Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

Laz Public Network How many of you have been forced to awkwardly deal with IRL dealers again?


Inactive Member
Retired Member
There hasn't been a lot of trade recently and getting hold of lots of stuff is getting really difficult. I had to meet some sketchy guy last night to score some H. It reminded me what it would be like if I tried the dating scene again. I had to kept asking him what his nicknames for stuff meant because I know the chemical names, not the street lingo.

I wish he had a little menu with the pictures like the Yamataian food restaurants have so I could know what the fuck he even meant with some of the items. I hope trade resumes soon so I can go back to being a hermit again...

If anyone's selling, I'm mainly after a bulk-order of duqs. I'm also interested in klempsomorphirine and maybe velserine due to some of the interesting side-effects. I'm also very interested in anything you might have that could improve my uh... chances if I decide to try dealing with other people again, since I'm not really what would be considered conventionally attractive.

Let's not mince words; At this point, I'd give my virginity to anyone, even a dog (lolicons need not apply)!


Trade notice:
Looking to get rid of around 300 grams of amyl nitrate in powdered form I synthesized out of left over materials, since my operations are being relocated in the next few weeks for expansion and its generally easier to transport or shift product. Those interested leave a response; we may be able to come to an agreement for bulk orders, doubly so if I can get some duqs out of it.
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I know what you mean. I didn't know shit about drugs until I downloaded some info to my glorious master race computer brain and there's no way all the regional lingo is available online.
Despite this not being my forte I've got connections and I believe I could easily help you out.
Whatever you want I'm potentially willing to give away in exchange for letting me help you out with your people problem.
Let's not mince words; if I find you cute conventionally or otherwise I'd totally supply you if you let me diddle you.

How about a date? You've got nothing to lose (besides your virginity) and everything to gain. Do you like Yamataian restaurants with little picture menus? What are you into?

Somewhere, a great distance away a pint-sized L'manel caught herself starring at her computer in a mixture of both disbelief and dread.
Really? Had someone seriously said this? Her hands were trembling, eyes wide.
She sat on the message for maybe a day or contemplating her response with care.

Tentatively, she began to type...

Same initials? You're trolling, right?

Maybe it isn't. Let's try. Let's see what happens.

A date? You're not making fun of me, are you?

Ummm... People problem... Yamataians are kind of scary. Fascinating but scary. And so tall.
I went to a big event on Yamatai once and shook hands with Ketsuri Hanako at a book signing.
I thought I was going to have a heart-attack. My hands were so sweaty but she was a total pro.

I like picture menus. I'm normally a fussy eater but... How to put it...
My doctor says I need to stop being frightened of the unfamiliar so it'd be good to have some...​

She paused, eyeing the prompt carefully. Holding her breath tightly, her fingers hit the keys.

"New experiences".
She backspaced the phrase four or five times before deciding to keep it.

My trade isn't very good and my Yamatai-Go is close to non-existant. I'm only really fluent in Lorath.
Your glorious master-race computer-brain should be able to help you there.

If I'm honest, I might need something in my system so I don't panic.
Just a little bit of nepleslian courage, so to speak.
She felt this was going south quickly, singing her faults. Maybe she could turn it around she thought, make it charming.

Although I'm not very good with people, I'm a practicing psychotherapist and neural researcher.
I should be the last person in the world to get nervous over something like this, aright? lol

Its been nice speaking with you.

Look forward to your response.

~ AK
And then she hit send. Apparently it was possible to feel buyer's remorse for a message.

She knew this because she sat basking in the warm glow of her monitor feeling it deep beneath her stomach.

Well, the damage is done now. Time to sit and wait.
Somewhere, also a great distance away, a pint-sized mewmew caught herself staring at her computer screen in her brain with a mixture of both disbelief and excitement.
Really? Was her first foray into virtual dating going to be this easy and rewarding? Her nothing trembled because she was vegetating under a Tempri-sama blanket and didn't have to move and certainly didn't want to. She sat on the message for less than a minute.

Super enthusiastically, she began to type...

Whaaat? I'm not making fun of you. Perish the thought. I'm just looking to hang out and see what happens. I browse the interwebs and see a self-admitting desperate person I can easily help in exchange for the chance at some fun. How can I not the roll the dice? This is what it's for after all, right?

Saying you aren't conventionally attractive just makes you seem more interesting. Like hey, you didn't say you were fugly, just different. Nothing wrong with different. Different 's cool and a-okay with me. Nothing wrong with being fugly either of course, but y'know what I mean.

And now you're saying Yamataians are tall. Whuuu? No we're not, I'm small. So it sounds like you must be tiny and I love tiny people. That's totally my thing.

Where would you like to go and hang out? I could always stand to make more Lorath friends. Do you have adorable little downy soft wings? Could I pet them and rest my head on them?

I could totally put a lot of something in your system and make sure you're stuffed regardless of how picky an eater you are. Hehe. I'd pay for our whole little outing. How about it? You just name the time and place.

Scared and nervous? Where are the downsides? I'm not seein' any. Not for me anyway. Are you perhaps a masochist too? Looking to be bullied by a big bad Yamataian under 5 feet tall? If you were willing to do a dog why not a cat? I'm the prettiest kitty ever. If you're real nice I'll let you stroke my tail. Hehe.

Anyway, toodles.


A psychotherapist with social anxiety? This sounded awesome.
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Aiesu took a deep breath. Rather than take it all in at once and stumble over it aimlessly, it would be best to answer each major point as it came.

And so she began typing.

I guess you're right. I mean, we do have this big wonderful mess of stuff that lets so many talk to eachother who'd never meet.

Normally the only attention I get -- I think my original post is a clue -- is foreign perverts who see a photo or two or read a physical description and start making assumptions. Its not nice when your inbox gets flooded with messages from people asking what school you go to and "what grade" you're in or what your uniform looks like.

Admittedly though, so I don't look weird, I probably will wear a uniform of some sort if we do meet just to blend in better since I don't really like attention. I mean, if I'm off-world, its weird to see someone of my build out of one during normal hours.
She paused in a moment of relief, reading the same line over a few times.

Its kind of refreshing to know you're not all giants.

Hang out? Ah.. Well, your message was in Yamataian so I assume that's where you're from? I'm relying mostly on translators to talk to you (sorry!). I mean, I've got some money sat around from one of my side projects from my primary employer. Where isn't much of a hassle, its jut having everything prepared.

Yes, I have wings. They're actually pretty sore at the moment. They're supposed to be massaged once every few months or the joints start to ache.
Its kind of a headache really.

Ahaa! I didn't mean about food, with the stuff in my
Aiesu lifted her red-rimmed glasses up off the end of her nose, squinting as she leaned closer, just to make sure she saw what she saw.


A high pitched squeak of "HA!" sounded at the top of her lungs: a mixture of surprise and realization.

And then she eyed her clock. 03:57.

Oh. More typing.

You didn't mean food either, did you?

I think its best you decide where and when. I can be fussy but I really like surprises. The choices another person make really do tell you a lot about them. In terms of anything to have in advance or something, I came on looking for an exchange for strong opiates. I have a pain problem but provided I get what I need, you'd never really know.

This is an odd thing to mention but I'm allergic to kaserine. Its fine if someone else uses it... But it tends to interfere with parts of my aspectation unless I take other medications first. If you're going to be bringing it, I kind of need to know your intentions ahead of time.


You're very

She thought for a long moment, moving through the darkness of her dorm-room. She was soon sifting through the door of a metal locker for plastic wrapped objects inside, most of which had never been opened. Carefully, she glanced back at the computer, then her camera atop the display before taking one of the packets and slamming the metal door shut.

Included with the message was an image file: A high angle shot of someone who had intentionally hidden the upper half of their face out of the frame. Beneath a nervous smile of strangely shaped teeth and the thick mess of snowy hair sat a child-like body wrapped in a Yamataian school swimsuit, a kind that hadn't been made in a few years. Both hands were up beneath the camera, each making a V. The smile was particularly forced, this person's cheeks a warm hue of pink. They were nervous, even sweating and the slight judder in the shot suggested trembling. They were as frightened as they were excited.

Was this even legal?

Content having picked the image she liked most (hated least) out of perhaps a hundred photos, Aiesu hit send before cursing herself still wearing the blue swimsuit, palm smacking her forehead.

She'd forgotten to sign the message or even include a footer or goodbye.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid, STUPID, STUPID!"

Well done Aiesu. Well done.
Still semi-sleeping, Akemi wiggled a little to find a better position in her specially designed blanket cocoon and thought away. This time she grabbed herself a Lorath language pack and put it to use while resending her old messages in the alien tongue.

I guess I could be meaning food depending on one's tastes. You're pretty forward too. I was just following suit. Heck, you were so forward you put what you wanted out there when you weren't actually planning to ask for it. I figure hey, if you're making yourself super clear the least I can do is extend you the same courtesy.

Anyway, cool smile and nice outfit. I really like your teeth and hair. That blush is adorable. Cute is synonymous with sexy for me. Are you planning on wearing that under your uniform? Y'know, to complete the costume. I certainly wouldn't criticize such a choice. As for kaserine, I hadn't any intention of using it on you as I imagine you're already pretty small as is.

Back to my forwardness, I gotta say you're also kinda evasive. No need to be shy. There's no shame in admitting your super secret fantasy is to be dominated by a glorious Yamataian if that's the case. I mean I'm sure it's one of the most common fetishes in the universe. I'd consider fulfilling it my civic duty.

Returning to your picture, I love the pose. 10/10 What's a Lorath uniform look like? Going to wear some stockings? Y'know I bet you could wear whatever you want. I doubt you'd be likely to actually encounter any problems. In Yamatai you could just say you were a Neko and wear whatever you want or nothing at all, not even volumetrics.

As for me, I guess I'll let you imagine how I look since you like surprises so much. I'm originally from Yamatai, but now I'm having fun exploring and going wherever I want. I was a Nekovalkyrja soldier. Did my time and now I'm just chilling. How about we go to Akemi's? You can order anything there. Heck, you can order yourself. How's that for variety? You can literally be what you eat, eat what you are. They've got everything and no one would bat an eye at how you look. They'd be too busy looking elsewhere eyeing the waitresses.

Oh, and in case you're interested Neko are on average 5'3" and 99 pounds. Hardly huge. Guys are on average a bit shorter than Nepleslians.

Glad I was able to find your message within the six gajillion I get sent every nanosecond about potential meetups.

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Wearing the swimsuit under a uniform? No, no, I meant a domestic uniforn on Yamatai or one of those sorts of spaces. Like the whole "mysterious white haired transfer student" trope. I guess I'm a bit of a geek. I can't follow foreign media but subtitles are a huge help. I've got lots of weird outfits but most of them I don't think I've ever worn. Even the swimsuit, its the first time I've worn it.

Did you see the name-tag on the front? "Karoupsheia". I already know karou in Yamataian means "over-work" and shea is a kind of tree (Vitellaria paradoxa?) that butter is made from. Anyway. Rambling.

No shame? Ha. I'm used to non-verbal communication, I guess? I'm not very good admitting when I want something with my voice unless I'm high or something.

Akemis.. Its very loud and ... scary but. Again. Don't fear the unfamiliar. It sounds wonderful? Also, Neko are much muuuuch smaller than I expected..

How many messages DO you go through?

Like I said. Um. Arrange a location and a time. I'll book myself some tickets. I do kind of need product, even if nothing happens and I buy it from you with money. But its good to meet people too.

Rambling now. Haa..

Akemi's it is. People tell me all the time I'm awesome at non-verbal communication. Ramble on. I love to ramble. How about we meet at Nepleslia's Funky City docks at 18:00 Nep time? I don't really go through that much mail, but it's a good amount. A lot of it is business though. I bet you'll like it at the docks. Should be your speed.


[insert coordinates]
Aiesu stared at her computer, eyeing the coordinates. Her hands were trembling as she tried to process what the hell had just happened. Her gaze delicately shifted to her clock on the taskbar with a sense of dread but the sense of bird-sound beat her to it: Light cascading in from her minimalist kitchen's venetian blinds. The red frames of her glasses rode on her knuckle as she rubbed at her eyes, stiffling a yawn.

If she went to bed now, she'd never make it in time. But she knew she wouldn't be going. She'd be there in spirit and even there in real time but not in the flesh. Well, technically she would be, but it would be copied. Hopefully, the other AK wouldn't ever know the difference.

I'll see you there then, okay?

I'm the short one in the school uniform with the white hair and the red leather backpack.

Please be gentle.


Yawning, Aiesu reached for her neural headband, thrumming a few numbers into the computer to login to some sophisticated decoding system. Slipping the band on, the strange glyphs on her screen solved and she was faced with something resembling a manufacturing table. She skimmed slowly through options, ticking and changing things like she were ordering a pizza -- the silhouette of a person with frightening resemblance to her gradually changing. She issued it with a quasi-organic skeleton rather than the usual hyper-alloy chassis she was content to use, adjusted her hair-length some for effect and removed the usual scarring but kept the seamless and almost completely life-like prosthetics to match herself. She debated adding pubic hair, cycling it on and off in the schematic maybe twenty times before deciding against, then picking a quantum transponder that would allow her to "hop into" the construct, to experience this first hand without leaving the dorm.

Each time Aiesu added something, the number in the upper right hand corner of points got larger. Content, she hit print, her whole total of "credit" with the consortium dropping observably. She left the construct with directives to get it to the meeting, what to wear, items to take with it and then set the alarm on her phone to wake her up when the construct would arrive and climbed into bed pulling the sheets over herself like some vast cocoon.