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How good/fast is hemosynthetic healing?


Retired Staff
I think there is a great deal of variance in how quickly people believe that nekos and yamataians can regenerate. This is especially blatant on the Sakura plotship, as Miles seems to project an overblown idea of how fast yamataians would regenerate, for example.

DocTomoe seems to spread that around, leading to what I consider misconceptions. Those seem especially frequent with the 'Elisa Metea' character lately... I fear the current takes on hemosynthetic healing seriously devalues the use of the medlabs on ships, so I thought I'd give my take on it.

The Mindy Power Armor
The fleshcore insert inside a Mindy allows it to treat a pilot's wounds when the later is wounded. The healing capabilities of the Mindy are very significant and are capable of closing open wounds and help regrow limbs as long as those parts are still encased in the armor. This feature is probably equivalent to the NH-27's healing capabilities (which supplements the NH-27 and considerably accelerate the recuperation of NH-29 and yamataians inside a Mindy).

The NH-29 Nekovalkyrja
NH-29 models are well equipped to restore damage done to them even extending to loss of limbs and serious internal trauma - closing open wounds is one of the most basic functions to disminish loss of blood and help the neko continue fighting as efficiently as possible. It'd take around 72 hours for a NH-29 to recuperate from truly extensive damage (loss of four limbs and moderate chest damage excluding damage to the kidneys). Damage made through loss of limb can be restored fairly quickly if the neko recovers the said limb and applies the broken sections against each other.

The Yamataian
Offshoots of the NH-22C body type have hemosynth healing inferior to the NH-29 nekos. It can deal with open wounds and help staunch the ensuing bleeding, and it can help with rebonding severed libs... but it won't regenerate whole body parts out of a medbay or inside a fleshcore power armor like the Mindy. They also don't share the enhanced blood production capabilities as the NH-27/29 and cannot dislodge foreign elements out of their bodies, so, shrapnel/debris/bullets stuck in them considerably slows down the healing process.

The NH-27 Nekovalkyrja
The NH-27 healing works many ways like the NH-29, except that it is much faster - limb regrowth probably only take minute to do since they have external hemosynthetic capabilities - making a new arm or leg is probably not that much more difficult than it was for previous neko models to create battle tentacles.

Hemosynthesis deals badly with burns
...so, getting yourself carved up by an aether beam or getting caught in the blast radius of an incendiary grenade is not good. Assuming the character survives, the HS blood has to dispose of the burnt tissue before it can get on with regenerating the burnt flesh.

Lodged debris is not much better
Although NH-27/NH-29 bodies might be able to slowly force an invading body out over time, there is little that can be done with a knife wound if the knife is still embedded in one's flesh. The same goes with bullets. Exploding shrapnel ordonance (either HE rounds of anti-personnel mines), shotgun-like spread pellets and such are all especially bothersome since you could get many invading bodies within the flesh... assuming that the body survives in the first place.

Regardless of HS healing, damaging the brain will kill a neko or a yamataian
Causing the requirement for brain death ruins the stored information within the neko brain, making it so that even if the brain could be restored with the body's hemosynthetic, it is no less dead and unable to function.

Hemosynthetic Blood is the key to a neko's regenerative healing
A neko with a good enough blood supply whom has ample nutrients to keep producing more blood from her kidneys should be able to deal with a wide array of wounds fairly well and even expediently if none are severe. he more severe the wound, the more complicated the healing gets because it isn't just a simple matter of sealing flesh and rebonding it - an entire setion has to be reconstructed in more severe cases, which takes more time and more blood.

Larger wounds often result in bloodloss as well which is independant from the blood used to regenerate in the first place. Loss blood is blood the neko does not have anymore and that cannot be used to heal or to function properly. It is blood which must also be replaced, which taxes the neko's body functions even further - this is why causing extensive damage to a neko's body will still significantly slow down the healing process - enough so to make the medlab likely necessary for putting a neko back into fighting trim within a shorter span of time - not to mention it would abbreviate the time in which the neko would be in pain from her wounds.

Nekovalkyrja can also use their blood to help other organic living beings recuperate from wounds, though the best that can be expected from this is to help seal open wounds. Neko blood is not like magical healing potions - HS tanks in the medlabs are much more useful. Nekos can, however, give their blood to other failing nekos and help them recuperate with more ease from severe wounds (as the ailing neko wouldn't have to spend the extra blood the other neko is sharing).
The main question I have is how fast a neko would metabolise food to manufacture more blood. If it's reasonably fast, then there's a very good reason for the switch over to slower-healing NH-29s that would absolutely never be voiced by anybody - NH-17s, 22Ms, and 27s are fine for fighting Elysians or Nepleslian pirates, because they have a constant food supply when they do. Since Mishhus dissolve after death, that food supply is gone.
Kotori said:
Regardless of HS healing, damaging the brain will kill a neko or a yamataian
Causing the requirement for brain death ruins the stored information within the neko brain, making it so that even if the brain could be restored with the body's hemosynthetic, it is no less dead and unable to function.

Ah, cool, good to know. It was one of the major things that I was wondering about when Mizuho got paralyzed.

Also, I dunno how much this has changed, but the NH-7 manual has this to say on blood replacement rates:

It takes the weapon five seconds to generate a gallon of blood, when both extra livers are used. Blood supply is virtually unlimited, due to the weapon's MSS Organ.
Generating blood beyond the body's capacity?

Frankly, I think a gallon per five second is a ridiculous amount: a gallon is about how much blood the average human adult has in his whole body! Just the volume a gallon would occupy inside a neko's body makes that unfeasible, especially seeing that the nekovalkyrjas are small statured.

I'd personally say that since Type 29 nekovalkyrja were supposed to be streamlined and removed some of the unnecessary features that going for a litter per thirty seconds would be a more reasonable figure. I mean, I know I can chug down a litter-worth of liquid under that span of time and a litter ought to be something like a 1/4 of the liquid inside a nekovalkyrja anyways.
For the Gallon per 5 second crap fred, remember, this is a site that has had a forty foot tall single decked ship as canon for about five years.

Remember, Everything was made to be hard to beat, or flashy before it was made to work. Just like the Transformers in the animated movie.

Indestructable Material that can be damaged by energy weapons, but cannot, by it's nature conduct energy (a paradox), a super tough, nigh uncutable cloth formed from sub-atomic particals that cannot logically be used for the material in the first place due to their very nature(A conundrum), and a race of barely five foot five. cat eared, biological androids who can create enough blood in one minute for ten people (impossible with biology)...

Really, trying to add realisim to this... The level of unbeliveability is just too great.
Kotori said:
Generating blood beyond the body's capacity?

Frankly, I think a gallon per five second is a ridiculous amount: a gallon is about how much blood the average human adult has in his whole body! Just the volume a gallon would occupy inside a neko's body makes that unfeasible, especially seeing that the nekovalkyrjas are small statured.

Humans have about 6.5 liters of blood in their body. Despite a smaller size, Nekos have fewer organs to worry about and use more blood. I'd expect them to have even more than 6.5 liters.
Blood occupies a certain volume. I don't really buy that nekos would have even more blood than a human within their bodies. The ability to replace some, yes, but not contain more.

As for the blood production thing... well, I'm opposed to the 1 gallon per 5 seconds simply because it's an outrageous, unrealistic amount. It's not high technology rather than just putting a high, unrealistic value on something - and well... the reference isn't exactly recent.
If you want to edit in a more realistic value, I give you permission.
I'm not going to oppose a higher rate of Haematopoiesis (formation of blood) for the NH-27 nekovalkyrja as I understand those would supposedly be ranging in the uber.

However, in the case of the toned down NH-29, I'd recommend making it a litter of blood generated in fifteen seconds... which would be equal to about how much blood gets pumped through the human hearth in a similar span on time.

Seeing that a nekovalkyrja has functions to staunch blood loss and that the human being can manage to survive low hemoglobin levels (1/3rd, actually) provided the initial volume is sustained.

Adding more than a litter per fifteen seconds could also be a bit counter productive as there's no insurance that the said extra blood would be oxygenated in short order (at least long enough to make it so that the blood would circulate through all the body and go from an unoxygynated state to an oxygenated state, despite the neko's capability to breathe through her skin). The goal of the extra blood generation should likely be to maintain the volume of blood tissue at its peak despite copious bleeding to allow the synthetic portions of the blood (the femtomachines) to effect repairs. As humans can survive with only 1/7th of their blood oxygenated, the neko can likely achieve the same thing.

In addition, I'd like to propose the use of micromachines or nanomachines in the place of femtomachines for the NH-29 nekovalkyrja. Science fiction already holds the use of nanotechnology as somewhat impractical in application - femtomachines push that limit considerably.

In truth, the nekovalkyrja hemosynth blood probably doesn't need anything smaller than micromachines to be able to function as we consider it should for the nekovalkyrja. Another thing it could account for is why Mishhuvurthyar neurotoxin (which might be nanoscaled or picoscaled) would be able to break down the functions of a nekovalkyrja.

I can't justify the change for the NH-27 since I know that type is supposed to be uber, but remember the energy that is required to produce things at a smaller scale? One of the reasons why the NH-29 might be capable of running more efficiently and longer than other previous nekovalkyrja types may very well be because it produces synthetic blood components on the mezoscale instead of nanoscale or less.

My argument on scaling for these tiny machines would be that 'less is not more'. Applying dramatically smaller sizes here to impress just with the large (or smaller numbers) actually serves little purpose when we could make do with less. Admittedly, this could apply to the mishhu, the NH-27 and the HSCS systems since despite the femtoscale machines used in them, they still function pretty much as if they would be on nanoscale...

But I don't think my chances of making a convincing arguments regarding changing established neko is very good. Changing the more recent NH-29, seeing I had a role in its creation, seems a better bet ^_^;
I originally considered cell-sized machines for the Deoradh, but then I realized I would have to use the term 'Micromachines.' >.>

But back on topic, I agree with Kotori. I've always had a great dislike for femtotech, since its reaching ridiculous levels of complexity. A given volume of femto machines should theoretically be able to outperform nanomachines by a factor of a billion billion, if thats any indication of how powerful they are. If Yamatai has the power to mass produce the stuff into Nekos, then it should be well within their reach to make full femto beings each with omnipotence and intellect rivaling PANTHEON, and yielding god like powers. Nekos certainly shouldn't be aging at all, since clinical immortality is achievable with advanced nanotech or picotech, nevermind something as small as femtotech. Heck, even realtime genetic mutation and shapeshifting should be common place.

At least thats how I see things, if real scientific theory (and they fact they need a minimum technology level to even produce robots that small) is any indication. Anyone that can create self-replicating femtotech should already be a race of gods themselves, and even picotech mastery is pushing the demi-god barrier. I'd recommend downgrading all Neko to nanotech at best. Of course, 'femtobots,' 'picobots,' and 'nanobots' are just words, so it won't have a big deal in terms of SARP role play. But in terms of actual scientific theory, its a glaring inconsistency.