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Interest Check [Independent] Ragnarok


The Gunman
Hello ladies and germs, I have been toying around with this idea for awhile and wanted to see if anyone would actually be interested in it. I want to create the origin story for the Ragnarok Mercenary group.

Those who choose to join will be the founding members of Ragnarok. Ragnarok is a PMC (Private Military Company) that will start from humble beginnings to become a widely known outfit. They will travel the galaxy picking up odd jobs, slowly building notoriety and infamy. The actions of this plot will influence the actions of Ragnarok.

So is this interesting to anyone? Thoughts, concerns or questions?
It is in the present. It will lay the ground work for Ragnarok later on. They will slowly get larger over time so everyone can see how they are influencing the plot.

It is up to you. I am rocking a Nep. with heavy cybernetics
What nation is the business registered in?
To clarify why he's asking, keep in mind that non-SAoY military forces operating in Yamataian space is considered piracy at best. Unless you have a treaty and permission, you're pretty much 100% unable to operate on anything Yamatai claims without breaking the law.
A thought occurred to me that I may or may not have said already in other areas, but what about the potential planets that are within the Nepleslian expanse? Seems like a good place for a PMC to start up and begin building a foundation. Good old fashion hired guns doing things to secure a lawless planet, outsourcing there skills and guns to the highest bidder. The whole idea of hunting pirates down in space and having a huge roving ship does not sound like "starting from the ground up".

The other two plots this evokes feels and draws ties to are Luca's Phoenix and Foxtrot's Bounty Hunts. So for players looking to get into another plot like either one of those, this might be another alternative for them. Might even want to brainstorm with @Kirkatan since this seems like it might be a little more up his alley
So is anybody interested? I would like to know before I spend time finishing the details.

Ragnarok will start on a newly colonized world. Fixing problems for the highest bidder.slowly becoming the world's best known mecernaries. Everyone in this plot will be founding members of Ragnarok and will influence it's future.
You got my attention, but I am going to have to hold off on making a new charecter for now. School is starting to catch up to me and I have 3 half-finished characters that I need to get moving first.
I suggest actively soliciting your new members from people posting in the introductions forum. The newest players need plots way more than the people who have been already here for a while and already have commitments. And it'll be a lot easier for them to enter a plot at its start than to have to enter a plot in the middle of things and having to play catch-up.
@Gunhand4171, seems you have four potential players for this RP once you get it planned out. You've got a lot of work cut out for you if you want this to work. Looks like someone needs to start drawing up the details.
Happy to become a part of the outfit. I've also spent the past two days cooking up a new character, Rosemary, finishing just recently. Though then I realized @Grey Library had already beaten me to the punch for a mid-long ranged sniper seven days ago . Suggestions on changing her role? And hey, I realized she doesn't exactly have a military background but I couldn't stop myself with the backstory.
You can still be a sniper if you want to. I have no restrictions on what you can be.

However, here are a few ideas for you if you would like to pick something else.


Engineer: tech oriented

Rifleman: Combat oriented

Heavy: Large weapon orientated

Medic: Medically orientated

Assault: CQC (close quarters combat) orientated

Sniper: Recon and support orientated

to name a few
Awesome, I just wanted to make sure I wouldn't end up causing a problem. I suppose I'll keep Rose within a more supportive role as a hybrid marksman/sharpshooter and engineer as I originally intended.
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