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[Horizon's Key] Job 01: Shakedown (Prologue)

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Nicholai extended his hand to shake, "Nice to meet ya Elliot." Nicholai said, "If you need help movin' stuff, feel free to ask. I'd be happy to help." As Nicholai extended his hand he noticed how Gem had glanced at Elliot. "Kassi and I were just about to take a walk aroun' da ship to pass time, you been through 'er yet?" Nicholai asked already guessing the answer.
"Well... Err..." Eliot looked around, dumbfounded by his surroundings. "Considering I've never set foot on a ship like this before... Yeah, why not. I'll come along."
Gem held up a hand. "Actually, with this bein' ev'ryone who answered the postin', w' need t' getta move-on preppin' the Key f' departure.

"First, though, I'm lookin' forward to workin' with y'all," she started, folding her hands behind her back. "I trust y' know y're jobs well, an' I hope y' trust me enough to get us aroun' in one piece. What I'm expectin' from ya is a "yes-ma'am" first, in all situations unless I give permission oth'wise. Reason for this bein' that ya can ask why later an' some orders'll require immediate action to work. From time t' time, though, I may ask for suggestions. But this's my prerogative.

"If there's clearly somethin' wrong with me, with th' ship, or with a crewmate, I'd ask ya to bring it to my attention. I'm not th' type t' hand out punishments for opinions, especially ones founded in concern for y'r fellows.

"All-'n-all, I'll trust you t' do y'r job an' not steal from th' ship an' crew, and I 'spect you to trust me and y'r crewmates to do our jobs."

"Now, since y're all 'ere, we should probably get ya set up w'th' computer system," noted Gem. She tapped the wall beside her with two quick ones and a single tap, which was all that was needed to bring up a projected computer terminal. She smiled. "I've arranged th' computer t' respond with a 'volumetric display' when th' wall is tapped like that. Anyway, from what I understand, Kassi, y've already introduced y'rself to th' Key..." -- she had seen the computer's notice when she checked for Lance's status -- "...but we still need t' arrange y'r access privileges. So, simp'ly say y'r name and stand in front o' this terminal. It'll scan y'r face, take a ret-scan, an' I can set y'r access from there."

"While y'r doin' that," the Commander continued, "'ere's what we need t' take care o' before leavin' Pisces.

"A full-ship tour can wait 'til we're under way, because now we're down t' just over three hours 'fore they 'spect us gone. Unless y'all want standard rations, we're needn' foodstuffs...y'r getting an allowance f'r that, an' what y' get'll have t' last ya aroun' two months.

"I'm assumin' y'ave y'r own clothing.

"Nicolai, I'm assingin' you with stockin' th' armory. Small arms and a few rifles are what I was thinkin' of, with plenty o' ammo an' maybe a few explosives in case. Use y'r own judgment on what's best when it comes t' weapon make an' ammo type. Th' ship-mounted weapons're already taken care of.

"Kassi, Eliot, when y're done with food shoppin', go ahead an' take a look around th' Key. Kass, y'r gonna be drivin', so make sure you're familiar with th' Key's movement, weight dist'ribution, an' maneuverability. She's been pretty even-keeled on th' way 'ere. Eliot, I'mna ask ya t'do th' same, only w' th' engines. Once we're out, I'll compare notes with ya."

With a determined smile, Gem looked at each of them before nodding. "Let's get this done, eh?" Taking out her datapad, she accessed a program. "Who 'ere doesn' 'ave a personal money card?"
Eliot looked towards Kassieopiea; this would be the first time he ever got a good look at the girl. needless to say, he got an eyefull of something he'd really never seen before.

"Err... Pardon me for sounding stupid, but... What the hell are you?"
Kassi looked up at Elliot, who obviously had never seen one of her kind before. She ran her finger across her diatom structure on her face, and stayed mindful that the only reason she was able to survive in this environment was due to the radiation pills she had to take every couple months. "I am a Freespacer; only recently did we make contact with Neplesia. In fact, I was one of the group who greeted the first Neplesians our kind had ever met. As a populace, we thrive on a system of collective anarchy, in which we all work together for the common good. I'm sure that if you really wanted to learn about our culture, you could go to a public terminal and look us up. However, concerning me. I am, as many of our kind are, quite technologically inclined, which means I know quite a lot about gathering information out of computers, and the operation of electronic systems. And as your pilot, I know how to fly your ship as well." She smiled.

She stepped up to the window in order to identify herself. "Spacecase Kassiopea Zero Zero 00-7908-0045. Pilot of the Horizon's Key."
"Works for me." Eliot said, straightening his shoulder holster and checking the Liberator Pistol inside. He also moved to the window.

"Eliot J. Steele, Cargo Manager of the Horizon's Key."
Nicholai nodded after Gem told him to go gun shopping. "You got it, some small arms and a few rifles. No problem." Nicholai said as he started to construct a list of firearms that he would buy. Once the everybody had used the holo panel Nicholai walked up to it and identified himself. "Nicholai Vandherson, Ship Security." Nicholai said as he looked into the holographic panel. "err...Gem, could I get one of those money cards? I got nothin' left on mine." Nicholai rubbed the back of his head as he spoke.

[OOC: I will post that stuff once I figure it out, I'll know by friday night]
"I got a little money on mine, but it depends on how much food and how many guns we're going to need for the kitchen and armory, respectively. SO, point me in the right direction and i'll get started." Eliot stated bluntly, fondling the money card in his pocket.
As each person was scanned, Gem set the access ranks. All of them basically could access everything except the code, all of the Key's databases were open except for Gem's profile. This was so if anyone had any questions, they'd be more likely to talk to her instead of digging around about her behind her back. Or they could just go digging around on the public nets, not that there was anything to find in the Yamataian network, just in the Nepleslian network.

Gem shrugged. "As a part o' th' crew y'don' need to worry 'bout food, shelter, or weapons. If y'want ta buy your own stuff, go ahead, jus' sayin' ya don' have to." She wagged her datapad a little. "I ask'd 'bout y'r cards 'cause if y' have one, I was goin' to transfer some funds for the stuff I ask'd y'for. Think of it as an advance on y'r first pay. But, if y'all want t' buy it on your own...fine with me." She smiled. "If not, I'll need y'r card to put the money into your account."
Nicholai dug around in his pockets a little bit before producing his card. "You want some guns ma'am, I don't think I'll have too much of a problem getting what you want." Nicholai said as he handed his card to Gem. I think this is the first time I've ever been excited about a shoppin' trip. Nicholai chuckled quietly as he thought.
Eliot checked his money card, making sure it still had a decent amount of cash on it, before pocketing it again.

"Well cap'n, I think I'm ready to go when Kassi is." He said nonchalantly. "And thanks for hiring me."
Gem took Nicholai's card and noted the balance, then added enough to allow him to get what she had asked for. She would reimburse him anything he overspent.

"Keep receipts for anything y' spend on ship supplies an' I'll pay y' back," said Gem, handing Nicholai's card back to him and looking at him and Eliot. She paused when she reached Kassi.

"D' you 'ave a card, Kassi?"
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