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ID-SOL Page Update

Putting something about how ID-SOLs were the predecessors of the Nekovalkyrja would be nice.

Not much is really mentioned about it besides the quote you kept in from the old page rendition. Could one of the older SARP players show us if we have more information that needs to be said about the subject, to get new ID-SOL players a better perspective?
Especially on hybrids. I have absolutely no data about them.

But I will add that in MoonMan. Thanks!
First created by large government-contracted entities hundreds of years ago
The ID-SOLs were mass produced by the government itself, although production had largely dwindled out several decades before [[:YE 01]] along with the mass cloning of normal humans due to overpopulation and the period of peace brought by Empreror Jim Blackman.

A notable ID-SOL was Captain Stone, a Uesureyan who played a part in the colonization of Planet Nepleslia and, later, Planet Kennewes. Stone was a prominent member of the Army of Uesureya (aka greens) and fought against the Reds and other armies. Stone was known to carry a jagged short sword. Like many Army officers of the era, he wore a helmet made from the tough shell of a mega-nut. By the time he retired in [[:YE 01]], he had more service medals and exploration medals than any other soldier.

OOC: Stone is based on my childhood toy Lt. Stone
Originally I was going to have Alaster (My ID-SOL) be a hybrid, however as time went on I changed that. Onething I have learned is that even if they are not purebloods, ID-SOL can still be quite dangerous given the correct circumstances.

I know that my guy went down finally after ingesting copious amounts of sedatives spiked in his drinks. And had to drink several before that happened. So something regarding their toxic resistances or stamina should be said since he even point blanked a guy with a launcher, using just one hand (But strength seems to be covered there.).

I'm not sure if an ID-SOL's musculature would inhibit their reflexes, speed and the like since I did just fine in that regard.
Question. What if we ditch the hybrids? Wouldn't it be easier and more cooler if born Id-Sol is born with same abilities as his daddy? It would save you work too. I for example have never even heard about hybrids before, never mention that there were some already approved born Id-Sol that had same abilities as pure ones, not mentiong that Id-Sol gene is super-domaninat.
Retconning ten years of canon is out of the question. There are a lot of hybrid characters out there. My YSS Sakura captain Rufus Sydney was one. Hybrids should be common but pure ID-SOLs should be very rare (and old) unless Nepleslia decides to start cloning them again.
I was under the impression that ID-SOL Were still being cloned.

We DO have some fairly young (as in a few years) ID-SOL Player characters, don't we?
If the faction manager says the Nepleslian military (or someone) is still making them, that'd be okay with me.
I'm merely the writer/observer. There's a lot of fluff (as Wes pointed out) which I don't know that I'd like to add to the article. And make ID-SOLs the pure awesome that they are.
I have added all the suggestions I've received. Can I get a tech mod to look this over?
Uh, quick note, didn't we retcon out the Super-Y chromosome? I recall back new when I first joined, Nepleslia only had like a 4% female population because of it, and we really wanted some booty on our ships.

Other than that, looks great.
The male to female ratio was adjusted but the super Y is still around.
I have a little question. Since there were canon there were born Id-Sol that were as strong as pure ones and they were approved, could there be little note that Supe-Y chromosome differs in how strong it is? So some born Id-Sols are hybrids, while some are born with practically same abilities as pure Id-Sols? Just a thought.
SUBLIMEinal said:
Uh, quick note, didn't we retcon out the Super-Y chromosome? I recall back new when I first joined, Nepleslia only had like a 4% female population because of it, and we really wanted some booty on our ships.

Other than that, looks great.

We never actually got rid of Super-Y; it's a little neat facet of Nepleslia, and we simply just found a way to rationalize having females at all through Geshrin integration coupled with pure-blood female Nepleslian birthrates. Super-Y isn't an issue.

Super-Y may stay the same but other genes still dictate several things about an ID-SOL, including the looks, physique and physical abilities. I would say it's entirely possible for a specific Hybrid ID-SOL to be stronger than specific Pureblooded ID-SOL; it's all in the genetic makeup.

Also, as a side note, I'd also like to elaborate some on the ID-SOL projects and history, as I'm in the midst of building up Flint Vanderhuge's character profile as a GM character for a possible new project. Since we're in the middle of doing this already, I'd like to have a chat with our Nepleslian GMs and FMs that feel they need to be a part of the proposed history changes, if at all possible.
The thread in the Questions sub-forum about strength states that, on average, a pure ID-SOL is stronger than a hybrid by several degrees. That was the basis I used for the strength comparison.
I believe that is referring to the base levels of strength that are brought about by the DNA changes. Making an ID-SOL doesn't remove the possibility for the normal human fluctuations of strength, it just inserts a predisposition to much increased size and strength.
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