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Worldbuilding Prompt How Should The Nepleslian Military Protect Itself Against Small Insects?


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Here's a world-building question: How does the Nepleslian military protect itself against mosquitos and the like in tropical environments? Are there low-tech solutions like mesh bags that go over the head? Or some sort of bug spray or chemical? Could there be some higher tech methods like some sort of static field or something? Genetic modifications?

As usual, I'm hoping we can use the most upvoted useful answer to build the lore of our shared universe!
Genetic modifications?
This. They inject their soldiers with something that makes Nepleslian blood/skin repellent to insects wanting to feed. More crazy DNA mods for the Nep gene soup.
Reactions: Wes
It seems like Nep might employ multiple methods, depending on the soldiers relevant. Plus, redundancy is good, and I feel like that sort of "Layered Redundancy" fits the idea of Nepleslia well.

While several soldiers are likely to get genetic modifications, I can see some guys installing "bugzapper" cybernetics on themselves and chuckling every time some dumbass insect gets fried by their very presence. Toss in a SARP version of those mosquito-repelling incense sticks if they need to keep some civvies clear while they're at it!

Aside from that they prolly tough it out, too. If a lil' bug bite is bothering you then you ain't worth jack if you get shot! Or something like that...
Reactions: Wes
Other then what ever genetic mods they have to have perfect (most likely some modification of the brain to act like a bios and have the immune system not auto reject chrome), Nepleslians not Reds would implement a cybernetic solution. Perhaps a subdermal armor not strong enough to act as armor, but is tough enough to prevent the bugger from going deep enough to elict inflammation. Or maybe they have an implant that makes a pheromone the buggers can't stand smelling with the added bonus of annoying Nekos that might be be able to smell it too.
Nepleslians not Reds would implement a cybernetic solution. Perhaps a subdermal armor not strong enough to act as armor, but is tough enough to prevent the bugger from going deep enough to elicit inflammation
Doesn't very invasive surgery armor under your skin seem a bit extreme for protecting against bugs? And it doesn't keep them out of your ears or eyes. I find it hard to believe that even 10% of the Nepleslian military has subdermal armor. Most of them are mostly regular humans.
Can't see why it would be invasive if nanites are involved. Just a matter injecting them in various spots with the building materials and they start weaving the material in the top layer of the skin while you sit watching the News Girl's big assets on the volumetric display for a few hours. Eyes and ear protection would simply be cool guy shades/headset. I thought most humans in Nepleslia were Homo Sapiens Nepleslian with Homo Sapians Sapiens being near extinct in this sector?
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I didn’t add anything about bugs or the like but the greens do have the basic manure package all the marines get pre-deployment to inoculate them from local diseases, help them not die in other ways as well~

Almost 12 hours later and it takes me seeing my post screencapped in the discord and nobody questioned it...

My phone screen is cracked... I meant to link the Basic NANITE package...
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