Star Army

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RP: United Outer Colonies [Hotaru, Kasairyuu] Returning Heroes

"I have some minor expierience with power armor." After Natsuko said that she looked down at her menu. So he is the reaper.... "I will take an 8oz steak medium rare please." Natsuko said as she looked at the menu. That will give me something to chew on..... she thought as she looked up at her future CO, How will he surprise me next I wonder? she thought with a smirk.
Caine grinned slightly and ordered up a 12 oz steak with a baked potato on the side and waited for the others input. He was liking the way the others were reacting to the casual questioning and such. This would be a good team to work with, though the course of learning not many so far had actual PA piloting experience justified just what he had in mind for them.
Galar answered, "I was in one battle in a power armor before. Unfortunately, we were outnumbered and were defeated, but luckily I wasn't killed. Two Misshu destroyers versus the YSS Goban. SAINT screwed us over, but we survived; I hope to reverse that losing record in the 17th."

Galar took a sip of his wine and looked at the CO.
“My specialty is atmospheric and infantry combat,” Masatane replied. He took a sip from his sake cup, contemplating what he’d say about his service. The Yamataian officer still felt somewhat disgraced that command hadn’t rebuilt his last unit after its destruction. They had deserved better for their service.

“After receiving my commission,” he finally continued, “I was assigned to the Second Fleet and fought the Mishhuvurthyar on a dozen or so worlds while serving with them.” He took a quick sip from his small cup and refilled it. “My most recent assignment was at a forward base on Hyulughflar. Not many from my unit–” he paused, his voice faltering for a moment, “Well I’m sure you all know what happened to the space that the Second Fleet patrolled.”
ON>Kyoto Steakhouse
Caine shifted in his seat, blowing his blonde hair out of his eyes and glanced over everyone that was there. "I see. I'm sorry to hear that Masatane." He said, bowing his head for a moment, thinking about all the friends he'd lost in the past to battle. "And Galar, you'll get your chance to turn your record around, I promise you that." the young CO said. "And Kitano-san, I like your attitude toward this all, and yours as well Natsuko." He offered them all a friendly grin as the waitress began to bring their ordered drinks to them.

Galar poured himself another glass of the red wine, as he had had the waitress leave it on the table for him. He took another sip and smiled, "Thank you Caine-Dono. I will do my best to achieve the best."

Natsuko looked over at Galar, sympathizing with him for his loss....It is hard to watch your friends and family, killed in front of you. she thought, reflecting on the death of her ship. "Me as well, Caine-sama" Natsuko said, her voice staggering back as she said it.

"Arigatou Caine-Taii, I'll try my best too." Ai breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that she was truly accepted. She smiled happily as she sipped on her soda and watched the others.

Masatane nodded to the Taii's condolences. "Thank you, Ionoche-taii, however that is not necessary. My pilots died honorably and should be celebrated," he said before raising his sake up and taking another sip. Memories of the events of his last mission with the Second Fleet did hurt the Yamataian somewhat, but such things happened in war. He only hoped that his end would be as glorious as his comrades' had been. “Anyway, if you are at liberty to say, what have you got planned for us, Taii-san?"

David took a sip of his wine and reclined more into his seat. He had no real idea of these new recruits' combat style or ability but Caine and him would get them into shape or they would die in combat. Either way their wing would be stronger for it.

Caine nodded to the others as they waited for their dinners to arrive. "I'm glad to hear you're all here with us on this, you wouldn't have been assigned to this wing if you didn't display potential for it." Caine said and sipped his drink and glanced to Masatane. "I'm going to have us go through a training op down on Jiyuu first." He said. "I think it'd be good to refresh our skills in planetary and urban combat settings." The blonde commander said. "This'll do everyone good because planetary combat is usually not as important as spatial sortie and I want us prepared for anything."

Galar nodded. He had never done any planetside operations; he was left out of the last operation because his team needed someone to manage the radios and he was the resident communications officer. He was still sour about it. Nevertheless, it was time for Galar to shine and become more prominent, rather than being in the background providing support. This training would be good for all of them, including those who had previous training in power armor.

Natsuko rolled the thought around in her mind a little bit, A planetary op huh? Could be fun, haven't really ever been planetside yet.... she thought. "Ano sumimasen Caine-sama, but what kind of armor are you planning for us to use?" Natsuko asked.

Ai's smile grew wider. This training sounded like fun, and would be a good chance to see what some of the more experienced soldiers were capable of. The neko still had some doubts as to her abilities, but hoped this would clear up some of them. She listened to what was being said, and wondered along with Natsuko what armor they would use. It'll probably be the Mindy M2, she thought to herself.

"Excellent!" Masatane remarked with a wide smile. He was glad that his abilities would be put to use so soon after his assignment to this unit. He had been worried that a posting with a space-based armor wing would have him seeing no planetary operations. "Respectfully, though, Taii, don't discount planet-side operations as not as any less important than space operations," the Yamataian grinned, "Someone has to hold the Emperor's planets after they are captured."

David put down his glass and interlocked his fingers. He was impressed with Natsuko's question on the armour they would be using. That kind of forethought was a good showing of her possible use as a scout. "Well I hope to be using my normal armor in the operation but what you will be using... that is up to Caine"

Caine smirked slightly and nodded to Masatane. "Oh I haven't discounted it, that's why we're doing it." he said and turned to them, hearing Natsuko's question about the armor they'd be using. "Ideally none for the best experience, but for our purposes we're using the Daisy model, they're the best ones suited to urban and planetary combat." He said.

The Daisy. Galar had never used one before, but he had seen a few on the YSS Goban. He wasn't sure how he felt about using this new type of armor, but he decided he would get used to it. "What kind of target are you going to give us, Taii? Will we be using live weapons?" Galar quite wanted to get into an armor and start testing out its capabilities.

Natsuko smiled, "I think no armor would be quite fun, but the DAISY will do well I guess." To be honest, Natsuko revelled challenge, and the chance at an unfamiliar form of combat made her giddy like a schoolgirl. "Well Caine-sama, you really do like to keep us guessing huh?" Natsuko said jokingly with a huge grin on her face.

Caine shook his head to Galar. "It'll be a general tutorial for those unfamiliar with the daisy's capabilities in atmosphere, and for the sake of the environment, we're going to be using training rounds. Jiyuu is still relatively undamaged and I want to keep it that way as much as possible." he addressed Galar then turned to Natsuko. "It's to be expected sometimes Natsuko-san. It's to keep you on your toes."

“Caine-sama, Nekos walk on their toes" she said with a gleam in her eye.

Galar nodded. He had gained some respect for the CO, he already had given much forethought to what they were about to do. Most commanders Galar knew wouldn't give a damn about the environment and certainly would have had them use live weaponry.

Ai thought back. Wasn't much information about the Daisy from basic training. Her smile only widened. Now, she knew this training op would be fun with the added learning of a PA she wasn't too familiar with. Though using training rounds took some of the fun out of it, she was nearly bouncing with joy in her mind. Ai was already taking a liking to this CO, as she contemplated any further questions she might have, and sipped lightly on her drink.

Masatane expected that they'd be piloting the Daisy for any planetary operations, it was the best armor for the job after all, but still allowed himself to be pleasantly surprised when he heard that was the armor that the upcoming training mission would be using. The Daisy was all that the Yamataian Chui had piloted since training at the Kyoto War College just over two years ago. "Ah, the M6. Superb armor; the Zaibatsu's best. I look forward to seeing what you can do with it, Ionoche-taii," he said, nodding to the others to extend his anticipation to each of them.

David gave a little smile. "Well Masatane it is us that are more interested to see what YOU can do!" It was true. The training exercise was more for Caine and him to see what the new blood could do and for them the learn to work with their new team. Not for anyone to showboat.

Charles raised his hand slightly in polite question. "It's good to hear the mission and meet all of you but I have a very important thing to ask? Where's the food!" Charles let out a laugh and nudged Ashlyn in jest.

Almost as if on cue, the waitresses came out with their plates, the group having ordered so much collectively they brought it out on two larger trays and began to hand out their plates. Everyone would get exactly what they wanted, exactly how they wanted it done; the cooks apparently having gone out of their way to make the best they could for the group. Caine laughed as it did. "Well, there you go Charles..." he said. "And yes, this is also to see what you have and lets us accurately measure how much extra work you need, or how much support you may need." the blonde said, brushing his hair behind his ear. "I don't want any of you to get hurt seriously." He smiled at them all. "And Natsuko, you never know. It may happen one day." He said to the neko telepathically. With that, Caine would start to sample his food and blinked at just how good it was. "Mmmm" he purred almost to himself at it.

Xanatos sat silently. He was unsure of the exact difference between most power armor, but he decided that he would research it in more depth at a later time. He didn't really think that he needed to say anything, so he just sat there minding his own business. Should they require his opinion, they probably will tell him.

Galar tasted the steak and cheese sandwich with the house sauce that he ordered. It was delicious. A smile of delight crept across his face as he made sure the succulent juices did not go everywhere, especially not on the uniform he was wearing. After chewing and swallowing, Galar said to those gathered at the table, "This was definitely the place to meet, the food is amazing! Caine- Dono, I don't know what you did, but you seemed to have gathered everyone together in the best restaurant in Kyoto without actually saying a word." Galar laughed.

Natsuko looked at the steak that had been placed before her with the eyes of a predator and began to lick her lips. Dinner time. Natsuko thought. Natsuko then took a bite of the meat, without even trying to be graceful she tore into the meat savagely, "Mmm vhiff ivv vrry grood" she said while chewing the meat. After she had finished chewing the little bit of steak, she spoke "I haven't had steak like this in well......ever." Natsuko said. For the moment disregarding the message Caine-taii had sent her. Of course I know the unexpected happens!she thought to herself.

Ai looked over what the other had ordered, a bit of hunger returning as she smells of the food assaulted her nose. She had lost her appetite before, so hadn't ordered, but now wish she did order. Ai sucked a bit harder at her drink, the glass nearly drained, as she thought it was probably too late for her to order anything without seeming disrespectful. She decided she's just have to wait for her food at a later meal.

The waitress looked at Ai and blinked a bit to her, wondering why she hadn't ordered something like the others had. "Would you like anything ma'am?" the cute little neko waitress asked as the other placed a glass of water next to Natsuko as a complimentary gesture.

Ai gave a huge smile at the waitress. "Uh, I think I'd like the same thing as him," Ai responded to the waitress, pointing at Galar. "If you wouldn't mind."

The waitress nodded to her and smiled and wrote it down. She'd head off to go pass the request to the cook so they could get on it, the restaurant picking up in activity as other people filed in for dinner or to relax at the small bar. Caine chuckled a bit at what Galar had said and nodded to him, in actuality, it'd been pure coincidence and a little help from Hotaru herself.

Masatane continued to sip at his drink, occasionally refilling the small cup. The sake bottle was almost empty, so he asked the waitress to bring him another before she left the table.

Galar was halfway done with his dinner and as he swallowed his next bite, he sipped his wine once more. There was nothing better than a red wine to go with an amazing steak in Galar's opinion. However, his glass was nearly empty, so he refilled it once more and took another sip, savoring the taste of the two flavors mixing.

David thanked the waitress after she placed the lobster that he ordered in front of him and proceeded to crack open the exoskeleton on its thorax. "I hope everything is is right with your orders. Bon Appetite!" David finished the sentence by eating a piece of the meat for the opening he had just made.

Charles took opened up the burger he had gotten and made sure it had everything on it like he wanted and the reassembled it and dug into with no delay. "Well I've needed this for a while. Nice good chunk of red meat. You can’t go wrong." he said with a small amount of food left in him mouth.

Ashlyn clapped her hands in approval as her food was put down in front of her. "I feel kinda bad ordering chicken but really... I Haven't had BBQ is a while." As Ashlyn started to cut up her meal she looked over to her new wingmates. "So how is every one today? Baring the assault?"
Xanatos didn't really know how to answer Ashlyn. He felt fine, but there was something gnawing at him. He wasn't sure what it was, but it seemed like he had forgotten something. Well, he figured it would come to him if it was important. He finally answered, "I'm alright, I suppose. How about you?" He looked over to Ashlyn from where he was standing. He had yet to sit down, mainly because he was a little nervous in the presence of this many strangers.
David took another bite of his lobster and looked over to Ashlyn with a small smile. "Well I am alive, I killed traitors and I am now a XO... I think my day went quite well." David took another bite of his lobster and listened to the other pilots

Caine blinked, remembering something he had to take care of. Mainly Reports on the Asuka's PA wings to his buddy Yaichiro. "Pardon me for moment you guys." he said, standing up from the table for a moment, pulling a communicator out. "I have something important to handle, I’ll be back in a little bit." he said and nodded to them. "But stay and enjoy your food, don't worry about the tab i'll take care of it." he said and headed out o the restaurant to file the report to Yaichiro.

"I am doing well" Natsuko said between mouthfulls watching as she watched Caine leave. Wonder what is going on with him she thought to herself.

Ai shrugged. "I'm doing good. Nothing really to complain about." She smiled. Her stomache grumbled a bit as she waited for her now ordered food. "Heh, sorry about that," Ai said and patted her tummy.

Ashlyn blinked as she heard Ai's stomach growl, and smiled, cutting off a piece of her own meal. She then put it on a plate and passed it to Ai...
"Here you go, to tide you over. I never finish all this food anyway!"

Charles looked to Ashlyn with a critical eye...
"Ash, you need to stop giving your food away...'eat well, fight well', remember?" He dropped the issue before the woman could respond, watching where Caine went.
"Come to think of it, why does Ionoche-Taii have to report to that Kage guy? They're the same rank, and he isn't even part of our command chain. Doesn't he report directly to the Admiralty? If not, he should. We aren't the arm of the SIP, you know."

Galar smiled as his CO left, "That was kind of him to pay our bill for us, wasn't it?" He sipped his wine and placed his plate near the end of the table, waiting for the waitresses to pick it up. He was quite full now that the meal was over, he sat and listened to the conversations around the table.

David responded to Charles' question to the best of his ability. "Well we are takeing on members of Kage's crew into the 17th if I remember the reports correct. It is just a matter of respect I would imagine. But on another note. What do all of you expect from the 17th?" David knew that most of them han't thought about it but it was still something they should think about.

Masatane raised an eyebrow at David’s question. “Expect?” he questioned. “It is just another assignment, and I hope that the 17th serves the Emperor to its utmost capability just as every unit should.” He took a sip of his sake before continuing, “There is no substitute for victory, thus, I expect victory from the 17th.”

"I agree with Masatane-chui, it is a good chance to serve the emperor. I look forward to being usefull to the 17th." Natsuko said. As she raised her fork for another bite she paused and looked at David, "What are we to expect, Stryker-Juni?" Natsuko asked while slightly tilting her head.

"I agree with Masatane-chui, it is a good chance to serve the emperor. I look forward to being usefull to the 17th." Natsuko said. As she raised her fork for another bite she paused and looked at David, "What are we to expect, Stryker-Juni?" Natsuko asked while slightly tilting her head.

Ai did a small bow with her head. "Thank you Ashyln-sama. Are you sure you don't want this?" she inquired. Then, turning to David, Ai answered," Ano, what to expect... I guess just what already been said. Serve the empire and to squash those slimey squids." She smiled cheerfully, hoping that answer would be alright.

Charles seemed to grin a bit at the question.

"To prove myself; show just what I'm made of, and to become a war hero. Ionoche-Taii is a good bet to serve under...he is already one after all."

Ashlyn seemed a bit more thoughtful of her response.

"Well...I was on Taiie, you see...and when that happened, I saw the need for Expeditionary Fleets and the need for their I joined up. I like the idea of victory, but I think my main goal is to protect our citizens from attack, and survive, to fulfill our mission as an Expeditionary Fleet--which is to stay alive and preserve our race should the core government fail."

Galar responded, "I wish to serve the emperor and protect everything we stand for, but I also find that piloting a power armor to be very satisfying. I joined up primarily because in this elite unit, I will be able to fight the enemy that we all wish were fallen to the best of my ability."

David nodded his head in aproval and looked over at Ai. "Well you can expect to be held to high standards seeing as we are supposed to be the best of the best. Just do your best to stay alive and serve the empire." David took a bite of his food.

The late orders arrived at the table and were placed infrount of the pilots. The Neko waitress held the platter infrount of her and smiled "I will be back latter when you are done."

"Ne, what do you all like to do?" Natsuko said, trying to make conversation among everyone else.

Ai nodded to David. "Hee hee, that I can do, Stryker-Juni."

Noticing her order had arrived, Ai thanked the waitress, before taking a large bite out of the sandwich. She 'Mmm'd.' As she started to finish out the swallowing of the bite of food in her mouth, she pondered on how to respond to Natsuko's question.

Charles wrinkled his nose at the mission, thinking it a bit below him, though Ashlyn seemed to not be upset about it.

"I was hoping for more action..."

"Hey, I prefer training to a need for combat any means there's one less problem to deal with."

Galar grinned and replied to Natsuko, "I might go out and check out the local bookstore later, as do love to read. I can't wait for training though. What else do you all like to do."

David finished his meal and placed downed his silverwear. "Well I always enjoy camping and hikeing of anykind. Also a good concert is good aswell and seeing as I'm not in a position to go camping or hiking I am going to try for a concert tonight after this meal. If any of you would wish to join."

Natsuko's eyes lit up when Galar mentioned he liked reading, "Eeeh, really?" Natsuko asked, her attention captured "What do you like to read about ?" she asked.

"Hmm, I like t-" Ai was cut off short by Natuko's exuberent response to Galar. Ai just stared and blinked a few times. Nevermind then..., Ai thought to herself. She smiled a bit awkwardly, but to no one in particular.

Charles smirks before putting a hand to his chin.

"Well, I'm sure some of my drinking buddies would appreciate a call...I wonder how Taylor in the 15th is doing..."

Ashlyn made a small face at Charles' choice of recreational activities.

"I'd prefer a concert or something along those lines...I wonder if there are any classical ones being held..."

Galar smiled when Natsuko asked him about books, "I love to read just about anything, but my absoplute favorite books are ones about ancient mythologies and a decent chunk of fiction. I even like manga. You?" He thought to himself that a concert might be nice, he was partial to them as well.

Caine would come back in sliding his communicator intoh is pocket and sat back down and glanced at the others. "Sorry about that. I had to report to the Asuka CO about the performance of his armor wings." he said, confirming what David had said.

David nodded to the CO as he came back to the table. The waitress came back and started to pick-up dishes that were done with. "Will there be anything else tonight? Dessert, Coffee or tea?" David shoke his head at looked back to the commander. "Well sir I'm thinking about going to a concert after this. Do you have any plans?"

Caine chuckeld a bit and shook his head no to the waitress. "No thank you ma'am." he said to her politely and turned to David. "Me? I'm going to go pay a visit to the hot springs, I need to unwind after those missions." he said and nodded to him and finished off his drink. "How about the rest of you?"

"I love history, especially foreign relations" Natsuko said. Natsuko looked over as Caine entered the room and sat down. "Well, Caine-Taii, would it be possible to join you later?" Natsuko asked "I think I have some shopping I would like to get done beforehand anyway." Natsuko said as she sent Galar a telepathic message "Wanna go to the bookstore after this?"

"Hmm?" Caine glanced over. "Sure, I don't mind if you do." he said, flashing Natsuko a charming smile. "Though you'll miss me if you take too long"

Ai finished up the sandwich, set the plate to the side, satiated, and breathed a happy sigh. "Etto, Natsuko-san, would you mind if I join you?" she wondered.

Charles walked off to have a drink at the bar, giving David a pat on the back in a familiar gesture of jest.

Ashlyn also left, though bowing first.
"I guess I should enjoy myself...I wonder if the Hot Springs have any vacancies...Ja ne!"

Galar sent Natsuko a message back, I would love to. I'll wait outside for you. "Caine Taii, I might join you as well later on." He got up, bowed to the officers, and left the restaurant, waiting outside the steakhouse for Natsuko.

There as a wash of pain run over his legs that quickly reminded him of harsh toll combat has on the body. "Well Caine I think I will join you at the hotsprings. The Mind wishes for music but the body wishes for rest and recovery." David stode up and waited for anyone else to joni him.

Caine smirked a bit and got up and spoke with the waitresses about the tab and they reassured him that itw as covered and he started to head out and paused by David. "I don't mind but it may get awkward if we're all there."

"Of course you can Ai-san." Natsuko replied. Then Natsuko sent a message to Galar "There will be one more with us, Ai-san seemed interested in shopping as well". "We are meeting Galar-san outside." Natsuko said to Ai. With that Natsuko stood up and left the restaraunt.

Ai smiled and nodded. "Arigatou gozaimasu, Natsuko-san." She stood. "Ano, Ionoche-Taii, arigatou gozaimasu, for covering the tab." She bowed to those remaining, and followed after Natsuko.

Caine headed out of the restaurant once the others had filed out, he had a few things to take care of. Namely was finding his way to the quarters he had on the station, considering he hadn't even had a chance to see them. He knew he'd have an officer's suite, part of him just wanted to go lay down on his bed. But Caine also took his word seriously and would meet the others down in the hot springs of the station, namely that place he'd been to before.

Deciding to just get it over with, Caine walked out and headed over to the Evening Star and spoke with the woman at the front desk. He'd make mention that he was expecting some guests to be put on hit tab, which would be picked up by the prestige system. Once it was all set and handled, the blonde would head for the changing rooms and afer that: soaking in the hotspring on his own.

His communicator placed behind a rock nearby so that he could be contacted privately while he was in there. "Ahh man this feels good on my aching muscles..." He purred, just soaking it in. I really need to work out the official plans for this training op on Jiyuu. I'm sure the brass won't mind my spur-of-the-moment mission. Caine thought.
Galar was leaning up against the wall outside the steakhouse when Ai and Natsuko arrived. He returned to the standing position and greeted the two with a smile and a small bow out of respect. "It is alright that I call you two by names without honorifics, right?"

"Of course" Natsuko replied, "We need to be able to trust eachother in a fight right? It's gotta start somewhere." said. "It is okay with me, I can't speak for Ai-san of course." Natsuko asked as she leaned against the wall beside Galar.

Ai smiled and nodded. "Sure. I'm fine with it, really no need to be formal here. As for where the bookstore is, I'm not sure." She stretched a bit, working out the stiffness of sitting and eating.

Galar smiled this time, "I have been here before, and If can get my bearings, I'll be able to find it and a weapons store. Shall we embark?" Galar strode off in the direction he thought was best. After a time, he asked, "Have either of you two been on previous assignments on other ships?"

Natsuko memorized the route as they walked, "I have served on numerous ships before." Natsuko said, somehow her voice wasn't as enthusiastic as it was before, "Ai how about you?" Natsuko asked, shifting the question way from herself.

Ai shook her head as she lightly pranced along, following them. "Nope, my first assignment. I was really surprised when they asked me to join the legendary 17th because of it."

Galar noticed the tension behind Natsuko's words and decided not to pursue it further. "So, The bookstore should be right around this corner..." Galar turned the corner and looked at the street, which was still somewhat crowded from the dinnertime traffic. The small bookstore sat in between two larger stores, one devoted to beauty products and the other to female clothing. The outside of the store was mostly unadorned and not very colorful. However, it had a sort of rustic charm to it. "Shall we go inside?" Galar said to the small group.

"Un" Natsuko said, already trying to peer through the glass of the store, trying to determine what sort of books would be inside. "Ai, do you like to read?"

"Etto... Hai. Depends on the kind, but I like most books." Ai said, before she nearly ran into another person in the crowd. She said a quick apology, before returning to the group. She gave a light-hearted chuckle. "Ano, ya... I like most books."

Galar opened the door and stepped inside. The bookstore on the inside was a mess of dusty books laying everywhere. The old man sitting at the desk barely even looked at them as they stepped into the store. However messy the store was, everything was still in its specific sections, waiting to be picked out. Galar made his way to the older book area, which was even more dusty than the last. He blew the dust off the cover of the book and read the title, which said: A life in the greater circle of life: A history of galactic myths and legends. Galar's heart leaped, if there was anything he loved, it was an old book. And he loved myths, so this was just the book that he was looking for.

Natsuko followed Galar in but was drawn away when she saw the books on history, one in particular that caught her eye was The Elysian War "Look at this Ai, it's first edition and signed by the author!!" Natsuko said, getting excited just looking at the book.

Ai wondered over, slightly stirring up some dust as she went. "Heh, you really do like books. Hmm, though it does look interesting." She peered throught some of the near by books, and found a couple so covered with dirt and dust, that she couldn't even read the title. She blew it off. Ai had underestimated the sheer amount of the particles there'd be and it made a fine cloud around the area. She sneezed, kicking up a bit more dust. "AH!" She yelped, before sheepishly adding," totto totto. Sumimasen." She bowed apologetically to Natsuko and the owner.

The three ended up exiting with far more than they had anticipated; Galar had at least seven volumes in his arms, barely keeping them from falling. He propped the door open with his foot and kept it open for the two women, out of courtesy. "Where would you like to go next?"

Natsuko ended up with 4 books on various wars between Yamatai and others,
Galar said:
"Where would you like to go next?"
"Well, I would like to go look at some weapons, just for fun you know." Natsuko said looking at Galar.
Galar was obviously quite encumbered by the amount of books he was holding, and every so often, he was in danger of dropping the entire pile as a few of them shifted in his arms. He turned to the other two and asked, "So, where should we stop next?"

Ai shrugged. "Hmmm I don't know. I haven't been here too long, so I don't really know whats around.... Etto... Galar-san, would you like me to help you with some of the books?" she asked, noticing the amount of difficulty he had with so many of them.

That is an awful lot of books. Natsuko thought to herself, Now what do we want to do next.... "Ne, Ai. What do you like to do for fun?" Natsuko asked

zephyrite_light: Galar almost accepted her help, but then he had an idea. He placed two of the smaller ones in his pockets, which made the pockets look wider than usual, but no harm was coming to the books. The rest of them he put under one arm and held them there. "Thank you very much for the offer, Ai"

Ai just smiled to Galar before responding to Natsuko," Hmm, I like to bake I guess. I don't really know how to answer that." After all, she had only been created a few months ago, and was right out of training. Not much time to find out the fun stuff. " What about you two?"

"I like to read," Natsuko said as she tilted her head toward the pile of books that were resting between her two arms. "but I love to fight, any kind. Which reminds me, anyone interested in heading over to a weapons store?"

"Ooo, fighting is fun too." Ai hadn't thought of that. The thrill of fighting was something she lived for, since it was what she was created for. The thoughts of being in a PA, even for the next day's training made her ecstatic. Trying to calm herself back down, she turned to Natsuko,"I'm up for a weapons store."

Natsuko pulled up a volumetric window that showed a path to a weapons shop, "Alright its this way." she said as she dismissed the window. hmmm, what will I buy though... she thought to herself Oh well, I will figure it out when we get there... Natsuko thought as a smile formed on her face yet again.

Galar let Natsuko lead the way as he decided what he needed to buy. I probably will need to save some money, but another battery for my GP-12 woudn't hurt. And maybe a knife...

They arrived at the weapons store, it was a average sized building with a giant sign on the front that said Happy Guns. Inside there were weapons of all types, not just firearms or energy weapons but melee weapons as well.

Ai followed behind, she too deciding what, if anything, to buy. When they arrived, Ai browsed through the weapons, taking a particular liking to the more traditional-looking weapons, namely the swords. So much to choose from... she thought to herself.

Galar entered the establishment and looked around. The name Happy Guns was apt, as the inside was plastered with bright wallpaper and flowers, superceded by rows and rows and racks upon racks of guns, armor, swords, explosives, and even some less tradiotional weaponry. Galar quickly picked out a GP-12 battery and started to look in the section of the store with the knives. There were broad ones and serrated ones with wicked tips. There were even some with multiple blades. In the end however, Galar picked out a simple knife with a longer blade than usual and a serrated bit near the hilt. After purchasing the two items, he sought out the other two people.

Natsuko looked around for a little bit, at melee and ranged weapondry.....hmm, this looks interesting she thought as she looked at swords. However as she was looking something else caught her eye. She picked it up and queried Hotaru as to what it was. The result was detailed information on the weapon. A sai huh... she thought to herself as she scanned the information on the volumetric screen, Looks like it is the anti-sword...usually used in pairs... In the end Natsuko decided to buy a pair of sai. After she completed her purchase she began to look for Ai.

Ai found a sword she took a liking too. It was a wakizashi, 55 cm long, and hollow. Mad with a molecular knit and monomolecular edge, and with the heat blade function, Ai loved it. She added in a rechargable battery to it, and payed for it. She smiled happily as she found the other two.

Galar met the other two and asked, "What all did you buy?"

Natsuko smiled and indicated her bag, "I bought two pair of sai, one pair with monomolecular edges, and a molecular knit. The other pair is normal and blunted for training use.....I also bought a pair of lacquered cases to keep the sai in."

Ai happily showed her wakizashi. "Just this thing, with a battery for its heat blade thingy." She wondered when she'd ever get to use it, considering it'd be a little dangerous to spar with a fellow soldier with such a dangerous weapon. "What about you Galar-san?"

"Well, I got a battery for my GP-12, and another knife." Galar said. He unslung something from his back and said, "This is my own invention. It is a flamethrower of sorts with no ammunition. It has a fire select switch that changes it from spewing fire to making into a welding torch and another function that changes the air quality so no one can see very well. I also have a GP-12 concealed on me, but it would be a pain getting it out right now due to the amount of stuff I have with me." He paused for a moment than asked, "So, do we need to stop anywhere else? I think I may just want to go back to my quarters and sleep for a while."

"Wow, that is cool!" Natsuko said to Galar, "I'll spar with you sometime Ai, just promise not to turn on the heat blade while we are doing it...." Natsuko said. After a brief pause Natsuko looked back at Galar, "I think I am going to drop my stuff off in my room then join Caine-Taii(?) in the hot springs. What about you Ai?" Natsuko asked.

"Nice invention. We have our own genius in the 17th to make stuff for us!" Ai kidded, before responding to Natsuko. "Of course I wouldn't turn it on Natsuko. And as for what to do next, I'll probably do the same. Drop off my new toy," she lightly patted the sheath," and then head up to the hot springs, where ever those are."

Galar thought for a moment, then decided, "You know what, I really haven't done much while I have been here and relaxing in the hot springs would feel really good. And it would serve as a chance to get to know the entire crew better. I think that I might just join you two in that."

((edit: just now noticed someone said Yoroko instead of Natsuko))
Xanatos hadn't taken part in much conversation, primarily because he was too shy. He was never a really talkative person anyways. He had just quietly listened while the others rambled on about this and that.
David slid into the hot spring and dunk his head under. The wash of heat over his body was a much welcomed feeling. He waded over to a nice corner of the spring to recline in. He looked over and finally noticed Caine across the spring. "You know sir. We don't have anyone these near my home. Quite the refreshing experiance." David put his arms up on the rock behind him and sighed in relief.

Ashlyn quickly rushed across the the floor and droped her towel on the floor before hoping down into the hot spring. She gave out a loud "EEP!" as she fell down into the water and landed on her butt. Ashlyn got up onto her knees and pouted as she rubed her tail bone. "Owwwwww! That hurt! Stupid hard rock floor!" she crawled over to a nice spot near David, still with a pout on her face.
Caine glanced over at David and nodded to him when he slunk into the hot spring. "Yeah it's really relaxing." he said and brushe dhis wet hair over his s houlders and glanced to Ashlyn. Caine tried hard not to laugh at that and just ended up chuckling at her antics. "Are you ok Ashlyn?" he asked and decided to tease her some. "Want one of us to rub it and make it feel better?"
David leaned over and tapped ashlyn on the head in jest. "What did we learn Ashlyn? Let's not repeat our mistakes shall we?" he sunk back into his corner and put his arms back up. "So we are going to start our training tomorrow correct?"

Ashlyn crossed her arms across her chest and continued to pout. "No I don't want my butt rubbed!" She then looked over to david bowed her head a little. "I will try not to next time..."

Caine chuckled at what Ashlyn said and stretched his arms over his head and clasped his fingers behind his head for a makeshift pillow. "Yes we are." He said to David. "I wanted to talk to you about as well, you're well-versed in stealth tactics and operations, correct?" the blonde asked David then glanced to Ashlyn as if to include her in it. "And Ashlyn, it's ok to have fun, just...test the water depth first.." he sweatdropped.

David nodded his head to Caine. "Me and my squad are well versed in stealth combat and commando tactics. Ashlyn here is one of my best stealthers. Did you have a plan for our talents sir?" David raised one eyebrow in question.

"Because the training regiment I have in mind is going to require it." Caine said pointedly. "It'd be good for them to learn how to identify stealthed combatants and non-combatants considering the environment we're going into on Jiyuu for this." he said and thought. "I want to make sure they learn it in a controlled setting and not in the heat of real combat." Caine said. "I also plan to take a small platoon of 17th nekos down there to act as 'hostiles' for them too." He continued.

David let a small smile cross his face when hearing this. "Might I suggest I lead the hostile forces? It might be more effective training if we teach the troops the effectiveness of stealth first hand. A few low power plasma blade slashes from out of nowhere might teach them to be careful where they walk!"

Caine thought about it for a second. "I'd really rather avoid plasmatic weaponry to spare the environment of Jiyuu but as long as you can keep the power on low I don’t' see a problem with It." he said and smirked a bit. "And that might be a good idea, if you work with the hostile side." Caine said. "But the point of this exercise is survival above everything else, so yeah." Caine said, still looking pensive. He shifted in the water a bit and flicked his hair over his shoulder and behind his ear, showing it was slightly pointed with a golden earring handing from the left one.

Ai entered the hot springs area, after having dropped off her purchase at her quarters. She only had a towel on as she approached the three already there and bowed. "Konbanwa gozaimasu, Ionoche-Taii, Stryker-Juni, Ashlyn-san." She slowly and teasingly slipped out of her towel, sticking her tongue slightly out at the others, and gently lowered herself into the hot springs. "Ahhh."

Natsuko entered the hot spring, as she walked over to Caine and the others she put her towel to the side and slipped into the hotspring

David looked over to Ai as she entered the hot spring. "Welcome. The water's fine." Just as he finished greeting Ai another neko entered. "Oh! Welcome to the party, Natsuko? Yes. Take a seat anywhere you like. Me and Caine have been talking about the training." David motioned to the perimeter of the hot spring.

Ashlyn suddenly stopped pouting as the two new people arrived. Considering they hadn’t seen her fall on her butt her humility was spared from these new people. "Hi there!" Ashlyn started waving her hand enthusiastically to the nekos.

Caine glanced over at Ai and Natsuko as they entered the spring, flushing slightly at their nudity. He was used to it yes, but this was just a natural response. "Hello there Ai...Natsuko." he nodded to them

Ai smiled and waved back at Ashlyn. "Oh! Training! When are we going to do that again?" she asked, getting excited all over again.

Natsuko sunk her face under the water for a little bit, leaving just her eyes above the water. After a little bit she raised her head back above the water "Anou Caine-sama about that training exercise, what kind of objective are we going to be pursuing? Are we talking about a simple destroy all targets, secure location, defense?" Natsuko asked.

Caine looked at Natsuko and gave her a mysterious grin. "Oh I don't know..." He said, "All three actually David. You'll make sure it's a fair challenge right?" Caine sent to his XO telepathically and glanced to Natsuko then Ai. "Ai, yes its' tomorrow." he said to her and glanced to Natsuko fully. "You'll have to find out when you get there."

David sent a Telepathic message back to Caine: "I wouldn't be a good hunter if I didn't now would I sir?" David responded to the questions with a completely straight face. "You'll only have to wait and see."

Ashlyn sank under the water and stayed under for a few seconds before popping back up and making a splash. "Nothing to do now but just lie back and relax sweeties!"

Ai pouted a bit, having wondered what would happen the next day now that her interest was piqued. Though she wasn't completely disappointed, afterall, surprised were fun. The neko nodded to Ashlyn, leaning back, moistened her hair, and relaxed.

“Indeed it is nice here." Caine said and shifted some and winced. "Ow..." he said and fished out a small rock with a sharp edge. "...That’s a pain." he chuckled a bit and glanced over at the others. "Well I'll tell you one thing then Natsuko, we're going down to Jiyuu for this and it'll consist of general daisy use so you're familiar with how the armor operates or it can be a refresher course if you've used it before." He said. "You'll have training rounds which'll be more like paintballs than actual live ammo, and I'll let you use a single melee weapon; but it has to be a short sword or knife." Caine pointed out. "And no high powered destructive things either, preferably set on the lowest power setting it has."

David scratched his beard as he looked at the others. "All I am able to tell you is that it is going to be very fun. For me atleast." David got up a little and shifted his position to be able to recline more.

Ashlyn leaned over towards David and shoved his arm. "Hey that's not very nice Davey! you shouldn't tease them like that!" Ashlyn pushed David again.

"You're not the only one that wants to have fun, Stryker Juni." Ai pouted again. She did a small splash at David, though it was too small and came up short.

Natsuko felt the water in her fuzzy ears...Aaah, she thought, this feels so good. Natsuko heard Ai say something and raised her head back above the water, "Ne ne" she said as she splashed Ai with water, "Me too!!"

Caine smiled, watching the others have fun and splashed natsuko, Ai and Ashlyn playfully. "So other than playing in the armors, what do you enjoy doing in your freetime?" He asked, deciding to change the pace of the conversation and to know them as people.

After Ashlyn pushed David again and started to giggle "That's it girl!" David pushed Ashlyn over and splashed Ashlyn in the face. "Teach you to push me!" David splashed more water at Ashlyn.

Natsuko smiled wickedly when Ai had asked her what that was about, "I don't know" she said, feigning innocence before splashing Ai again.

Ai sputtered more water out. She quickly scooted beside Caine, clinging to the CO from behind, using him as a shield as she splashed Natsuko back. "Nyeh!" She also splashed Caine lightly, teasing him.

After Natsuko received a face full of water her jaw dropped, "You little cheat!!" she said looking accusingly at Ai, "And you!" she said pointing at Caine. Natsuko increased the weight of her arm and its momentum to create a larger wave, which would hopefully hit both Caine and Ai. After she did so she stood there with an evil smile on her face.

Caine took both splashes and spat out some water in a humorous fashion. "Oi." He said with a chuckle and shifted some and exposed Ai again and relaxed against another part of the spring. He tried not to look up at Natsuko but found himself checking her out for a moment before averting his eyes and splashing her again.

Ai wiped the water off her face. "Aww, you got me." She stood up, teasing the CO again with a few movements of her body, as she left the water. She grabbed the towel, wrapping it around her slowly, and gave a suggestive smile. "Oyasumi. With all thats happened today, I think I'll turn in a bit early. Sayonara." She winked and waved as she left the hot springs area.

"Aww..."Natsuko said as Kyoki stood to leave, "Quiter!!" she accused Ai as she left. "Oyasumi" she sent telepathically to Ai at the same time. After a few seconds Natsuko looked back at Caine, "Hmm, reading." Natsuko said as she settled back in the water, and reclined against a rock.

David pointed at Ashlyn just before she splashed him back. "No! You stop!" David sat back down and shook his head. "Ok that's enough fooling around for today. I'm heading back to my quarters see you all tomorrow." With that David stood up and left.

Caine glanced up at them as they left and nodded. "Get plenty of rest, you'll need it." He said as David left as Ashlyn pouted a bit and splashed Caine. "ack." he said and glanced over at the two of them. "I see Natsuko, that's always a good pursuit of time, learn all you can." He said.

Natsuko lay there for about ten minutes, "Well, think I am going to go to do some reading before I go to bed. Plus I should also do some research on the DAISY. Can't be too prepared after all." Natsuko stood after she said this, revealing her full figure. "Oyasumi-nasai" Natsuko said as she grabbed her towel and wrapped it around herself.
Meanwhile, Galar, being too tired to go to the hot springs, relaxed in his quarters. He would have liked very much to go to the hot springs, but something told him that it would be better not to. Rather, he slept and rested for the next day's training with power armor.
Ai left the hot springs, after having redressed in her uniform. She pranced her way back to her quarters, taking her time. She yawned as she took the scenic route back, the soak in the hot springs having made her a bit tired.

In her semi-sleepy state, the neko accessed the PANT-IES, reviewing some info on the Daisy, though not much of it stuck in her head.
In the changing room at the hot springs Natsuko slipped back into her uniform, That was a good time. She thought to herself as she left the hot springs. Natsuko returned to her quarters as fast as possible.

As she entered her quarters she tossed her towel onto the floor and drew up a volumetric screen. Let's get that info on the DAISY she thought as she started to leaf through the information about the Daisy. After about an hour and a half of reading Natsuko sighed. I think that is all I am going to get done for now. Now, where did I put those books? Natsuko wondered as she scampered around looking for the stack of books she had purchased earlier in the day. After finding them Natsuko picked the biggest one("History of the Elysian War") and climbed into bed.

A few hundred pages and two hours later Natsuko dozed off into the night, the book laying on top of her.
ON>Hotaru, Main Power Armor Bay
After a late night of planning and relaying of orders to David, Ashlyn and Charles to meet him in the armor bay 20 minutes before they'd officially be called to meet and depart. Caine was suiting up in his personal Sarah, colored red and black; the official colors of teh 17th Wing; he stood in the bay waiting for them to show up withow the helmet on and his weaponry disengaged. This was for a good reason: in case they had to go straight from training into a real mission, a possiblity tha twas not outside of reason considering the current situation. He'd already gathered the necessary numbers of nekos in the form of volunteers for this purpose and a raccoon was prepared and waiting for the 17th, two of them.

David entered the bay with Ashlyn to his left and Charles to his right. David and Ashlyn were well rested and awake but the prior nights activities had left Charles with quite the hang over. "So sir what's the plan of the day?" David said as he bowed slightly in greeting, as did the other two besides him.

Caine looked over at Charles and sighed and flicked him a hangover pill (I can't remember the name for the life of me, it's on the wiki tho) and sighed at him. "The plan is that we're taking them down to Jiyuu for training as I've said before." Caine started. "But I want you guys to go ahead of us in that.." he pointed to a raccoon. "Shuttle and take the extra nekos with you, I want you to play the part of the 'hostiles' here. This'll be a general exercise in stealthy infiltration, seek and destroy then recovering an item. You guys are to provide guards and enemies for them." Caine continued. "Remember this is a non-lethal exercise, and David, you may command your team here as you see fit. But once you get your setup prepared, relay what you're doing to me so I can monitor their progress."

"I am happy to comply. Although I have two questions. How many of my team from my squad? Secondly can I grab a marker from you or someone?" David smiled alittle.

Caine pointed to the squad of about 35 nekos standing ready to go near the shuttles. "That's your team." he said. "They've all been informed of the general training mission and objectives. And I'm afraid I dont' have one, use chalk or something." Caine said. "I'm wanting this to be a general commando style training op with just them going in against superior numbers and a possibly entrenched postion." the commander continued.

David nodded his head as he walked over to his Power armour and started to disrobe. He looked over to one of the Technicans that was tending to his Armour. "Excuse me but do you have a marker I can have?" the technican nodded her head and quickly pulled a marker from her pocket and held it out to david. "Not yet girl I still need to get on the armour!" David chuckled as he started to don his armour.

Caine glanced over as all three were suiting up in their respective daisies. "What do you need a marker for?" he asked David. "Planning on drawing a big red X on your "map"?" he joked.

Ashlyn and Charles had both disrobed and had begun to don their armours when David found his marker. Charles laughed as he saw David finally finish dawning his armour and place the marker in a small slot on his armour that it fit in snugly. Ashlyn looked over to Caine and shook her head while laughing. "No sir! I quess we are going to be playing the "Marker-Game" today!" she bent down and took a marker from her pants that were lieing on the ground while charles did the same thing and they both placed the markers in the same slot as David.

"I don't think I'm even going to ask about that." Caine said, shaking his head and sighed. "Mark up the armors too much and you're cleaning them."

Masatane arrived at the time prescribed by the communication he had received earlier, nodding curtly to Caine out of respect for the man's rank as he approached. The Yamataian had been in his quarters since the previous evening at the steakhouse, resting in preparation for today’s events. It had been too long since he had been involved in a hands-on exercise, much less combat; he was eager to get the training mission underway, but simply stood at attention and waited for his commander to address him.

Ai peered into the bay, having slept well after getting back to her quarters the previous night. She stretched as she entered before she bowed. "Ohaiyo gozaimasu." She had a bright and cheery smile on, having gotten plenty of rest and expectant of the coming fun with the training.

Natsuko followed in behind Ai, her eyes darting around taking note of the gaggle of nekos near one of the T-7's. "Ohayo Gozaimasu." Natsuko said when she was within speaking distance. This is going to be fun. she thought to herself.

Caine glanced over at them, pleased to note they were all on time despite a few looking a little on the sleepy side. "It's good to see all of you here on time." The blonde in teh sarah armor said. "You seem ready enough for this, but I want you to know ahead of time. I'm not going to helping you with this outside of acting as your commander fromt the shuttle." He said. "David, once you guys are ready, go ahead and descend to Jiyuu to these coordinates..." He said telepathically and gave him coordinates that'd take him to a clearing in a large forest on Jiyuu.

David placed his helmet on his head and turned to his force. "Lets move!" he yelled as he motioned twards the shuttle. He turned around and faced the new arrivals. "Good hunting. See you on the battle field!" David turned on his heel and marched onto the shuttle.

“I must assume that you have read my dossier, Ionoche-taii, so are indeed aware of my readiness,” Masatane returned to his commander. He wasn’t one to brag, but always liked to remind his superiors of his history at the War College. As the shuttle full of Neko departed with David and his staff, the Yamataian couldn’t help but grin. If that group was to be his foe today, then this exercise would surely be simple. “I only have one question before we begin, Taii. Was my request for my Daisy to be transferred here accepted? I would hate to be forced into using new equipment.”

Ai waved off David, as she waited for the order to get into the power armor. She did want to hurry up and go 'play,' but of course she'd have to wait for the order to do so, as well as wait for the shuttle to get there. She was barely containing herself.

In response to Saiga, Caine whistled and a technician hit a few buttons and Saiga's armor was lowered from it's rack and set next to him. "I saw to it that you'd have one you were familiar with." He said.

Where are they going? Natsuko thought to herself as she watched the T7 leave. Natsuko looked back at everyone standing around. "What would you like us to do Caine-Taii?" Natsuko asked, her eyes darting to the Daisy racks. It's almost time.... Natsuko thought with anticipation.

Caine glanced at them and sighed, shaking his head. "Get over there and suit up then I'll tell you what you're going to be doing." he said to them as be brushed a armored hand through his hair.

“Thank you, Taii. My greatest gratitude is yours,” Masatane said to his commander, bowing slightly lower than he had before. The Chui then stepped over to where his armor was, slowly running his hand down the suit’s face. It looked more worn than his comrade’s newer power armors, having been with Masatane Saiga since his first assignment. After some moments reflecting how well the Daisy had served him, Masatane obeyed Caine’s order and donned his trusted power armor.

Ai squealed, or something close to it, and bowed. She raced over to the Daisies, a big grin plastered on her face. She took her time to pick one out, despite all of them being the same. She promptly stripped off her clothing, and entered the armor's soft and squishy cavity. Her SPINE hooked up, and she sighed happily.

Natsuko smiled gleefully and pranced over to an empty Daisy, stripped and entered the power armor. After Natsuko put the helmet on she heard or rather felt a 'click' as the armor interfaced with her SPINE. For a few seconds there was no feeling, no senses. However, when it all returned Natsuko could see in a full 360 degrees and felt parts of her she knew she didn't have before. As Natsuko stepped off of the Armor rack she flexed her left hand. It feels so good to be in a power's so easy to forget how much I miss this feeling. Natsuko thought to herself. "Ne, this your first time in an Armor?" Natsuko sent to Ai telepathically.

Caine nodded in approval as they all got suited up and ready and pulled his hair up and donned his helmet, hearing it click and his AIES coming online and interfacing with him. In a moment he stretched out and rolled his shoulders as if poppping them. "Now take a moment to lower the power on your forearm projectors to their lowest possible setting..." he said and had a few techs bringing out special weaponry that was loaded with training dud rounds. "here. You'll be using these for this. But Your normal standard armor weapons will be on the shuttle in case we get called to a real mission immediately after this." He said. "But dont' worry, you won't be using them on this."

"OH and if you get marked with a marker, you're considered damaged." he said and had a special sensor program prepared specifically for training by the good people at Kessaku. It'd simulate the damage and show it on their HUD even if they weren't truly injured. Their parts would go numb if they lost them, the sensors would display teh damaged areas in a progression of yellow-orange-red, the flashing red was a warning and total solid red was unusable.

Masatane did as was ordered and lowered the power on his suit’s forearm projectors. After being handed the training weapon he inspected it, making sure to calibrate it to his armor, and then readied the rifle as he waited for further instruction.

Ai nodded, as she tested out the movement of the Daisy. She mentally lowered the setting of the forearm projectors to stun, before she took the training weapons from a technician. "Arigatou gozaimasu." She did a quick check over the gun before smiling to the tech. I've been in the Mindy's before in basic training, but never Daisy's before Ai replied to Natsuko.

Natsuko set her forearm weapons to their lowest setting as well. "Un, honestly it's my first time inside of a Daisy as well." Natsuko replied as she picked up the training weapon and checked it over. "Anou, Caine-Taii what exactly is the mission?" Natsuko asked.

Caine faced them before the shuttle they'd be taking to the surface. "This is a training op as you know. Basically I'm going to have you stealthfully infiltrate an area that's already been preset into your AIES. You're to seek out and eliminate specific enemies that'll be marked on your HUD's with an indigo marker over their signal. Then you're to retrieve and item and bring it back to the initial dropzone for pick up." he said.

“As you wish, Taii,” Masatane replied. “Our victory will be swift and glorious,” he said with the utmost confidence.

Ai brushed some hair out of her face, before she nodded to the CO. "Hai, Ionoche-Taii." Though she wasn't as confident as Masatane, she still thought positive about the mission.

Natsuko nodded as Caine told them their objectives,So, are they our 'foes'? Natsuko asked herself before addressing Caine. "Understood. But I have one more question," Natsuko paused "what is it we will be retrieving?" Natsuko asked, Hopefully something small and light.... she thought as she looked at Caine through the helmet of her DAISY. This will be interesting indeed! Natsuko gleefully thought.

The comm channel opened to Caine, a familiar voice on the other end Hotaru. "Dispatch -Commander 17thAW// Please report immediately to Hotaru Power Armor Bay Alpha, and await orders for deployment. Fleet Alert Level has been raised to Sensou. Be advised, Fleet Alert Level has been raised to Sensou."

Caine paused and held up a sign to stop. "New orders. You guys may want to switch to Mindy's." Caine said in a surprisingly authoritative tone to the others. "Now." He said. "Saiga, since you're comfortable with your daisy, equip the Spacy configurations." He instructed and sent word to David to return with urgent attached to it.

“Yes, Taii,” Masatane acknowledged immediately, sensitive to Caine’s sudden change of tone. Something was wrong, but as all of the terrible scenarios sped through the Yamataian’s mind, all he could feel was a great joy and even more eagerness than he had been filled with minutes earlier. “You!” he barked at a passing technical sentry, “Get me a spacy configuration module, double-time.”

"Hai." Ai was a bit surprised at the change in everything happening. It couldn't be good. She walked her Daisy back to the racks, exited, and promptly switched over to a Mindy.

David recevied the Comunication from Caine and ordered the shuttle back to the station. When the shuttle landed David jump out of the shuttle and jumped over to caine. "What is this about sir? Is there something the matter?"

Caine looked over at David and nodded. "I just got a communication from Hotaru saying that something has happened and we're on fleet alert status Sensou." He said. "Hold fast until we find out just what's going on but I suggest you grab a spacy module for your daisies." he said.

"Hai" Natsuko echoed Kyoki as she ran backto the wall, unsuited and found the nearest available Mindy unit around. As she entered the suit her mind raced, Something is different with Caine-sama.....hmm, best hurry up then Natsuko thought to herself as she interfaced with the Mindy. Chances are this is a space battle of some kind, better go with the dragonfly configuration. Natsuko thought as she gave the mental command to shift over to a new configuration.

David jumped over to the wall and dropped his current load-ouy in favour of his Regular load out and space modual. Ashlyn and Charles both ran to the racks and switched to thier space combat configureation.

Hotaru sent Caine some operational information. Standby orders for deployment to Bizranko.

Bizranko... Caine thought with a slight sense of dread and sighed a bit and walked over and retrieved his massive PA scythe without activating the power and vibro-blades. "We're going to Bizankro people, this is more than likely going to be a hellish battle." Caine told them all. Upon that, the nekos would begin to prepare themselves as well for it. "We're to standby for now until further orders." He said.

David finished re-equipting his armour and walked over beside Caine. "So much for some addisional training. This is not going to be fun." David surrveyed the reactions of all the squad to this anouncement and started to prepare himself mentally to the battle ahead.

daidoji_kakashi: Masatane removed his helmet as the spacy module for his Daisy arrived. Caine’s announcement validated his suspicions. As he added the components to his armor, he prayed aloud to his ancestors to bless him with strength and courage. Once he finished, he went to where his uniform and belongings were and retrieved his wakizashi, attaching it to a place at his waist. He was ready for what would come, and could almost hear the hellish action of battle again.
Galar was suiting up when he heard the distinctive change in Caine's demeanor. His voice got harsher, he walked straighter, and looked more of a leader than he did before. The order came for them to get suited up for battle. Galar shivered a little in anticipation and his mind went back to the YSS Goban's plight and capture. Shifting out of the Daisy and into a Mindy, Galar recalled the equipment that he was going to use last time, if he wasn't so rushed at the time. With two Misshu destroyers barreling down on their disabled ship, how could they have gotten ready? He signaled a techie and said, "I need one Ke-M2-W2901 Aether Beam Saber-Rifle, and a Ke-M2-W2905 with the backpack extension and anti-matter slugs. Thank you." This was undoubtedly going to get interesting.
Xanatos had arrived in the power armor bay along with the majority of everyone else. He had followed his order to get into a Daisy without a word, but the Yamataian was a little surprised when new orders came to switch to a Mindy.

The squishy interior of either power armor was a strange sensation for Xanatos, and without a SPINE, he wouldn't be able to control it as well as some of his companions. He gathered the required supplies for space combat and waited for further orders.


Caine would receive a message from Kikoru-Juni, Tomori Rina-Shosho's aide:

Faye said:

Rina-Shosho wishes to speak with you. Refusal is not an option, I'm afraid. I am forwarding you to her communicator right now.


<Connection Complete...>