Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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Improvements Board Concern

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I also disagree with a poll and with a minimum time of some sort for the reasons British Tom put forth and because that would only really serve to hinder the tech process.

I'm asking for all new stuff to go through the contributions forum.
Personally, I agree somewhat with Tosh. It's Wes's cheerios, and he can piss in them if he wants. I can't say I approve of his pissing in his cheerios, and I don't particularly like piss flavored cheerios, which is one reason I am not playing Yamatai, but he can still piss in them if he wants. If people don't like what Wes is doing, then they can probably leave the board.

What I have to complain about is the difficulty in getting my off the kilter ideas approved. And that is partially because there are so many people trying to best Wes. Trying to best Wes is stupid. Trying to come up with something fun and or quirky is good.
It's not always about me, guys. There are three other tech approvers, too.

Of course, posting my ideas in the contributions forum, and then approving seems kind of lame. I guess the main idea is to alert you there's something new.

You're kinda defeating the purpose of the contributions board by approving your tech right after you post it Wes.
It's his right, Cora. He can post and approve whatever he wants. One of the perks of being the admin.
I know it's his right, but the contribution board is ment for then just posting and approving tech, it's for people to discuss and critique tech too.
Cora....he can CHANGE the meaning on a whim. We can still discuss/critique it, sure, and he can make alterations after the fact if he wants; but to say he can't do this or can't do's just not true, and never will be.
You seem to think he's obligated to wait before approving his own ideas so you can criticize. This is not the case. He may be WILLING to do so, but does not have to.
Alright. This has officially gone far beyond what even I was looking at. The tech clique problem has been mostly addressed -- in essence, the use of peer review might be frowned upon, but it will not change. And we have a new list of things (on the submission rules) that Wes will dislike, and now that they're encoded no one can be excused from them.

If you guys want to continue this, go nuts. But my question's been addressed.
Two things to you Fred,
1) You are using the Sol system for that, the majority of stars don't have any planets, never mind having a system proper extending 5+ AU. For the Sol system 99.8426% of the solar systems mass (including the mass of the Kuiper Belt & Oort Cloud) resides within that 1AU diameter. So when you are moving all but a tenth of a percent of a solar system, I would say it is not unreasonable to say that you are moving the solar system. If I moved my car to the other side of the street and left that six pack of Coke (tm) on the sidewalk no one would criticize me for saying i moved the car.

2) Fred, your hostility is not necessary. Neither me nor Uso are insulting anybody, we trying to give constructive criticism on a matter we are concerned about.

Again I have to agree with Uso here (what does this make it? like 7 times in a year plus that I agree with the man?), just because Wes can exercise his power as owner of the site does not mean that he should blow off the system everyone else has to use.
*Smacks Vesper upside the head*

1 AU is the averedge distance between the earth and the sun. You can grab the fucking sun and the three innermost planets of earth. Just because the sun is realy super fucking massive does not mean you are grabbing 99.8426% of the solar system. It just means that you are grabbing a sun and it's three innermost planets, leaving everything from the asteroid belt to the oort could high and dry!

Excluding the sun most of the mass of the solar system is WELL out of that radius.
Le Blue Dude, that kind of namecalling and language is not acceptable here. Keep it civil if you're going to continue down this road, and keep it on topic.
I would also like to point out that there is no reason why you couldn't move the sun and then go back for the other planets.
In fact my gluteus maximus and associated muscle groups are most likely quite dumb, given there lack of brain matter.

The solar system is defined by the star at its center. The fact you can move it light years with the push of a button makes it all but irrelevant that you aren't moving the satellites orbiting it when those satellites make up just a tenth of percent of the stars mass.
Maybe we should have some sort of OOC agreement worked out before any star system is destroyed or majorly altered.
We must assume that our star-system is average. We don't have much information about others. And without the planets it's just a sun, not a solar system.

Warping the planets later would be rather hard seeing as how they need to be in the right place at the right time going at the right velocity or their orbits fall apart
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