Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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RP In the Business of the Mining Guild

Astrid watched as Veronica Stone, the head of Marketing, leaned forward, her eyes alight with enthusiasm.

"A mobile store is indeed an interesting idea," Veronica began, her voice brimming with energy as she built on Astrid's proposal. "And to expand on it, I propose that we build this mobile store as a variant of the Polaris-class Ultra Carrier."

Astrid tilted her head slightly, intrigued by where Veronica was going with this. The Polaris-class Ultra Carrier was one of the Guild’s most impressive and versatile ship designs, known for its ability to support and repair a wide range of ships. It made sense for such a ship to serve as the foundation for a mobile store, especially with the potential for customization and repair services.

"This way," Veronica continued, "we could show off not just our mining technology but also certain ships that we might be willing to sell. We could even use the existing carrier systems, the ones that typically repair ships, and configure them to allow potential clients to customize their designs—change the colors, modify aesthetics on the spot."

Astrid nodded in approval. The ability to provide live customization would definitely attract more attention. "That sounds like a great way to let clients get a hands-on experience with our designs," Astrid said. "It would make the ships feel more personal to them."

Veronica smiled, excited by the synergy. "Exactly! And," she added with a gleam in her eye, "we could even offer special, limited-time designs or themes. For instance, we could create a special color theme like the purple used by the Motoyoshi Clan. We could call it 'The Orchid,' named after the special nickname of their matriarch, Katsuko. It would honor their legacy and appeal to clients who admire the Motoyoshi style."

Astrid raised her eyebrows, clearly impressed. The idea of themed designs tied to prominent factions or families was a clever marketing strategy. The Orchid theme, especially, would capture the attention of those familiar with the Motoyoshi Clan’s influence and prestige.

"That's a fantastic idea, Veronica," Astrid said, already seeing how it could work. "Not only would it give us a creative edge, but it would also be a subtle nod to the diplomatic ties we’re fostering. And it could attract those who appreciate luxury and tradition in equal measure."

Veronica beamed at the praise, but she wasn’t finished. "As for the crew," she continued, "I agree that the Night Guard would handle security, no question about that. Their presence would ensure the protection of both the crew and our assets. But for the rest of the staff, the majority should come from the Marketing Division. After all, this ship will be a direct extension of our outreach efforts."

Astrid nodded, thinking about the logistics. Marketing personnel would know how to handle customers, present the ships and technology in the best light, and close deals efficiently. "Yes, I can see how Marketing would be the right fit for most of the crew. They’re the ones who know how to sell our vision."

Veronica, clearly in her element, clasped her hands together. "After this meeting, I'll review my roster and select personnel with the right skills for this assignment. We’ll need sales experts, tech-savvy marketers who can demonstrate ship systems, and of course, engineers who understand the repair and customization processes."

She paused for a moment, and then her eyes widened as another thought struck her. "Oh! I just thought of a name!" she gasped, excitement spilling into her voice. "We could call it the Merchant-class Mobile Store, and the first ship in this line... it could be named the Celestial Aisles!"

Astrid’s smile grew wider at the suggestion. "The Celestial Aisles," she repeated, testing the name on her tongue. It had a grand, almost ethereal quality to it, something that evoked the vastness of space and the treasures it held. "I love it. The name perfectly captures the idea of a traveling store in the stars, bringing the best of the Mining Guild to every corner of the galaxy."

Veronica was positively glowing, her excitement infectious. "Thank you, Miss Kurosaki. I really think this concept could take off. The Merchant-class can travel far and wide, bringing our technology and ships directly to the people. We can customize not just colors but certain minor features of ships, allowing clients to have a truly unique experience with us."

Astrid leaned back, letting the idea settle in her mind. The concept of a mobile store was rapidly evolving into something more significant—a fleet of specialized ships designed not only for sales and marketing but for brand immersion and direct engagement with potential clients. It would be a bold, forward-thinking step in the Guild's expansion strategy.

"All right," Astrid said, a note of determination in her voice. "Let’s move forward with the plan. Veronica, once you’ve reviewed your roster, work with the Engineering Corps to start designing the Merchant-class Mobile Store. We’ll want to move quickly on this. And as for the Celestial Aisles, let’s make sure it’s ready to be the flagship of this new initiative."

Veronica nodded eagerly, already preparing herself to dive into the details. Astrid could feel the momentum building. This project would be ambitious, but with the right planning and execution, it had the potential to revolutionize how the Mining Guild expanded its presence across the galaxy.

"We’ll reconvene in a few days to discuss progress," Astrid added, glancing around the room. "I want everyone to be involved, and if you have any ideas for how your division can contribute, now’s the time to bring them forward."

Veronica nodded her head and then turned her attention to Doctor Kross, the head of the Engineering Corps. Her eyes gleamed with excitement, the spark of a new idea taking shape.

"I’d also like to have a word with you, Doctor Kross," she said, her tone professional yet eager. "Before I return to my office, I’ve been thinking about a special type of drone—one that might work well with the new ship concept we just discussed."

Doctor Kross raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the sudden shift in conversation. "A special drone? Go on, Veronica."

Veronica leaned forward slightly, already visualizing her idea as she spoke. "I was thinking... what if we designed a drone specifically tailored to enhance the customer experience aboard the Celestial Aisles? These drones would act as personalized guides for potential clients—floating assistants that can show off the ships, highlight key features, and even provide live demonstrations on how to use certain technologies."

Doctor Kross crossed his arms thoughtfully. "A personalized guide drone… it would certainly give clients a more interactive experience. And if they’re integrated into the ship’s systems, they could provide detailed specifications or offer customization suggestions in real time."

"Exactly!" Veronica said, clearly excited that Kross was following her line of thought. "They could even be programmed to recognize frequent clients, store their preferences, and make tailored recommendations based on their previous visits. Imagine a client walking into the ship, and their personal drone immediately greets them by name, then suggests a few design tweaks based on what they’ve liked in the past."

Kross nodded slowly, considering the possibilities. "Interesting. We’d need to design the drones to interface seamlessly with both the ship’s systems and the marketing platform we’ll be using to track customer preferences. We could also equip them with holo-projection capabilities, allowing them to project a small model of the ships or equipment being sold, complete with real-time customization options."

Veronica clapped her hands together in excitement. "That’s brilliant! A holographic display would take it to the next level. Clients could see the changes they want to make to their ship or equipment in real-time, without needing to physically alter the product until they’re satisfied."

Doctor Kross seemed to be warming to the idea. "I’ll work with my team to draft up some designs. The drones will need to be sleek, efficient, and capable of handling a variety of tasks. We’ll also need to ensure they’re user-friendly, especially for clients who might not be familiar with advanced technology."

Veronica smiled, clearly satisfied with the direction the conversation was heading. "Perfect. I think this addition could really set the Celestial Aisles apart from any other mobile store or ship showcase. It’ll give customers a personalized experience that not only feels high-end but also incredibly modern and innovative."

Astrid, who had been listening to the exchange with interest, chimed in, "I agree. These drones could be a game-changer. Let’s make sure they’re designed with versatility in mind. They should be able to cater to different types of clients—from those who are just browsing to those ready to make a purchase on the spot."

Kross nodded. "Understood. I’ll begin work on the preliminary designs as soon as possible."

Veronica, satisfied that her idea was in good hands, turned back to Astrid. "Thank you, Miss Kurosaki. I’ll head back to my office now and start preparing for the next steps on our end. But I’ll keep in touch with Doctor Kross to make sure everything is progressing smoothly."

Astrid smiled warmly. "Thank you, Veronica. I’m looking forward to seeing this project come to life."

As everyone began getting up to leave, Astrid noticed Lady Nyx making her way over to join Veronica and Doctor Kross. Intrigued, she subtly slowed her own departure, just enough to overhear their conversation.

Lady Nyx spoke with her usual calm yet authoritative tone, building on the earlier discussion. "On the topic of drones, I had another idea," Nyx said thoughtfully. "What if we create an advertising drone—one that could autonomously promote the ship and its purpose? Since it's a drone, it could move freely and even enter areas that might be less safe for our personnel, like criminal territories or unstable regions. It would provide us with a degree of separation from any risk, and we could incorporate the hologram projection feature Doctor Kross mentioned earlier."

Veronica’s eyes lit up as she listened, her mind clearly whirring with possibilities. "An advertising drone... that's brilliant!" she exclaimed. "It could act as a mobile billboard of sorts, spreading the word about the Celestial Aisles and showcasing some of our most impressive technologies. And since it’s unmanned, we wouldn’t be putting anyone in danger if it strayed into hostile territory."

Doctor Kross nodded, already considering the technical aspects. "We could give it long-range capability and a self-sustaining power source, perhaps solar-based, to allow it to operate for extended periods without the need to return for charging. And if it uses holographic projections, we could customize the messages it delivers, adapting to local markets, languages, or even broadcasting special promotions based on the region it’s in."

Nyx continued, her sharp mind clearly at work. "Exactly. And since it’s a drone, it could go places our mobile store can’t—like underdeveloped systems or more remote sectors where we're trying to establish a foothold. It could preemptively advertise our services, build interest, and gauge the local response before we even send a ship there. Plus, with holo-projections, we could provide a preview of what the Celestial Aisles offers, from technology to ships."

Veronica was fully on board, excitement clear in her voice. "That could revolutionize our marketing efforts! The drones could even work in fleets, strategically moving to key locations. Maybe we can program them to attend events, trade shows, or even drift near pirate markets to catch the attention of those who deal in more…gray areas of commerce."

Doctor Kross tapped his chin thoughtfully. "We’d need to ensure the drones have a strong self-defense protocol in case they’re tampered with or targeted. While they wouldn’t be heavily armed, perhaps we could include a cloaking system or a quick-exit mechanism to protect them in hostile environments."

Astrid, who had been listening closely, couldn't help but chime in. "I like this. Not only are we maximizing the visibility of the Celestial Aisles and our technologies, but we're doing it in a way that minimizes risk. We could deploy these drones far and wide, even across faction borders, to build up anticipation before our ship even arrives. It’s perfect for expanding into new territories."

Nyx nodded, pleased to see Astrid sharing her vision. "Precisely. And since the drones would be gathering data as they move, we could use that information to determine the best areas to deploy our resources. The Stratum Intelligence Group could analyze the feedback, ensuring we're always one step ahead of the competition."

Doctor Kross smiled, clearly appreciating how the idea had evolved. "I’ll start working on the designs. We can create both an advertising version and a customer-assistance version to complement each other. They’ll be part of the same drone family, but with distinct functions."

Veronica grinned. "This is going to change the game. Once we deploy these drones, we’ll have eyes—and advertisements—everywhere."

Astrid smiled at the collaborative energy swirling around the room, feeling a surge of excitement about the project. "I can’t wait to see where this takes us. Let’s make it happen."

With that, the conversation ended on a high note, with all three—Lady Nyx, Veronica, and Doctor Kross—energized to turn these ambitious ideas into reality.
A few hours later, in Astrid's office, Veronica Stone entered, accompanied by Doctor Gideon Kross. The two were filled with a sense of accomplishment, having just wrapped up an intensive design session. Veronica’s smile hinted at excitement as she approached Astrid's desk, carrying her data pad. "Miss Kurosaki," she began, her tone professional yet brimming with enthusiasm, "we have something to show you. The drone concept we discussed earlier—it’s ready."

Astrid, sitting behind her desk, looked up from the reports she had been reviewing. Curiosity sparked in her eyes as she set the files aside. "I’m eager to see what you’ve come up with," she replied, leaning back in her chair with an expectant smile.

Veronica nodded and activated a button on her pad, instantly summoning a holographic display in the center of the room. The projection showcased the sleek form of a drone, hovering in mid-air. "This is the Echosails advertisement drone," Veronica announced with pride.

The drone itself was a marvel of sleek design, its structure streamlined for both efficiency and elegance. It featured long, narrow wings—like sails—extending outward from its body, giving it a futuristic and somewhat graceful appearance. These wings were the defining feature of the drone, and their surfaces were lined with holographic projectors. As the hologram spun slowly, Astrid could see intricate lines of digital circuitry running along the wings, hinting at the advanced technology packed within the drone’s frame.

Doctor Kross stepped forward to provide the technical details. "The Echosails drone is equipped with advanced holographic projectors embedded in its wings. These projectors allow it to display dynamic advertisements on multiple sides, which can be customized depending on the region or event it's deployed to. The holograms can show everything from ship models to product demonstrations. We’ve designed it to be eye-catching and adaptable, capable of promoting our technology in a wide range of environments."

As if on cue, the drone’s holographic projectors flickered to life. Bright, vibrant images danced across its wings, showing a polished advertisement for the Celestial Aisles, complete with holographic visuals of the ship's design, its luxurious interior, and the various products and services it would offer. The visuals were accompanied by text overlays in multiple languages, demonstrating the drone’s adaptability for use in different territories and cultures.

Veronica smiled as she watched the display. "The holograms can be switched on the fly, so if it enters a market or system with specific interests, the drone can tailor its message to that audience. For example, in Yamataian-controlled regions, it might highlight some of our more advanced ship designs systems. Or, in more peaceful territories, it could focus on mining technologies, industrial equipment, or even the luxury side of what we offer, like housing modules and advanced consumer goods."

Astrid leaned forward, clearly impressed. "This is more advanced than I expected," she said, her eyes glued to the holographic drone and its rotating images. "It’s captivating. I can imagine this drone would draw crowds just by being present."

Doctor Kross, pleased by her reaction, continued with the technical breakdown. "We also included a long-range communications array, allowing the drone to stream live feeds or receive updates remotely. It has autonomous pathfinding, so it can chart courses through various regions without needing constant oversight. And as a safety measure, we’ve equipped it with self-defense protocols, including an emergency cloaking device and a quick-escape feature, should it find itself in hostile territory."

Veronica added, "We've also built in a self-repair function for minor damages. If it gets hit or scrapes something in its travels, it can self-diagnose and patch itself up without needing to return to a base station."

Astrid stood up, walking around the hologram to take in every angle of the Echosails drone. The possibilities were endless, and she could see the value this could bring to their operations, both in marketing and in making their presence felt across uncharted territories.

"Have you thought about where we’d deploy it first?" Astrid asked, her mind already racing with potential uses.

Veronica exchanged a look with Doctor Kross before replying. "We were thinking of starting small—deploying a few Echosails drones to key markets we're already familiar with, like the New Dusk Conclave territories, or perhaps near Yamataian borders to drum up interest. But they could easily be expanded into unexplored regions as we gauge their effectiveness."

Astrid nodded, thoughtful. "We could send them ahead of the Celestial Aisles, as part of a coordinated campaign. Build up interest in those systems before we arrive, like creating anticipation for a new product launch."

"Exactly," Doctor Kross agreed. "It’s not just an advertisement; it’s an advance scout in many ways. We’ll also receive valuable data about the reception in different markets—information we can use to better plan our entry strategy."

Astrid smiled. "This is fantastic work, both of you. I want to see the first of these drones out in the field as soon as possible. Let’s get the marketing team and SIG involved. The sooner we have this operational, the better."

Veronica beamed with satisfaction, already formulating the next steps in her mind. "We’ll get the deployment plans ready right away," she said confidently, but before leaving, she hesitated for a moment, her expression shifting to one of thoughtfulness. "Also, before I go, I’ve compiled a list of potential crew members for the Celestial Aisles," she continued, her tone now more deliberate. "I made sure they were representative of the various species working within the Mining Guild."

Astrid nodded, motioning for her to proceed.

Veronica glanced at her data pad, reviewing the crew choices. "First, for the captain, I’ve selected Nyla Strider, a Feline anthro. She’s a seasoned leader with a remarkable sense of strategy. I think she’s the perfect fit to oversee all operations aboard the carrier, ensuring not just the smooth running of things, but also maintaining security at the highest levels. Nyla has this uncanny ability to navigate through complicated situations—both in space and with people—and I trust her judgment completely."

Astrid leaned forward slightly, intrigued by the choice. "I’ve heard good things about Nyla. Her leadership style could be exactly what we need for a ship like the Celestial Aisles. And her background with handling sensitive operations… she’ll manage the crew well."

Veronica smiled, encouraged by Astrid's approval, and continued. "For her second-in-command, I’ve chosen Zephyr, a fox anthro. He’s sharp, tactical, and has a strong understanding of ship mechanics and command structure. While his personality is a bit more laid-back compared to Nyla’s, they complement each other. He has this ability to keep morale high even in tense situations, which I think will be crucial on a ship that’s not only about marketing but also showing off our tech and services to different factions."

Astrid considered this thoughtfully, appreciating the balance between Nyla’s sharpness and Zephyr’s more grounded approach. "Good. A strong team at the helm is essential for such an important vessel."

Veronica nodded, gaining momentum as she went through the list. "For the ship’s AI, I’d like to use Astra. She’s one of the newer AIs, spawned in Technospace, and while she’s still learning, she’s shown incredible adaptability. Astra’s processing speed and decision-making are phenomenal, and she’s perfect for handling the day-to-day operational load of the Celestial Aisles. She would function as a subordinate to Aurum, our primary AI overseeing all major systems, but Astra’s more specialized toward crew interaction and customer experience—perfect for a ship that will be engaging with clients from all over."

Astrid’s eyes brightened at the mention of Astra. "A good choice. I’ve been hearing about some of the newer AIs, and Astra sounds like she could really enhance the ship’s operations."

Veronica’s excitement only grew as she continued. "I also want Hex aboard as a Loading and Unloading Unit. Hex is highly versatile, able to handle cargo efficiently with multiple appendages, and it’s got a bit of a personality—witty, even. Having Hex in charge of logistics and cargo would ensure everything moves seamlessly, especially when we have to offload products during demonstrations."

Astrid smiled. "I like that idea. A logistical unit with some charm to it. Hex sounds like a good fit."

Veronica’s tone then grew more serious as she moved to the final member of her proposed crew. "For our helms officer, I’ve selected Valyris. She’s… honestly the best pilot we have. No one else compares when it comes to precision flying or handling complex maneuvers. But there’s a bit of a complication…" Veronica hesitated, then continued carefully. "Valyris was created as a clone in our Station Omacron cloning center. She’s talented, but there’s an issue with her legs—she can’t walk and relies on a hover chair to get around. And unfortunately, some have refused her for certain positions because of it."

Veronica’s frustration became evident as her voice wavered slightly. "But I don’t want to damn it!" she blurted, before quickly realizing her tone. Blushing deeply, she lowered her head. "Apologies, ma'am, for my language. I just... Valyris deserves this. She’s worked hard, and I don’t want her physical condition to hold her back from what she’s capable of."

Astrid remained silent for a moment, letting Veronica’s words settle in the room. She could sense the passion behind Veronica’s defense of Valyris, and it resonated with her deeply. "There’s no need to apologize, Veronica," Astrid finally said, her voice calm but firm. "I appreciate your honesty—and your conviction. If Valyris is the best pilot we have, then that’s what matters. We’ll make the accommodations she needs, but she should have the chance to prove herself."

Veronica sighed with relief, clearly grateful for Astrid’s support. "Thank you, Miss Kurosaki. I’ll make sure Valyris knows we’re giving her the opportunity she’s earned."

Astrid nodded. "Make sure the ship is equipped with everything she needs to perform at her best. If she’s our top pilot, we’re lucky to have her."

Veronica stood a little taller, now filled with a renewed sense of determination. "I’ll handle it personally."

As the conversation drew to a close, Astrid couldn’t help but feel proud of her team. The Celestial Aisles was shaping up to be more than just a marketing vessel—it was becoming a showcase of the Mining Guild’s talent, ingenuity, and inclusive vision. With the right people, the right technology, and a shared sense of purpose, she knew they were about to set a new standard in how their organization presented itself to the galaxy.

Veronica and Doctor Kross left the office, leaving Astrid to reflect on the discussion. The future looked promising, and she couldn’t wait to see it unfold.