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RP: Abwehrans [HMS Fearless Mission 1] Boldly Going....

Re: [Mission 1] Boldly Going....

She chuckled at Erna's question "Yes, I have been briefed on space combat." Evangeline returned the nod, agreeing fully with the Captain. "It is ... and we will." Evangeline had never felt so at peace and comfortable. Starting on this journey she expected the Captain to keep her tense and on her toes, and their travels to be a rough and long. Though she liked it so far and hoped it remained this way as she continued. "With a Captain like you, ma'am I'm sure we'll do fine." Feeling out of her 'box' she quickly fixed herself with a small bow at the waist and continued with her work eyes away from Erna.
Re: [Mission 1] Boldly Going....

"Thanks." Koenig simply responded to the NCO, taking a random tool placed somewhere, and attempted to pry open the weapons crates holding the sniper rifles. Letting the top of it drop on the ground and fall on a passing Marine with a resounding "THUD", as well as a few choice words, Koenig pulled out one of the rifles from the crate, sizing it up and aiming it at the wall in various positions. "...I like this." He smiled, holding the rifle rather close to the back of it.

"...Although, it doesn't feel very tight...hey, gimme that!" Koenig immediately snatched a towel from the shoulder of a passing Marine and grabbed some tape from a table set out for supplies. He then folded the towel to various thicknesses, placing it on the butt stock where his cheek would go, and aiming it in the same positions. "...This will do fine." Koenig then immediately taped the towel to the stock of the rifle, making his own little cheek piece and marking his rifle. He then set it on one of the weapons racks and ran off to the barracks, feeling rather in the mood for meeting one of the female crewmembers...
Re: [Mission 1] Boldly Going....

Shhhllikt....klekt klek.... echoed from the Armorer's workspace, as he inspected and checked weapon after weapon in proper order, Drachenbaum sighed somewhat at this monotonous task, whenever finding weapons with particularly severe damage, he marked it with bright red reflective tape, before moving onto the next.

He had somewhat heard something from someone familiar, however was is a remote area and couldn't make out what they said. He sighed, before staring at his hands which appeared to be knicked and bruised from the various sharp, small wires and parts that had ground against his finger tips.

Drachenbaum finished checking and servicing a mass-driver rifle, setting it back into one piece before hanging it back up, making his way out after having worked there for a large undefined part of his time, yawning and stretching. He slowly made his way down the hallways, upon making his way to the baracks, he found his bag and began treating his hands with basic first aid.
Re: [Mission 1] Boldly Going....

Nevaraon was walking around the ship halls talking to a few of the other Maats from the other squads. He saw the Armorer walking down the hall a bit ahead of him. Nevaraon figured that he might be a bit lonely. "Hey, I'll catch up with you later ok? See ya around Fester. You too Lorelei." He jogged up to the Armorer. "How's it going? I caught that standoff with the marines. You think you could have taken them? By the way, my name is Nevaraon but you can call me Nev. I didn't catch yours though" he paused from an appropriate silence.
Re: [Mission 1] Boldly Going....

((OOC: Sorry about the wait...we will be doing a time skip the next time I post. Got to get the mission moving after all.))

Erna only nodded with a faint smile as she turned away to see Abwehr shrinking off into the distance. "We're leaving the Jaspis IV cluster now," the helmsman spoke up as the Fearless finally began to reach it's maximum capable cruising velocity.

"Excellent, proceed to the system's hyper limit."


With most of the ship's crew busy with their duties and many of the marines visiting the gym or the lounge, the barracks were fairly empty when Koenig entered. Though a couple of Marines could be found inside, only one of them was female. This one was rather average for a Surfacer with her blonde hair, blue eyes, and tanned skin. She wouldn't have stood out that much if she were in a fire team...if she were regular infantry.

However, Bootsmann Jolenta Junker was not your average infantry. She was Fire Team Three's Heavy Weapon's Specialist and thus one of only two people qualified on board to operate a Dämon Infantry Power Armor. Currently, she was merely laying down upon her bunk with a book in hand...oblivious to everything around her.
Re: [Mission 1] Boldly Going....

Nevaraon started to get uncomforable walking next to the silent hulking giant Armourer. "I guess I'll see ya around then." And walked back to the barracks alone.

As he reached his bunk, Nevaraon threw himself down on it. and just lay down there for a bit. Oblivious to just about everything, He heaved a big sigh to release all the pent-up aprehension and excitement.
Re: [Mission 1] Boldly Going....

"...Frau Bootsmann." Koenig addressed the tan-skinned surfacer that outranked him by one level, while simultaneously rooting through his personal pack, pulling out two identical bottles, each with "cleaning oil" labeled on them, but one with a single "/" drawn at the base of it. Leaning against the bunk with his back facing the Bootsmann, taking a gulp from the differently-marked bottle, as well as popping several pieces of gum into his mouth immediately after drinking from it.

He then placed the bottle back into the bag and faced the Bootsman. "Since you seem to be of higher rank than I, any news on who the hell my spotter is gonna be?" He smirked at her "Because if it's you, I'd be happy to watch your ass out there if the shit hits the fan."
Re: [Mission 1] Boldly Going....

Blue eyes, very much different from Koenig's natural color, peeked up from the paperback novel in curiosity. They moved up and down for a moment before a small chuckle emanated from the smaller Marine. "If you had me as a spotter, you'd never get anything done." she commented out of amusement before folding her book into her lap.

"Word has it that you're in....Fire Team Two. I, on the other hand, am in Fire Team Three. So no such luck there, Herr Obermaat," she gave Koenig a smile. "You're under the command of the Squad's Warrant, Stabsfeldwebel Weiss. You're all so in the company of the Squad's one Corpman and the new recruit right over there," she explained as she thumbed towards Nevaraon. "Luckily for you, the ol' Warrant was a sniper back in his enlisted days. He'd probably be your spotter and kick you between your teeth if you miss to boot."

Her eyes suddenly narrowed as a charming smile transformed her face from Average Surfacer to very beautiful, if not predatory, blonde bombshell. "And since you aren't just here for just that information, the name is Jolenta Junker."

After another hour or so, the HMS Fearless reached Jaspis' Hyper Limit and began it's preparations to Fold space. The Bridge had suddenly become deathly quiet as the Helmsman and Captain began there little play, a play that could end up deadly if a line were to be wrong. "Coordinates for first jump inserted," Eisenhauer reported as Erna nodded and pushed the button at her chair and picked up her sound phone for intercoms.

"All Hands, Engaging Hyperspace Fold System in 1 minute. Prepare yourselves." she ordered before closing the intercom and nodding to Helmsman before buckling herself into her seat.

Nodding in return, the Helmsman began reorienting the ship and waiting the appropriate time before starting his countdown. "Six, Five, Four, Three, Two, One...Engaging," he reported as he began to slowly pull back upon the finger lever on his board.

Space began to warp and fold around the HMS Fearless as it began to bend space-time to find its short cut. It would only take a moment as the scout ship disappeared from the Jaspis System and the crew of the Fearless became the fifth group of Abwehrans to leave their home system.


Time Index: ~2 hours

With the rather short legs of an Abwehran Hyperspace Fold System, the HMS Fearless had to endure a two-leg journey. Combined that with the 30 minute recharge time on the edge of an unknown system and the Fearless had spent nearly two hours reaching Neue Jaspis.

During that time, the Bridge crew had been released except for one individual. In a watch cycle, the entire bridge crew was given a chance to rest. The Engineering Crew, on the other hand, had to stick with the reactors and Fold System to make sure they were running properly.

But by the time the Fearless had reached the system, everyone of the naval personnel had returned to their stations. Thus the scout ship entered the system ready for anything, only to come across the breath-taking visage of the largest Asteroid belt they had ever witnessed. Though many old hands at space travel would have seen the great asteroid belt of Jaspis, never had anyone of the crew seen an asteroid field that stretched so far, yet keep such a density as this one.

"Gentlemen and Ladies," Erna began with her own smile. "I give you the 'Great Protector' of Neue Jaspis."
Re: [Mission 1] Boldly Going....

Gentlemen and Ladies," Erna began with her own smile. "I give you the 'Great Protector' of Neue Jaspis."

Nevaraon sat up at the announcement. "Wow time really flew." he said aloud to himself. He glanced around the barracks for a window. Unfortunately he saw no such thing. But he did see Koenig and a beautiful Surfacer Bootsmann. He gulped uncomfortably and slide quietly from the room and headed towards the louge curious as to what he'd find.


He walked over to the window and gasped at the amazing sight. He'd never seen anything so vast. He simply stared out the window until an idea formed in his head. "I bet the helms deck has got an even better view. And if I see Evangeline, what a bonus." He immediately slapped himself on the back of the head to stop himself from thinking any further along those lines. He started out of the lounge and towards the helm.
Re: [Mission 1] Boldly Going....

"Helm...lay in a course for the Highway, cruising speed," Erna ordered after a few minutes of sightseeing.

"Aye Aye," Agnes replied as his he gripped the control yoke and began directing the ship towards the largest of the two gaps in the 'Great Protector'.

"Ms. Gorkavitch, please pay attention to the communications frequencies. Our initial scouting suggested strange signals in the system but couldn't identify anything."


As Nevaraon reached the Bridge hatch, he would find two Marines posted by the door. "Heya Maat," one of the Marines spoke before the other eyed him.

"I would suggest not entering," the other said with a gruff voice. "Only Bridge Personnel are authorized."
Re: [Mission 1] Boldly Going....

Surprised, but not really so, Nevaraon tried to be slick. "Ah, who said anything about going into the Bridge? Maybe I came up here to relieve the boredom of two friendly Marines." He flashed a charming smile that had worked so often before.
Re: [Mission 1] Boldly Going....

"Nice try, kid," one of the guards snorted. "Even if that were so now, you initial came up to get into the bridge. You newbies are all the same."

The kinder Marine Guard chuckled in amusement. "Now now, no need to bite his head off. He just wants to witness the sights of a new system."

"Then he should have gone towards the Lounge."
Re: [Mission 1] Boldly Going....

"Good to meet you, Frau Jolenta." Koenig smiled at the woman, only momentarily distracted by the sudden jump that the HMS Fearless took to get to Neue Jaspis. "It's a shame that we can't work together. I'm sure that I could teach you a thing or two about more subtle combat." The Obermaat sat back down on his bunk, taking a few sips from the same strangely-marked bottle.

"Any idea where I can find Stabsfeldwebel Weiss, and where I can maybe find you off-duty?" The Sniper shot the woman a light smile.
Re: [Mission 1] Boldly Going....

Nevaraon gave a mental shrug. "Ah, well. We can't always be right I suppose." And he turned around and headed back towards the Lounge.
Re: [Mission 1] Boldly Going....

The Heavy Weapons Specialist snorted before smiling again as the incorrigible Koenig continued his flirting. "The Stabsfeldwebel can probably be found in either the gym or the lounge," she commented before returning to her book.

"I, on the other hand, am classified top secret until you survive one mission with the squad," she stated before flipping a page.


((OOC: I'm going to be running Eva as an NPC until I get some information from the Player.))

As the Scout ship continued on its journey through the 'Highway', the Communications Array began picking up the strange signals previously reported.

"Captain, we have the strange signals on our receivers now," Eva reported as she began working on isolating the transmissions.

"Any idea where they're originating from?" Erna asked curiously as tapped the tactical console on her chair's right arm.

"Only that there are multiple transmissions. Many of them are similar, but there are a few weak transmission that are different from the others. Those are coming from deeper within the system...if I had to guess, they'd be closer to the Gas Giant."

"Then that is where we start our surveying." Erna replied as she looked over towards the helmsman. "Make it so, Helmsman."

"Aye, Skipper."
Re: [Mission 1] Boldly Going....

As Nevaraon reached the Lounge, he decided to set up another game of Irm Stiktleng amongst the few marines still in there.
Re: [Mission 1] Boldly Going....

"Well, maybe if I survive, you and I could share a drink or two in the lounge. Or wherever tickles your fancy in this ship." Koenig put the bottle away and walked towards the door of the barracks. "Perhaps -I- could tickle your fancy." He made a tickling motion with both hands at the heavy weapons specialist, before quickly walking out of the room before she could get a retort in.

"Well, suppose I should get acquainted to my spotter. Hope he's not too much of a hardass..." The sniper sighed, slowly making his way towards the lounge, first.
Re: [Mission 1] Boldly Going....

"Ah, crap." Nevaraon thought as his challenger sat down. His being a lot bigger than Nevaraon didn't boost Nevaraon's confidence nor the fact that Nevaraon saw him lifting boxs with only his top arms that Nevaraon would have needed all four for.
Re: [Mission 1] Boldly Going....

She nodded to Erna then gave her full attention to the receivers, thinking it a good idea to begin recording the first transmission received by the Fearless. "Captain?" Evas' head perked up, "what kind of surveying ma'm?" Curious of the coarse of action that would be taken.
Re: [Mission 1] Boldly Going....

"Quite simple, Ms. Gorkavitch," Erna replied as she sat back in the Captain's Chair. "We're going to do a Planetary System Survey. Since the Secondary Planetary System of Neue Jaspis is a Gas Giant, we're going to have to get up close to Neue Jaspis II and do a chem-scan of the clouds. From there we catalog each of its moons and maybe land on a few of them to check out any suspicions signals or artifacts." Erna explained calmly.

"Both signals and artifacts are signs of a civilization that has either been or is in Neue Jaspis. If a civilization is already here, we may have to make a decision. I have my orders from High Command to make this system ready for colonization as soon as possible. But if we have a civilization already in Neue Jaspis, we'd have to make a contingency plan." she said before looking at the Nachrichtendienst Officer. "I'm up for any suggestion with the exception of subjugation. I'm not in the mood for the reputation of a conqueror. Plus, from all the data we've received from CSEIA, it looks like we're the infant of the galaxy when it comes to technological superiority. I'd rather not tangle with Yamatai or anyone else that can blow up the Fearless in a single shot." she commented with a perturbed look upon her face.


The challenger in front of Nevaraon was indeed quite large, being nearly 7'2" in height with the build of a weight lifter to boot. The rank pins of Stabsfeldwebel upon his collar. "Well, well, well, you must me one of the new guys in my team," he grinned ferally. "I'm your Team Leader, Stabsfeldwebel Weiss. You can call me 'Warrant Weiss' for short since the whole rank doesn't roll of the tongue that well," he chuckled as he grabbed the smaller enlisted man's arms with his own. "Irm Stiktleng, eh? I heard you've been winning a lot too...not good for a Maat to have a large head."