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How do Gravimetric Engines work?

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Retired Staff
Inactive Member
I cannot seem to find a Wiki article on Gravimetric drives, which are a fairly common mode of STL propulsion. Could someone find me an article that explains what exactly Gravimetric engines are and how they work, or at least explain here? thank you.
You mean information you want. Also, I do put effort into what I make. I just don't do it the 'Uso Way' since I like to have fun with it, and for it to be entertaining.

So what if it doesn't mean anything? This is fiction after all. Fiction is ment to be that, fiction as I have said numerous times, science should be thrown in, but not enough to turn things into The Manhattan Project. Gravimetric Drives are a work of fiction in what we're oh em gee playing fiction on, and irl, theory. Plain and simple theory without actual application as of yet.

Here, have some respecting fun. While I find your link to be...without tact in intent and quaint in delivery, I'm chuckling all the same in the name of good fun as I find it entertaining.

Now, we can take a look at how Gravimetric Drives would work, IRL, and nod along, try to grasp everything behind it, become frustrated, have a headache, and sigh in a resigned, albeit, exasperated fashion. Or, be inventive in regards to how we do things already on here, considering the scope of some of the things on this setting which, I might add you've apparently no issues with despite the mind boggling lack of real science behind them, yet remains entertaining as that is why we're trying to give to the community.

As I said in my prior post. I believe we've all had our own ideas in regards to how they work given the setting we're on. It leaves a sort of aspiring imaginative response open that sparks creativity in terms of trying to explain it I find rather entertaining to say the very least.

If I believe they work in the same manner as stated in that link I posted, that's my belief, I maybe wrong, but who cares? I may not believe it. We tend to interpret things on here in our own fashion when it comes to how we make things, so why should it be any different now with this?

And with that said. I'm going to go back to making things, taking them apart, exploding in the process, and loling at Five's mention of Goo Girls.
Okay, okay, enough of this. This is a thread to answer questions, in a forum that's meant for this very same thing.

We've had two explanations for the gravimetric drives crop off. Osakan's, which is basically creating a state of freefall at possibly very high speed and high/null-acceleration... and Uso's, which is a more conventional thrust engine notion - you push graviton particles out in a direction and the ship starts moving in the opposite.

Now, Wes can step in and make the call as to which kind of gravimetric engines he believes SARP ought to have, what room people have for personal interpretation (perhaps both kinds can be allowed to exist to the satisfaction of all parties), and that's how it'll be.

Now, please, stop posting in order to get the last word in and wait for big boss to chip in on this matter. Thanks.
I rule that Gravimetric drives:

- are basically continuum distortion drives used for STL
- are projected from shield-like panels or large hull surfaces like CDD/CFS
- Do not need rocket nozzles
- require energy but no fuel
- Can be used for any STL speed
- are subject to Anti-FTL fields
- Like CDD drives, produce no inertia

I would like to see these drives phased out over the next two years by replacing them with CDD/CFS and/or other drive systems like ion, plasma, etc.


So that's the final answer. Topic locked.
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