Star Army

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: 188604 [IIS] Intelligence Pt.1, Pt.2



IIS Liaison Office, Section 6, 188604

Brinjor Kimya opened the hard wooden door to his office with a "click", the brass handle rotating easily under his grip as the older man stepped through to the functional office, red carpet covering the floor. He was engrossed in the datapad he held, several sheets of paper shoved under one arm of his suit. Heels scuffing on the worn carpet, the CEO stepped over to his leather chair and sat upon it with the rasp of hide, spreading the assorted items out.

Amongst the documents, he shifted one so it was right before him, grabbed his datapad and took a deep breath. The words were written before him in his own rushed handwriting from the previous meeting - "Candon is SAINT". He was a little surprised it had taken this long for Section 6 to disclose that little titbit about their apparent competitor but he was glad they had.

Swiping a slight calloused finger across the screen, several deft taps brought up the IIS communication network - one of the most popular forms of comms in the sector. That wasn't just because of the adult content they broadcast but it certainly helped with exposure. His fingertip hovered over the contact number.

"CEO Iemochi Chiyo, Iemochi Innovations and Sales."
The big boss. He'd never actually even talked to her before, the closest he had come to the Iemochi family was the disgusting Iemochi Nagamura, known to be the most disliked of the family but also known for his brilliant mind. Another deep breath - he was about to bother the head of the entire company and all its subsidiaries, which hired more than 30 million people - without an appointment.

He pressed the pulsing button on the interface, the connection symbol taking a second or two to call all the way to Fortuna. On the third ring, a receptionist picked up, his light-toned voice coming through the device - "Office of the CEO, how can I assist you today?"

"Uhm.. This is Brinjor Kimya from the USO Branch. I've got some high-level information." he stammered.

"..I can fit you in for an appointment in ten days." the receptionist came back, unpurturbed.

"No, I.. I mean it's urgent."

"What are you saying, Mister Kimya?"

"I need to talk to her now."


"I swear, she needs to hear this."

"Please hold."


Office of the CEO, IIS Avalon, Fortuna, Nepleslia

A light rapping came from the glass door to Iemochi Chiyo's vast office, the blonde woman glancing up from the holographic screen before her in annoyance. Her damn secretary should know when they could come in and this wasn't one of those times.

She ignored the knocking, casting her emerald eyes back to the display. The receptionist tapped again, to which Chiyo sighed deeply, dispelling the display before her with a flick of a manicured nail.


The younger man poked his head around the door, struggling to hold it open - she'd had it especially made to have strong hinges just for this. "I've got a CEO Brinjor Kimya on the line, ma'am."

"Well who the hell is Brinjor Kimya?"

"He's the CEO of the USO Branch, ma'am. He says he has important information."

"Well why is he talking to me? Nagamura should be his first port of.. Screw it, give me the call."

In no time, the ringing came through the elegant, ergonomic phone inlaid into her curved desk. She took a moment to gaze out of the window, staring at the planet hanging far below, the secretary having enough sense to get lost.

In her own time, perhaps on the seventh ring, she pressed the reciever button.

"Iemochi Chiyo speaking."

Brinjor cleared his throat hurredly, pulling at his tie on the other end of the line to loosen it.

"Ma'am, I'm Brinjor Kimya - I've got some information."

"I know who you are Brinjor. What is it?" she spoke with a tinge of annoyance.

"It's regarding the head of the company which is our main competitor here in USO, Candon Suites."

"Alright, spit it out. You realise I'm managing more than half a dozen markets, this is barely a blip on my radar, Brinjor.

"I-I understand that ma'am." Brinjor managed, feeling suddenly like this was a really bad idea. "It turns out, ma'am, that he's a SAINT operative. I wasn't sure who to contact but yourself because I don't know why our main client would be hiring someone to challenge us in a market."


"Ma'am, they're the reason we're all eating rations. We had to send all the food off to prove the company's worth in the market because they crashed into our craft."

That was where she remembered something about this being mentioned - since she was high enough in the company she'd simply bought food rather than use the supplied rations, much like a lot of the IIS employees.

"Leave it with me, Brinjor. Next time go to my brother - he's your direct superior." she spoke cooly, gesturing to end the call.

On the other end, the beeping disconnection sound allowed Mister Kimya to suddenly release the breath he had been holding, the datapad clattering to the desk as he rubbed his bearded face with shaking hands. That had almost ended with the nuclear option for his career and now, he needed a damn drink.
Office of the CEO, IIS Avalon, Fortuna, Nepleslia

Iemochi Chiyo continued gazing at the swirling clouds that twirled and danced in a ballet across the planet far below. The nametag of Brinjor Kimya disappeared from the display in one corner of the room, their conversation having ended mere moments prior.

Curious. Why would SAINT have one of their agents fronting as the CEO of one of their competitors in USO? Maybe it was just a coincidence but Chiyo knew better from her years at the helm of their superconglomerate to take such as face value.

Twirling her plush chair slowly, the elegant blonde woman pushed herself to those designer heels and stepped across the monochrome-styled room to a cocktail bar nestled into one corner of the room. Quietly, the jade-eyed woman poured herself a little vodka and sipped the crystal glass, perching on the side of its in-built table.

Sighing, she traced the rim of her glass with one perfectly-filed nail. She had to make a call and she knew that the recipient would be hard to sway to their cause.

"Call Iemochi Feyani.." she spoke clearly from where she nestled, taking another dainty sip from the glass she held. The sound of ringing emanated from one of the many hidden screens and speakers in her office, this one swivelling from beside the bar from its hidden position.

The ringing lasted more than ten seconds, Chiyo waiting patiently and reserving her strength for the conversation to ensue.

"Office of the Provost Marshal, Star Army Military Police. How can I help you?" the sound of a rather severe woman carried through the speaker.

"This is Iemochi Chiyo, CEO of IIS. I need to talk to my sister."

"...", silence emanated and hung in the air as this processed through the Marshal's aid-de-camp's mind.

"I'll connect you now." the harsh-sounding woman's voice came back with a slight nervous wavering.

"Chujo Iemochi Feyani speaking.."

"Ani, it's Chiyo. I need t-"

"Chiyo, unless Dad is dead I don't want to hear it."

"Ani.. Please. If I could ask anyone else I would."

"Chiyo, I said I wouldn't be a part of the family as long as Dad still wants to fucking kill our brother."


"He's our brother, Chi. Even if you've never met him, he exists. I do my damn best but now I hear he's off to Elysia, so it's going to be even harder because then he'll be planetside."

"..Ani, I know you're doing what you think is right.."

"It is right."

"Either way, I need you to do something to help all of us. Please."

A sigh came from the Chujo, then a few seconds of pause.

"What is it..?" Feyani muttered with resignation.

"I got a strange call suggesting SAINT is poking around with us in USO.. Or something."

"...Chiyo, what do you want me to do?" the Marshal spoke bluntly.

"If you can find whatever out about Candon Suites it would help us immensely. Please, Ani."

"No promises, Chi. Don't call again unless Dad is gone."

A slamming sound could be heard from the Chujo's end as she ended the call, Chiyo pausing for a moment. In that moment, she wondered for the first time in years what her youngest brother looked like..

Casting the thought aside, the blonde pushed her glasses a little up her nose and knocked back the last of the clear liquid. That wasn't her concern, all she needed to do right now was hope Feyani felt like helping.

@Arbitrated Iemochi family politics if you're interested lol
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