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SYNC [IIS-188604] Food Donation


Banned Member
Inactive Member
To: Uso Tasuki
From: Management, Iemochi Agriculture & Consumables, IIS


We're received notice from our liaison at Section 6 that there is currently some challenge from FSCorp concerning how much we here at IIS care about the average citizen.

Management have had a meeting regarding this, on ways we can help the average citizen of USO and determined a monetary donation would probably seem crass or uncaring, hence we have decided to donate 65,983,247 tons of homegrown produce from our home base, the IIS Avalon.

Normally the food is used to feed the people of the station - around 15/16 million - but we've decided to forsake this harvest for the sake of showing how much we value our relationship and are instead eating packed rations.

We hope these supplies find you well and help enrich the diets of your people, as well as reducing the cost of food for the most needy.

Kind Regards
Your Friends
IIS Management

In addition, we will be providing the runoff seeds produced by this harvest to 188's farmers free of charge so they can expand and grow regardless on how food costs affect them during this period. We expect planetary government to be able to self-regulate the distribution and storage of the food aid as to not put these farmers out of business additionally.

All goods will be delivered direct by our freighters and those we hire to transport the load on Fortuna. We do not expect FSCorp to be able to handle the influx of such high quantities of goods and hence will be distributing them ourselves to government officials planetside.

You may wish to advise them not to fire on or destroy our craft, as not only would that be a pointless exercise it would only suit to incite revolution against them.

As Always
Kind Regards
Your Friends
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To: Management, Iemochi Agriculture & Consumables, IIS
From: Mr. Donovan, President of Frontier Service Corporation

We were informed recently of your intention to donate food and thank you for your interest in the people of 188604. The donation of food is a thoughtful gesture. However, our increasing focus on decontaminating imports will require all donated materials to be processed through Howard Station prior to delivery. We encourage you to respect this arrangement as we push to protect our population from disease.

We understand that you claim to conform to Yamataian and Nepleslian sanitation laws, however we have more confidence by overseeing such work personally than taking your word for it. You should see this as beneficial since your company cannot be held liable for sickness and death by contaminated items.

Kind regards
Mr. Donovan
I have been providing military-grade rations for over a Yamataian year now and I would just like to say that giving back to the poor people of the world of 188604 is so important. I think it's great you're doing it. Really great, it really is, Iemochi guys. But honestly it would benefit you more to think about joining the fight against the total anarchy in Lahiri and Tomalsch going on to this day. If the both of you could put a small grouping of your people and resources into helping the Kingdom attain its goals of regaining control in those areas within the USO borders, then we might be closer to making 188604 the planet it is meant to be. For you, for me, for the children of the planet, and for the I'ee.

Think of the I'ee,
Koga Akemi
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