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RP: United Outer Colonies [Hotaru, Kasairyuu] Returning Heroes


Inactive Member
ON> Hotaru Star Fortress, Main power armor Bay

Caine followed the wing back to the Hotaru, ready to get out of his Sarah and into some relaxation. By the time he and Stryker would arrive, most of the neko members of the 17th had already unsuited and gotten their armors put away in the atmospheric bay. Most were already on their way out but a few were hanging around, curious to meet their commander and second-in-command face to face. Caine in his black and red Sarah entered the bay and came to a stop and phewed, he'd pull off his helmet and the first thing that came to sight was the mane of silk-like golden hair that tumbled from it. A mass gasp from the nekos made Caine pause and blush faintly as they stared, waiting for their handsome commander to get outof the suit...for obvious reasons. He glanced back into space to see the XO come in and waved David over toward him.

David landed lightly next to his commander and smoothly removed his helmet and signaled the two of his wing that were flying as guards to come over. He handed his helmet to one of them and turned to Caine with a slight look of interest as he saw the golden hair adorning his head. "Sir would you care to get some food or drink. I know my men are going off to do that themselves and I wouldn't mind joining them."

Caine chuckled a bit, brushing his fingers through his hair as he did and glanced at her with clear blue eyes, his other hand holding a vicious looking PA sized scythe. "I was thinking that myself." He said. "But first we'll have to lose the armors, I don't think the people in the restaurants would appreciate it we paraded in with these on." Caine said. He'd go over and being to get out of his armor and once he was out, there were a chorus of eeps as he been nude in the armor, the nekos giggling and talking to each other as they scooted out. It wouldn’t' last long before he'd go to get the white paneled uniform on. His Sarah being stored along with it's scythe safely together in a specially marked spot for it where Eriko had put it for him. "There we go" he said. The blonde yamataian with slightly pointed ears glanced to David. "I was going to head for the Kyoto Steakhouse, care to join me?"he asked him as he pulled the fingerless gloves on and reaffixed the golden earring on his left ear.

David signaled two sprites over to him and disengaged his armor and step out and donned a white paneled uniform just as Caine and looked back to the sprites. "Fix her injuries then fix her pain, she has been through too much today." David slid his hand along his armor one last time and then walked over to His commander. "Any where you care to go is fine Sir. Lead the way." David bowed his head in respect.

Caine waved a hand and grinned, shaking his head. "You don't have to be so stiffly formal around me." he said and turned to the others for a moment. "You all did a great job, until I know anything else, everyone has free time to do whatever you wish." the blonde said to the neko members and the Yamataian ones. He was glad they'd gotten very few injuries and fewer casualties in the last mission, it was a shining mark on them as a whole. When they filed out, Caine turned to David adn gestured to follow him. "You say you were assigned to the 17th, by Miyamae-chujo I presume?" he asked as they headed out of the bay. "I saw your performance out there, you're pretty skilled yourself; where'd you serve before coming here?"

David fell into step beside Caine. "Well I was stationed with the 19th wing's stealth division. and before that I has stationed with the 19th wing regulars. What about you Sir?"

Caine sighed a bit and thought back. "Wow that's a long way to think." He chuckled. "I was on the Akuro first as a combat arms, then the Namiko until it was destroyed at Murf." Caine said and grew sad for a moment. "I was one of 4 of the elite 21st wing that once existed within the 17th." he continued. "After that I was supposed to be the captain of the Yugumo until it got mothballed.." he said and laughed rubbing the back of his head. "I'm sure you don't want to hear my entire service history, let's just say I've seen a lot of action. I bet you were expecting the "Reaper of Murf" to be older." he grinned.

David shook his head in disagreement. "Age and skill are not always increased in tandem. In your case your skill has elevated you to your position. I respect your skill as a fighter and as a commander." David scratched his beard and send a telepathic message back to his two guards that were about 200 feet behind them."Catach up to us asap and fall into a eshalon formation with us at head."

Caine nodded in agreement with him. "I guess you could say I have talent for combat, but command's still new to me I admit. Just so you know." He said and glanced back to the guards. "You don't need to have them follow us, we're pretty safe on the station. Or are they doing that because they want to?" He asked David as they boarded a lift bound for the civilian level where the steakhouse was and waited for his guards. "Do you have any family on the station?" Caine asked, wanting to know more about his XO.

David signaled his guard onto the lift with him. "These are my two most trusted and talented "Wraith Warriors." the two pilots bowed. One was a tall slender Yamtaian woman with long green hair and the other was a shorted and well build Yamantian man with a shaved head. "This is Ashlyn and Charles. You two may be at-ease."

"Good to meet you." Caine said to them and made room for them to join them on the lift. "They've been with you for a while. I can tell." he said and properly introduced himself to them. "My name's Caine Ionoche, you can just call me Caine though" He said. Once they were all on the lift closed and they'd be off with a swift motion horizontally then up at an angle before arriving at the concourse area, where it opened for them. "So tell me a little more about yourselves, all of you. I want to know about you on a personal level." he said, being a gentleman tot the core, he let Ashlyn step off first before doing so himself.
Natsuko walked off the shuttle, Finally she thought as she looked down at her watch. It took forever to get here, it looks like I have some free time though. Natsuko thought as she walked aimlessly looking for something to do. As she entered the civilian area she looked up and down until she saw a place that caught her eye, Kyoto Steakhouse. Well, that place looks busy, I'm sure it will be interesting enough to pass the time until my interview with the 17th's commander. Natsuko thought as she entered into the steakhouse.
Xanatos Zarthe, as well as a few other personnel, walked off the shuttle shortly after Natsuko. He didn't seem to have noticed her, but he had kept to himself for most of the shuttle ride.

After he had disembarked, his stomach growled at him. Fine, he thought as he headed over to the nearest place serving food, the Kyoto Steakhouse. It seemed pretty popular, so Xanatos decided to try it out.
Chui Saiga Masatane had arrived on the Hotaru Star Fortress from Yamatai a few hours before. He was glad to have finally been given an assignment after the destruction of the 2nd fleet, and despite the hellish ordeal that he had endured involving that, was eager to fight the enemy once again. So it was no wonder that the Yamataian Chui was displeased after being told to go and enjoy Hotaru’s accommodations when his report to duty was processed. Apparently, he would be called upon when he was needed. Thus, following a few brief protests to the officer who he had reported to, the firey young officer accepted there was nothing that could be done about his situation and made his was to somewhere the officer had recommended – the Kyoto Steakhouse – where he got a small table. He’d waited this long to get back into the fight, so a small while more wouldn’t be too agonizing, especially when there was sake involved.
Galar had been very nervous during the assault on the Hotaru; he had been on the fortress since just a few hours before it began. He had wanted to get in a power armor and help out his fellow Yamataians in their life or death struggle. However, he never got the chance to fight; rather he had been forced to stay put in a small area due to the wartime measures put into place. Galar was itching for battle, but refused to show it. He would not let people know what he was feeling; that only led to death and suffering. Firsthand knowledge and his last CO had told him that time after time.

Nevertheless, Galar allowed himself to feel a little excited to join the 17th armor wing. Piloting a devastating power armor into battle was something he had come to love. As he had just received permission to have an interview with the 17th's leader, but did not know where to meet him or when, he started to wander around the fortress.

Galar was hungry however, and for something with some substance. He looked around and his mind came to rest on the Kyoto Steakhouse. Pushing the doors open and walking inside, Galar took stock of the people inside. Lately he had come to notice more and take in what was going on around him. The restaurant had a few customers inside, but only a few caught his eye. Three in particular caught his eye: one looked relaxed, one looked serious and the last looked anxious. All were men who seemed like highly trained military personnel. Galar decided to watch them closely.
Ai disembarked from a recently landed shuttle, the shuttle having been delayed slightly by the recent events. She stretched a bit before she checked the time, quite a bit of time left before the time for interview.

The newly arrived neko paced through the city, exploring the vastness of it. Before long, Ai started to feel a parched, as well as a bit hungry. Looking around, she saw the Kyoto Steakhouse. Ai entered.
Ashlyn exited the lift first followed by charles. The two Guards stood on either side of the lift's door and waited for the two officers to exit before going on any farther. The two waited in a relaxed pose instead of the rigid formal stance they hated.

David allowed for Canie to leave the lift before him and followed along side him as the made thier way to the steak house. "Well sir I come from a small town on Tatiana. It's a beutiful place, you should visit it some time." David was hungry and was looking forward to being able to have a warm meal in his stomach. He had also allowed his his posture to lax alittle from when he first exited his armour.
Caine walked along with David and thought for a moment, listening to what he said about Tatiana. He'd heard some things about it being a quaint little town and a good place to grow up. "I was born in Xiuluria myself. It's a heavily forested area where the last remaining civlization of elves on Yamatai is still strong." he said as they approached the restaurant.

When they walked into the place, the waitress that approached them to escort them to a table froze for a moment, staring at Caine. "Uh..this way sir!" she said in a meek tone and immediately began to lead them toward a large, if a bit isolated table. Caine glanced at David and rubbed the back of his head. "Well that was easy." He said. Their two escorts being allowed along as well as they'd all be seated a table that had a few extra chairs, the people here knew that officers often met here and had tables just for it.

Once seated, the neko waitress, whom had short cut black hair and distinctly japanese features. "What would you like to drink?" She smiled cutely at them. Caine thought for a moment, "I'd like some iced tea with a touch of mint flavoring to it." He said as the girl handed them menus. Once she wrote down what Caine wanted, she turned to the others with the same question. The way the people in the restaurant were talking, the others would get the idea someone important was there, a few whispers that the "Reaper" had arrived. In fact, they'd been taken to their seats before Ai, and the others waiting for a seat had because of the military rank and reputation.

((OOC: I know it sounds like ego stroking, but it's there so the others know they arrived.))
Galar had done his research on the CO of the 17th armor wing, and knew his nicknames. As soon as the man entered the restaurant, Galar set himself to watching him rather than the others in the restaurant that had caught his eye. The officer was directed to a large table with two bodyguards and what looked like a second officer and sat down. Galar judged this to be the right time to approach the man. He stood and proceeded to walk to the offers' table, making sure he did not seem menacing or rather any one thing at all; he wanted to look like just someone who wanted a chat.

He reached the table and said to Caine, "What a coincidence that Taii Caine Ionoche is in such a place. And to think that I was wondering where I would meet you. But where are my manners. I am Galar Vanatosk, Nito Heisho." Galar gave a short bow out of respect.
Xanatos had noticed the two men come in... as well as the attention they had received from the waitress. One of them seemed familiar... where had he seen him before? He heard a few people whispering in the background about one of them being the 'Reaper'. Reaper? the Yamataian thought to himself. I had heard rumors that the CO of the 17th Wing.

He gulped down a lump in his throat as he decided to go introduce himself. As he approached Caine, Xanatos had to dodge a frantic waitress before he could get to the large table. He bowed politely as he waited for the Taii to recognize his presence.
Caine glanced up at the two soldiers approached the table where they were at. He'd learn the were Galar Vanatosk and Zarthe Xanatos; he remembered the latter from the Yugumo. He chuckled when they both bowed to him and gestured for them to join them. "You don't have to be so formal but I appreciate it." he said. "Please, join us." Caine said. "And it's nice to see you're ok Xan." Caine said to the former Yugumo crewmate. "And Galar, it's nice to meet you too." the young CO said.

"Hotaru, who else do I need to expect to greet me here as a member of the 17th?" Caine asked Hotaru telepathically.

A slight weight could be felt leaning on Caine's shoulder as the avatar of the Hotaru appeared behind him. Her white hair settling about his and her shoulders, a giggly smile on her lips as she replied. "Ano...Kitano Ai..." She said, pointing toward the girl waiting near the entrance. "Chui Saiga Masatane..." Hotaru continued and pointed out the Chui across the room. "And Santo Hei Hiragi Natsuko." She finished, pointing her out as well.

Caine smirked a bit and nodded, glancing to where she was pointing. "Thanks Hotaru." he said as the avatar. She giggled and disappeared with a little wink at him. Leaving Caine to wonder just what else she was thinking, but Hotaru seemed nice enough at least.

"Please come over and join us. No sense in staying away Caine broadcasted telepathically to the three and made a short wave to them. Hotaru herself would help out voluntarily and gave them the location within the restaurant their CO was at.
Xanatos smiled as he rose from his bow. He barely remembered his stay aboard the Yugumo. Whether it was because of the damage to his ST data or his brain is trying to suppress the memories, he knew not. He carefully sat at the large table and replied, "Good... to see you, too, Taii." He didn't want to disappoint his new CO by saying in public that he hardly remembers the man.
Ai had heard murmers about the 'Reaper' around the restaurant, but didn't pay too much attention to it, until she recieved the message from Caine. The neko looked around, briefly confused as to where he was, before she saw her CO.

She gave an overt, if not a bit hyper, wave to the CO, before she made her way over to the table, nearly crashing into a couple people.

When she reached the table, she did a deep bow. "Ohaiyo gozaimasu, Caine-Taii," Ai said rather cheerfully.
David looked to the new comers as the sat down and gave a small chuckle. "Now I feel a little left out! Have any of you ordered your food yet?" David didn't wait for a responce before he ordered a glass of red wine. He then turned his attention back to the pilots. "If none of you have learned yet. I am David Stryker, Your XO for the forseeable future."

Ashlyn, who sat to the left of David, had sliped into leasure mode and was playing with her napkin as she waited to get her order taken. When the waitress came to her, she looked up with a large smile on her face. "I would like to have some apple soda if you have it!" Ashlyn knew she was asking a bit much with the soda but she hoped she could get it in such a large station. "So how is everyone? Did we do well in battle today?"

Charles had sat down to the left of ashlyn and was looking over the menu quickly. He tossed the menu down and looked up to the waitress and smiled. "How about a nice cold beer there hun!" Charles looked over to Ashlyn and nudged her. "I got myself a few good kills and took out one of those tratiors cannons with some demo charges so in the end, It was a very good hunt!"
Natsuko had been standing in the stakehouse waiting to be seated when she recieved the telepathic summons. Natsuko knew the summons came from her future CO, however as she looked at the table a quick look of surprise came across her face. He's so young, is he really the 'reaper'? she thought to herself before masking the confusion on her face and walking over to the table to introduce herself. "Hello Caine-Taii!!" Natsuko said enthusiastically, whether or not he was the reaper was a question to be answered later. "Stryker-Juni, it is nice to meet you." Natsuko bowed as she greeted David. After looking around for a bit Natsuko found an empty seat and sat down at the table.
Galar smiled at Caine's recognition, "You know my name already, that makes things just that much easier." He sat down at the large table and looked over the menu. After selecting a few items, he decided to start with a red wine. He managed to catch the waitresses attention before she hurried away. "I'll have a Yamataian red wine, thank you."

As the waitress left the table, Galar smiled, this was sure an interesting group of people, more so than any he had worked with so far.
When the party of celebrity-soldiers had entered the steakhouse, Masatane paid little mind to the commotion surrounding them. He spent his time keeping to himself, sipping at the small cup of sake that he had ordered before refilling it and sipping again, until he overheard the name of the man who was drawing so much attention – Caine Ionoche.

Immediately, the Chui’s interest was sparked, though not with nearly as much awe-struck admiration as the much of the others in the steakhouse. He recognized this man’s name, Ionoche, from his orders as the man whom he would be serving under as part of his newly received assignment. When the telepathic message came to him, Masatane gladly accepted the invitation to join his new commander and approached the large table where he was seated, bringing his bottle of spirits and cup with him.

“Chui Masatane Saiga,” he said, addressing the Taii as he bowed slightly. “It is my pleasure to meet you,” he continued, before nodding in recognition to the others seated.
The waitress smiled at Ashlyn’s exuberance and wrote down what she wanted, then turned to the others and wrote down what they wanted. She’d also take the moment to pass out menus to the new people. Caine turned to the newcomers and nodded a greeting to them as they joined them at the table. “Indeed, It’s nice to meet everyone here. Chui Masatane, go ahead and take a seat. And I want to thank you for your interest in joining the 17th, the most elite corps of power armor pilots in the 5th XF.” He started off, already liking the attitudes displayed by the people as they came to the table. “But there’ll be a more formal introduction or induction ceremony after we all eat, for now we can relax.” He said and relaxed back in his chair.

“As everyone’s been saying in whispers around the restaurant about me. And yes, it’s true.” Caine said, wanting to put their curiosities to rest. “I’m the Reaper, indeed.” He said casually. “This is the XO of the 17th, Juni David Stryker.” He said and introduced the others, Charles and Ashlyn. “I want to know something first, who here has experience piloting an armor? And how much?”
"Hmmm, lets see," Ai began, as she took a seat. "Well, I've really only piloted armor while in training. But, I learn fast," she said, with an awkward smile. It was the 17th, the elite power armor wing, and yet there she was, fresh out of training.

"Oh, and its nice to meet you Stryker-Juni." The neko did a small bow, or something close to it considering the table that was in front of her now.

Ai flitted through the menu. Oddly she didn't feel hungry anymore, so she just ordered a lemon-lime soda.
Xanatos smiled slightly before replying to Caine's question, "I have hardly had any experience with power armors, but I do know my way around a computer as well as a bit about mechanics." He hoped that his skills didn't automatically eject him from this mission.