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I love politics!


Inactive Member
Just wanted to say I'm having fun watching the back and forth in the Imperial Senate thread. Now this looks like how its supposed to run. ^^ I wanted to suggest some other things too tho. Like maybe after more people get running with it IC like maybe there can be a Imperial Senate C-SPAN that citizens of the Empire can watch to see the Senate in action. And maybe even political commentators who talk about what may happen, the mood of the senate, who will likely vote for what, just to keep things rolling in between breaks of sessions. I know, sounds crazy but what can I say. I really am enjoying this. Keep at it. ^^)/
Well the senate still isn't really an IC part of the site yet. There is no real roleplay going on there.
Hopefully it would enjoy a larger viewer base than C-Span actually does. Of course, it's always on in D.C. area offices. Then again I would say that the people of the Empire would actually be more interested. Or I hope so, at any rate.
Yeah but when it DOES! When it does. I say if it keeps up the momentum we've been seeing there's a chance it may evolve even further into a fully IC-able forum.
I think Blas has a good idea there though. I think it would be an interesting facet to the game's repertoire(sp?). I've never been with any other games that have an active political IG system.
Well this site dosen't have C-span but it did (does?) have a news organisation that put out a few news articles at one time.
I didn't want to force everyone to create Senator characters. I lik eth eidea of a senate RP though.
IC politics would be helpful in actually making the rules and politics have a direct effect on IC events.

It'd add realism, that's for sure.
Characters don't have to be created for a senate RP. The characters can remain implied. The entire Imperial Senate consept needs to be revamped anyways.

The last time we used created characters in an attempt to play politics it only ended up in me being yelled at by most of the members of the site at that time.
Seems to me like some folks already got their Senate characters more or less 'made'. At least Cora seems to. I know there were some others who had names and such for the Senators they were playing but that's in the older Senate postings I think. But yeah! They probably don't need to have full sets of 'skills' like regular YSE characters do but could at least have physical characteristics, descriptions, a small history, and maybe even a pseudo campaign slogan. lol Or maybe skills but make them politically based skills. I think there's a lot of potential here.

Yeah there's also the potential to be disliked, especially when one senator is holding up passage of a bill, or refuses to go along with a certain motion, or keeps fillibustering but it all has to be taken as just a game, its supposed to be fun. This one is more easy to get upset over tho because criticism to a proposal is almost always going to happen. And it might even seem like one person is out to get another if they notice that the same person keeps shooting down the other's proposal. Sometimes that's politics. That's why its a political subject. ^^;
Oh hell no. Don't make actual senate characters. A step above NPC, sure, but not full blown characters.

Give each of them a personality, a political mindset and have at it.

It really does have the potential to bring the worst out in people, still some medium at the least could be done? I won't even go over my experiences with player politics. Then again, that was in an MMORPG form. It might be interesting at the least. I'd just as soon go with the experience here and suggest something a bit different than what apperently failed the last time?

Personaly I wouldn't mind seeing the senate open to players who can handle that kind of RP only.
I think what's seriously needed is some sort of primer or webpage or something that has all the basic details on each of the planets these senators come from.

Unclaimed planets included, of course.

It'd be a good way of familiarizing players with the universe.
Kudos to Tom on that one. I agree. I dont believe we have enough people to hold elections for the candidates but we might be able to do something like how Wes described corporations make money when an actual PC makes money (the multiplying jibberish.) But still, all that wouldnt make much sense...

If you're talking about dividing the votes up by planet population, it's not a good idea. It was agreed among the older players that we wouldn't use that system.

One planet, one player, one vote.

I wouldn't mind if more IC stuff was done in the Senate, as long as it's not disruptive. In the mean time, you guys can entertain yourselves by watching the older players stab at each other in the Senate.
Actually I wasnt. Seriously, I wasnt. Let me try to find the post that I was talking about....

Example: If Ayame bought a $32 pair of pink mesh panties from Yuuko's lingerie/clothing shop and Yuuko had 2 stores, Yuuko's chain of stores would get 64 million KS. There's a LOT of people in the Empire.

I was refering to that for roleplay purposes. Not game mechanics.
My idea is that the primer only exists to give background information on the planets/senators.

Example: Who is this Hoshi No Iori? His political swings (liberal,conservative,independent,etc)? What's his planet's agenda?

Politics is a vicious, merciless game where people wear (a possibly fake) image to the public. Rare is the politician who works in his career simply to advance the greater good.
So how would the orginization chart of the political body look like?

Would we even bother, just say the senate can pass laws that mandate day to day activities, and the Empress/Emperor has mandate over everything they say and or do, and can pass whatever directive needed?

In other words, giving supreme executive power (or remaining with) the Emperess but leaving the 'minor league' things to the consortium of the Senators?
The senate has, in theory, the same power to pass/change/remove laws as the Emperor/Empress does, although the monarch has more power because his/her decrees go into automatically and instantly, while the senate votes on things. Unless there's some significant urgency for a law, the senate usually handles legal stuff. In the Yamataian government, there is no need for an Emperor/Empress, so if one resigns, dies, or is kicked out for incompetency (in theory, the Ketsurui clan or the Senate could), the Senate could rule for years without picking a new one (such as the two years after Empress Yuumi died).
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