Wes said:The senate has, in theory, the same power to pass/change/remove laws as the Emperor/Empress does, although the monarch has more power because his/her decrees go into automatically and instantly, while the senate votes on things. Unless there's some significant urgency for a law, the senate usually handles legal stuff. In the Yamataian government, there is no need for an Emperor/Empress, so if one resigns, dies, or is kicked out for incompetency (in theory, the Ketsurui clan or the Senate could), the Senate could rule for years without picking a new one (such as the two years after Empress Yuumi died).
That's what I was thinking more or less. Though that makes more sense for a more modernized way the Empire would operate. How does that play into inducting new member-states into the Empire? Does the Emperess have veto power in those and other cases? Is it vice versa, with the senate having to vote with 80% to turn over am Imperial mandate? I'm just curious as to hypotheticals, really. Has this been decided already, or like the idea of a pseudo-RP body have these not been ironed out?