Don't you love when the heated arguments NEVER seem to reach the "Roleplay and Discussion" forum but always land in questions?
Uso, there is a very good reason I don't submit tech, and that is because it requires A LOT OF FREAKIN DETAIL! I'd be like HOLY CRAP if I made something .1 faster simply because I forgot to put the zero in making it .01, I'm sure you have seen my first few attempt at any tech, ninja suit.
On a different perspective, no one would dare do an air battle around terrain, especially if it's with a capital ship like the illustrious unless it was the quicker route that the big ship cannot get to in time (much like a scenario in Clone Wars, which a space cloud blocked warp drive for a fast route, instead had to send fighters though the cloud) however with FTL, it is basically a tool so that the ship can be at the action rather than create dramatic situations.
One more thing is that all players are PC"s typically, they break the laws of physics, NPC's on the other hand, are the ones that go by Uso's Law of Reality. Players do the impossible, as they are the main characters.
Remember that Uso when you go back to argue that the setting has no need for Disrupters simply because it exactly the same thing as a Laser, only the bloody mess looks slightly different.
Back on topic, the actual article for the ship we are using isn't detailed much, in fact, I've seen capital ships more detailed than this fighter. Is it there just so it can be roleplayed to the point where we know where everything is? I mean, if it had sticks and displays, why not put it in the article for PC's to see?
(now can we go back to Q&A about roleplay not mechanics?)