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I'ee Starmap (Feedback and Advice desired)


Well-Known Member
Hey, everyone!
Today I whisked up a hopefully more aesthetically pleasing and detailed map of the I'ee territories.

As before, the main Star Army starmap is off past the upper-right area of the map.
The red, six-pointed stars represent I'ee starbases. I didn't include a key on the picture itself to avoid clutter; instead I'll make a separate image for it when necessary. Also note that the more eloquent names for the stars (especially the uninhabited ones) are not names given by the I'ee, but rather their progenitor race. The I'ee themselves would instead have left them unnamed.

I would greatly appreciate some written feedback regarding this, and how I can best implement it without it causing any problems. Likes are great and all, but a written post helps a lot, and makes me feel a lot better on top of that.
Some questions I'd like to be addressed are if the map looks too cluttered, if the text bubbles look alright, and if the green tendril nebula feels out of place. I love nebulae, so I couldn't resist squishing one in there somewhere.
I think the biggest things we need here are distances and a general legend.

The map, as it stands, has no scale. It looks pretty, and it might make a lot of sense, but we have no context for what we're seeing or how to interact with it.
Yes, scale is certainly a problem here. I'm not entirely sure what I can do about it, though. I've not much experience with making maps, and I'm sure you of everyone here know just how bad I am with measurements, heh.
So, the typical distance between stars in our neck of the Milky Way is about 6 ly give or take. Call it "a couple of parsecs". Taking a look at The Map, that sort of scale seems consistent. Going from there, your map is, from Kss'Oo to Quetriesque probably in the area of 35 ly or just about right on 10 pc. It could be like 20-30% less if you want to imagine that space is, in fact, not actually flat and your journey across the sector goes up and down some. Say it's 25 ly between those two stars and I think you're in good shape.

Add a legend for what colour corresponds to which I'ee family and what the menacing red polygons represent and so on and the map will be close to done. You may also want to indicate what the pale green tendril is.
Thank you, Leigh. That helps me imagine it much better. I'll do some more fiddling on the map tonight.
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