare to leave dock in twenty minutes, repeat...prepare to leave dock in twenty minutes." she finished as she closed the line and stood up from her desk. "Time to get this boat into space where it belongs," she muttered as she straightened her uniform out and headed out of her quarters.
Re: [Mission 1] Boldly Going....

The Armorer sighed as he and another enlisted technical class warrior lifted up a rate full of miscilaneous supplies, as the two men hauled the metal crate toward the ship. This was mostly extras that were not initially stocked on the ship due to their meager priority. The crate cotained extra rations of generaic foo packs if applicable], hygene products, and variou common-use personnel use items.

The men travelled up a ramp into the storageby, placing the metal crate on a shelf, as Drach jostled it a bit, to mke sure it was firmly in place before extting the bay.They weren't the oly two taking care of e extra luggage, as the Armorer personally took a couple damaged weapons, and placed them in a type of handcart, before he hauled tem up th bay ramp, and into the hallways of the ship into the Armory.

Drachenbaum didn't hessitate at all in taking what last odds and ends up. He had been taking the last load of weapons, and was setting of to transport them up to the sip before heard the captains voice.

"All hands, this is your Captain." would grab his attention, and stop him in his tracks. Her authority attracted his hearing well, heptd that in a leader, though there was very rarely a officer he didn't resect, he just happened to respect her more.

"Prepare to leave dock in twenty minutes, repeat...prepare to leave dock in twenty minutes." With that he stared at a group of idling marines, they were green and assumed their job was done "Ey! You lot, get o'er 'ere and help me bring this last bit of weapons to the armory, will yeh'!" He would call out, however they were actually a rank higher than he, and blew him off.

His blood boiled with anger, as he cast his grip off the handcart and made a straight trail towards them, hornets buzzing around his mind. He barred his teeth as he then spoke loudly with anger "Ey! Did you just try ignorin' me, you sackless bitch of warrior!" His words slurred together somewhat wth rage "We're leaving in twenty fucking minutes, get of yer' asses and do something!"

Obviouly these Maines Took offense, though Drachenbaum didn't strike one of them, hs fists were balled tight, his knuckle were white and thin of blood, and he wouldn't let any bastards just shrug him off as if he were some little weak bastard.

[Is this alright?]

Add Gloat: Yes! First Post!]
Re: [Mission 1] Boldly Going....

Nevaraon was coming from the Galley when he heard the armorer yelling at the other marines. He peeked in and sized up the situation. He sighed and slipped into the room quietly and stood off to the side at the ready to break up any fights.
Re: [Mission 1] Boldly Going....

"Put your damned fists down, Maat." Koenig was watching the armorer from across the room trying, rather unsuccessfully, to enlist a couple of Marines in helping him out. The Sniper walked up behind him, with his right arms rigid and ready to wail on the back of the Armorer's skull. Looking up at the Marines, some of whom were indeed ranked higher than him, he simply smirked and shrugged a bit. "He's got a point though, guys. We'd better help out just in case some fucking officer comes by and tells us to do so."

The enlisted Marines shivered at the mention of an officer coming by, all not wanting to have any sort of leave canceled on account of bad behavior. He stood there watching the Marines leave, then looked back to the armorer. "Listen here. You'd might want to make -friends- with the Marines here, especially since we do the fighting on the ground and trust -you- armorers to make sure our weapons and such are working fine. That way, should a Marine experience equipment failure during a fight, he won't go to command and report you for incompetence if you didn't treat us like crap."

With that, Koenig stopped his ranting. "I'll help you, too. If I can get my hands on a Sniper Rifle and have you tool it to my specifications."
Re: [Mission 1] Boldly Going....

Evangeline awoke about an hour before most others ... this was a habit she had gotten herself into during high school, and was the reason she went to bed so early. By the time the Galley was open for 10 minutes she was already dressed and had eaten breakfast. She would then make her way to the training center for her morning work out and then back to the barracks, shower, and get into her uniform.

This took her a while because she had to wait for an open stall in the womens side of the showers and seeing as there was twice as many females, the task took about an hour. It took her about another hour do get dressed, well groomed, and another 20 minutes ontop of that to get up to the Bridge and at her station.

By the time she had her station up and running and her paperwork (already at her desk) filled out she heard the Captain come over the sound system.
Prepare to leave dock in twenty minutes, repeat...prepare to leave dock in twenty minutes
Evangeline nodded and set relaxed in her chair, she yawns and got ready to begin the day.
Re: [Mission 1] Boldly Going....

The amount of trouble being caused in the area did draw someone's attention, though it wasn't an officer. "What in the void is going on here," a masculine voice barked sharply as the highest NCO on board had come across this. Stabsbootsmann Agid Herrmann stood at the door with a perturbed look upon his face.

"No...nothing, sir," one of the Marines trying to leave. The moderately taller NCO looked at the group and snorted.

"Just get to work charec worms before I space the lot of you!" he barked once more as the group of Marines actually rushed back into the room and began to carry crates towards the Armory. The NCO however didn't budge as he began to supervise the whelps. He did noted both Drach and Koenig with a raised eyebrow, as if awaiting them to do something.


It would only take the Oberleutnant the span of a minute to move from her day cabin to the Bridge, since both were right across the corridor from one another. Looking around at her bridge crew, she noted there relative postures and nodded before sitting upon the captain's chair.

"Ms. Gorkavitch, please contact Weltraumflotte HQ to be placed in the launch queue." she ordered calmly before looking forward. "Ms. Eisenhauer, prepare to disengage from the clamps once the station has flushed atmosphere. I will prepare your course to our hyperspace point." she continued as she brought up her chair's arm computer and began to go through the astrogation calculations.
Re: [Mission 1] Boldly Going....

Nevaraon grinned as he, somehow, escaped blame from the NCO. He quickly grabbed the closest crate and followed other Marines.
Re: [Mission 1] Boldly Going....

Evangeline would nod when given this order. "Yes Ma'm" she would reply before getting to work on the order. She placed her hands on her thighs when finished. "Done Ma'm" it made her feel like a robot of sorts and she couldn't really say she liked it all that much but it didn't bother her. Evangeline kept her eyes at her station, excited for the launch.
Re: [Mission 1] Boldly Going....

Between the barking of the two higher ranked officers, he much prefered the strict voice that carried the authority to get those lazy sacks of lead moving. At the moment he saw the other lazy bastards working, he hefted up a metal crate and slid it ontop of a row of similar crates, as he began to deligently work as he did prior. He prefered taking the crates in bulk to the armory bay, as he took around three rows of crates,s tacked up 3-5 crates high as he began pushing the heavy handcart "Thank you..." Fire burned in his voice, though the armorer could not help this was passed down through his fathers side of the family.

Though, he was thankful he was somewhat biting his tongue in regards to the other higher ranked soldiers. He would not hold any individual under the rank of a true officer with much respect, much less a lot of lazy bastards. Habits die hard after all, as a youth he had quite a bout of defiance towards educators, children, often a loner by temperment. His eyes glimpsed at those marines that blatantly disregarded the help of hard working armorer, if his work wasn't hard enough at repairing busted weapons and armor caused by damn brutish marines in training sessions.

He may not have been as heavily built as a marine was, though his physique was still fairly formiddible for one of a technical proffession. Perhaps it was due to the fact he prefered to handle gear by hand, at every oppertunity he possably could. Though, in this case he was rushed by a higher ranking Armorer, most likely one of the makeshift Armorer supervisor, had put a rush on the transaction of stockpiled armor and weapons obtained from some nearby training facility.

Drac didn't care, he just did as he was told, he probably only respected High ranked enlisted warriors of steel over these fresh ones, no matter what honorifics, training experience, or medals they had to show him, he wasn't interested in shiney metal, dante ribbons, or outstanding performance on training grounds. All that mattered was one's feats on a battlefield, a real battlefield soaked in the blood of friend and foe.

This was...however a common way of thought to the family Drac was born to, why else would the brutal flammenschwert be the symbolic weapon of his family? Regardless, he then hefted the last crate himself, it was fairly heavier than the others so he could only assume that it was full of heavy munitions, spare plating, or some other container of cumbersome materials. The box shifted on a high surface which was where he intended to place it, causing his left arms to shift, and nearly twist his spine into a injury, if he had not quickly changed footing, and hauled that box up with iron resolve.

Soon after this task was complete, he took a few long strides to the storage bay entrance "Aye! the supplies have been loaded! We're ready for anything that might ever happen!" He would speak with confidence, the lingering embers in his voice.

[There may be some odd content, ranks are somewhat fuzzy atm, though there should be little wrong]
Re: [Mission 1] Boldly Going....

"Bay is being void of atmosphere....gravity shutting down...bay doors opening," the helmswoman at the front of the bridge began to speak as she ran through the actions of the station's docking crews.

Erna couldn't help but allow herself a small smile as she sat in her command chair. This was it, her first command was about to launch for the first time. Though as she finished up both her normal space and hyperspace course calculations, she couldn't help but feel a slight tinge of anxiety. She knew perfectly well the HMS Fearless was a test type to a future batch of vessels and many of its systems were being put to real life tests at this moment. Tests in a laboratory state and usage in real life situations were two completely separate things after all.

"Docking clamps have been released, Ma'am. We've been nudged out the door."

"Good, Ms. Eisenhauer." the Oberleutnant replied as she forwarded her calculations to the new CU-24 computer system for review. "Take us out slowly." she ordered as the helmswoman replied traditionally and began to move the Fearless out on thrusters only.

Throughout the ship, many of the crew not on important duties began to look out of the nearest porthole to witness their ship exit the massive maw that was a Weltraumflotte HQ docking berth.

It was only a matter of minutes until the HMS Fearless had left it's resting place to join the stars. "Excellent," Erna said as she then sent her courses to the Helmswoman. "Enter in this course, Ms. Eisenhauer. Ms. Gorkavitch, send our thanks to Weltraumflotte HQ for their hard work." she ordered before pulling out the sound phone from her chair arm and hitting the intercom button.

"All hands, this is your Captain. I would like to congratulate you on a job well done everyone, but this is only the beginning. A couple of hours from now, we will be executing hyperspace fold. Our destination is the newly found system of Neue Jaspis. It will be an additional two hour journey running in two legs, since the distance between us is vast. I would like you all to be prepared for the unexpected and may the 'Verse guide us all," she finished as she hung the phone up and sat back in her chair.
Re: [Mission 1] Boldly Going....

"Our destination is the newly found system of Neue Jaspis. It will be an additional two hour journey running in two legs, since the distance between us is vast. I would like you all to be prepared for the unexpected and may the 'Verse guide us all,"

Nevaraon's spine fairly tingled with aprehension. A new system where no Abwehran had ever set foot before.
Re: [Mission 1] Boldly Going....

She set perfectly striaght in her seat, sending the Captain's, and all of the HMS Fearless' thanks to Weltraumflotte HQ and tingling with excitement. Not only were they making history here, but she had the best view in the whole vessle. Smiling softly she let herself relax as the words from the Captain came over the intercom.
Re: [Mission 1] Boldly Going....

Nevaraon walked back to his barracks since nobody was telling him to do anything. He sat on his cot and pulled out his whetstone and his family sword. "It's going to be a long couple of hours.
Re: [Mission 1] Boldly Going....

"Ach..." Koenig set two large ammunition crates down, one on top of the other. Brushing off both sets of hands together, knocking all collected grime off, the Obermaat sat down on the same crates, looking over to where his uniform top lay safe and folded. He had joined the rest of the Marines on board the ship in assisting with moving cargo down to their respective locations, and he had just luckily picked up the boxes of ammunition. "12MM be used on all Beschuzter Series Mass-Driver Rifles..." Is what he read off the top of the crate.

Pulling out his notes on bullet loads from his pockets, he selected the load proven to work generally well in most scenarios, as tested by him during sniper qualification. Writing the amount of powder used as well as other things on a piece of paper, he pulled it off, opened the box and selected three magazines of 12mm. "Hey, is there a damned armorer in this place?!" He shouted towards the others working down with him. "I need some customizations done to these bullets, unless you all want me to miss my targets."
Re: [Mission 1] Boldly Going....

Agid, who was still nearby, gave the sniper a strange look as he scratched his bald head. "Powder!? What are you....we use magnetic-propelling weaponry....not chemical-based stuff," he told the enlisted man gruffly. "Haven't used chems in nearly half a century! Where in the void do you plan on finding someone with knowledge in powders!?"


"What are you doing?" one of the other Marines poked his head into the Barracks. "We're passing by the homeworld! You want to miss waving farewell!" the rather excited enlisted man spoke to Nevaraon before continuing his jog towards the ship Lounge.


Erna couldn't help but allow a smile as she looked out the Port side of the Bridge's view port to the glorious blue, green, and brown jewel that was Abwehr. It was kind of amusing in a way...even after exploring and conquering the frontiers of their home system, Abwehrans still thought of their home world as a precious treasure. To other species, it was probably just some hunk of rock with the ability to support life.

The Captain had read a report from High Command about the neighboring nations of Yamatai. She had even been XO of a ship during the very Field Problem the Yamataian's Fifth Expeditionary Fleet had crashed. Hard to believe as simple hyper in and run would lead to her people leaving their system nearly half a year later.

"Ms. Gorkavitch," the Captain spoke up as she looked over towards her Intelligence Analyst/Communications Officer. "How many times have you been off-world?"
Re: [Mission 1] Boldly Going....

Nevaraon glanced up, startled. His confusion lasted only the moment it took the thought to register. He slid his sword into it's sheath and dashed out the barracks following the other recruit. As soon as he stood in the lounge, Nevaraon squeezed with three other recruits around a window looking out at the homeworld. "I'll be back someday. With lots of stories to tell." He whispered barely loud enough for the other recruits to hear.
Re: [Mission 1] Boldly Going....

Evangeline gazed in wonder at their home planet, pride over whelmed her as they drifted through the endless space. She took a moment from the beautiful sight to glance at Erna whom had just asked if she had even been off-world. Eyes bright and beaming she shook her head. "No ma'am, this is my first time." This was obvious by the look on her face anyway. "It makes you ... really proud doesn't it?" Transfixed by the sight of their small planet. Her chest held high and her back straight.
Re: [Mission 1] Boldly Going....

"Verdammt! Never mind, then, kamerade." Koenig placed his notepad back into his pocket, sighing and sitting down on a crate of ammunition. Eyeing a crate marked with the serial numbers of what appeared to be weapons, the Sniper turned back to the armorer that had just recently chided him for asking about chemically-propelled ammunition, motioning towards the weapon's crates.

"Mind if I take out one of those sniper rifles? I'd like to start doing some work on it in the way of simple modifications."
Re: [Mission 1] Boldly Going....

In the lounge, one of the enlisted gave a low chuckle as he began to clear his throat. Holding his glass into the air, a little diddy sprung from his lips. Though the tone was in a whimsical manner, the lyrics were that of a familiar song found throughout Abwehr's Marine Corp ranks. It was that of a soldier leaving home for unknown battlefields. Though it was a rather popular tune, the last bit of the song always ended with the soldiers death. But the rest of nearly half of the fifteen verse song was devoted to leaving home, meeting fellow soldiers, and earning victory on the battlefield.

"We'll all be telling stories, you can bet on that," another Marine chuckled as he pat Nevaraon upon the shoulder. "But you know us Marines....80% boredom, 19% routine, 1% sheer howling terror."


Erna looked at the Intelligence Analyst with a small smile of her own as she looked at the Birth World of their people. "Well...I hope you were at least trained for the eventuality of space combat," the Captain commented, before nodding slightly. "Abwehr is a jewel...I hope we are able to keep that pride of her with us even as we branch out to new worlds."


The NCO could only snort as he looked around for the Armorer of the ship. "I hate these thrice-damned test prototypes," he grumbled lowly. "A proper warship would have nearly three times this complement of Naval personnel. By the 'Verse, we don't even have enough for proper shifts." he continued to grumble before Koenig question reached him.

"EH? Go ahead, lad. It's not like the Armorer is here to stop you, but I suggest you keep your work to the Armory rather than take the weapon elsewhere. Regs wouldn't like you messing with a rifle in Barracks, especially on a prototype vessel."