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Implemented Host Community JP Nights


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It occurred to be that if we can have community meetings every month, we could also have community RP nights every month and write together in the JP style (where multiple players write a post together). Think of the Ternifac "Welcome to the Kikyo Sector" Open RP thread on steroids. We could use Discord or some Etherpad-like pad site or similar realtime multi-user writing tool and anyone who is online at the scheduled time would be able to hop into a fast-paced RP scene. The scenes would be selected with an eye to making them accessible to a wide range of characters from various factions. These could be things like festivals ("NDC Barbeque Festival!") that draw international crowds or a corporation offering a freebie (anyone who shows up on opening day gets a free haircut!). Any excuse to get a large number of characters into a small space where they mingle in line.

If you think this is something Star Army's RP staff should be organizing, then please upvote so we can tell if this idea is a popular one.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Well, I did try a few times to see if there is any interest in a Chat RP in terms of SARP, I think @Wes also had an RP chat room for a short while, but due to that, it was not used it got removed. So if there is interest, then it could be interesting to see how it develops
This would be great, maybe having something that doesn't require people to participate every week but have one weekly in a different setting like a bar a trip to the beach ect.
With Discord's recurring events now available, it might be nice to have a recurring community JP night that happens once or twice a month. How often do you think we should try for one? I guess one after is who would GM it? I keep wanting to do more events but I can't host every event myself.
I tried hosting a couple community JP nights and only my close friends showed up or else I'd jump on hosting and helping with them.
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